Information Center UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
About Information Center UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
Information Center UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang is a university, located at Dinoyo, Lowokwaru, Malang City, East Java 65145, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 623 41551354, visit their website for more detailed information.
Zakiah Intan Fenanda
" Kampus ulul albab tercinta "
16 April 2018Dewa Maulana
09 March 2018Nabilla1 Akbarindo
" good place for study islamic religion "
22 February 2018Santoyan Channel
" Tempat yang sering buat mengumpul teman2 mahasiswa dan mahasiswi baik yang junior atau yang senior. Sekalipun Wi-Fi nya hanya khusus mahasiswa UIN MAULANA MALIK IBRAHIM. "
02 February 2018Ikrom Arfa
" It's have been fantastic "
05 December 2017Deby Wulan
" Good Place for study "
29 November 2017Lindra Nur Khanifah
" Good view, good citizen, good atmosphere for education "
03 November 2017Khorida Elba
" Puskom "
13 October 2017Muhammad Ndaru
" Good place to study. "
08 September 2017Sasa Salsabila
" Biasa jadi tempat ngumpul mahasiswa/i buat internetan karna wifinya kenceng. Katanya sebagai tempat nanya² informasi UIN Malang, tapi karna tempatnya dipojok deket pintu keluar kadang banyak yg nanya di luar pusat :') "
02 August 2017Zoenk88
" The largest state Islamic university in Indonesia. The University has been accommodating students from different backgrounds and nationalities. "
28 July 2017Muhammad Thahiruddin
" Pusat Informasi UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. Bagi yang bingung sesuatu di UIN, misal mencari gedung untuk tes sbmptn atau yang lain, silahkan tanya ke sini, "
05 July 2017R-Three Area
" I was student here. Great collage. "
18 June 2017Slamet Abdullah
" Great Campus MUSLIM "
09 April 2017Shovan Fanny Mahmad
" The Best Universities 👍👍👍 "
30 December 2016Indra Rukmana
" It's good place to study general course and islamic religion "
06 November 2016Izun Hamidah
" A half of my soul is right there. Brought by U. Give me back please aka. Haha alay, semoga belajarmu disitu lancar yaaa.. wish U luck :' "
21 August 2016Irwah Yudi Laonga
" Belajar menuntut ilmu study keislaman modern 💖👍 "
27 June 2016Ulinnuha Akbar
" Because this palace is very green ,beautiful ,looked fresh ,It's very amazing "
03 March 2016Ace Mughnie
" Need an improvement on WIFI connections to become a World Class University.. :) "
11 January 2016Ratno Feriyanto
" Good, majuu terus almamater ku... "
14 August 2014