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About Hotel Sukapura Permai

Hotel Sukapura Permai is a lodging, located at Jl. Raya Bromo No.135, Sukapura, Probolinggo, Jawa Timur 67254, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 335 581067 for more detailed information.



Item Reviews - 23

Ryan Fadli

" For a backpacker, nothing to worry about this place. Everything just turns out to be fine. But, if you look for genuine pleasure, nothing more to expect from this place because everything is basically not that good to give you enough pleasure. "

26 May 2018

Muhamad Arka

" Rapid "

02 May 2018

KoeM Kristiadi

" Hotel transit yang nyaman saat tour Bromo "

11 April 2018

Aswin Sakatto

" Top "

30 March 2018

Chulmin Park

" Just ok "

24 February 2018

Gatot Setiawan

" Top "

20 October 2017

Zar 903

" Do expect salesman waiting infront of your door. Everytime when they heard somebody open the door, they will come and promote their goods. Eventhough they will not force you to buy, but the peace and comfortable had been compromised. "

18 October 2017

Antony Wicaksono

" The price is okay facility is okay "

18 October 2017

Fanni Sufiandi

" Little bit creepy "

29 August 2017

Rizka SK

" Minimalist hotel "

22 August 2017

Agus S Wibowo

" Nice place group or meeting "

15 August 2017

Adam Mele

" A hotel is a place we live, but typically only for a short amount of time. "

22 July 2017

Whedy Yudha

" Terkesan sederhana dan susana malam nya sepi...cocok untuk transit sebelum ke wisata Bromo... "

13 July 2017

Mahfud Effendi

" Dari sisi pelayanan dan akomodasi, rasanya tidak terlalu pantas jika dikatakan sebagai hotel.
Tidak ada fasilitas apapun yang disediakan. Hanya kamar dan parkiran yang cukup luas. Itu saja.
Kebersihanpun masih kurang. "

26 March 2017


" Jelek. Hotel itu bohong harga sewaan mobil dan jeep. Fasilitas di sana juga kurang. Hotel ga beri tisue dan alat pencuci badan. Tempat tidur berbau. "

12 February 2017

Muhammad Mashuri

" Nice place! Viewnya bagus. Simple dan bersih cocok buat keluarga besar yang memang rencana menyaksikan matahri terbit! Rekomen telpon langsung daripada mesen online. Tapi kalo malem berisik sama suara jeep danmotor. "

12 January 2017

Rizal Baktiar

" Good hotel with a good view "

07 January 2017

Анатолий Новоселов

" Нет туалетной бумаги. Из достоинств: действительно вкусный завтрак и тишина в номерах "

27 September 2016

Kastur Sium

" Sesuai dg tarifnya, bersih dan ramah "

11 July 2016

Ridha Adlin

" Pnasaran bintang dulu "

29 May 2016

Nugroho Sucahyo

" Mayan "

20 July 2015

Andreas Pangemanan

" Simple, bersih terjangkau "

31 January 2015

David Santoso

" Simple and clean. "

09 May 2014

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