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About Hartono Sidoarjo

Hartono Sidoarjo is an electronics store, located at Jl. Ahmad Yani No.13, Sidokumpul, Kec. Sidoarjo, Kabupaten Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur 61254, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 31 7321212, visit their website for more detailed information.



Item Reviews - 46

Albert Leonardo Pisa

" Great services, great price, great place. "

28 September 2020

Yiyik M

" Good price and good service "

19 March 2020


" enjoy your electronic needs.. plenty cashback,discount, etc .. nice service.. "

06 February 2020

" "

26 January 2020

Happyrury .

" Good service, good price, a lot of promo "

25 January 2020

Alfa Radito

" All items are cheaper than other. But it deals extra damage when you go there with your wife.. "

20 December 2019

Mohamad Bahtiar Rizwandha

" The best electeonic store in the town "

14 November 2019

Carlos Fernández

" Good prices and clean please but attention of the employees is not always good. The most of the times they are distracted talking between them. "

12 November 2019

Amru Alhasany

" a very complete store related to electronic goods and a good arrangement of goods and makes it easy for buyers to choose, employees who serve quite a lot and are friendly. for those who have a credit card can make purchases on credit and 0% interest. For those who do not have a credit card can also make purchases on credit by registering with a store partner. "

07 August 2019

Novi Na

" It is a store that offers you a complete electronics, a good service, and the price is reasonable, it can take cash or credit "

17 July 2019

Sekar Pristika

" Friendly and helpful staff, much cashback and disc at the weekend. "

23 June 2019

Rizal Zulkarnain

" Having good experience shoping, good place to find your electronics need, sales boy was kind and gave such detail information about product we asked, and have lot of promotions "

15 June 2019

House Of Lusy

" At this time Hartono Elektronik Sidoarjo is the best electronic store in sidoarjo. The place is clean, comfort, the services is good and varian of product is complete. I hope the management has plan to enlarge parking area :) "

30 May 2019

M. Luthfi Yasin

" All good. Services,crews,and product previews. Clear and well-informed. Moreover, crews and credit staffs were attractive, quick response , good in cummunication. As admin process done, products can be wrap and bring it home. Fast,less waiting.

Keep in flow in good services 👌💹 "

17 March 2019

M. Luthfi Yasin

" All good. Services,crews,and product previews. Clear and well-informed. Moreover, crews and credit staffs were attractive, quick response , good in cummunication. As admin process done, products can be wrap and bring it home. Fast,less waiting.

Keep in flow in good services 👌💹 "

17 March 2019

Christian Jeremy K

" Clean and has a lot of products options. For higher product price, we expect good service or good product specialist, not the case here. Poor service and poor product understanding. Their sales people are flocked in one area blocking the way and didn't even have the initiative to help customers "

14 January 2019

Riris Hartanti

" Complete and updated items, friendly service, and very useful. Recommended "

12 October 2018

Brianika Irawati

" Pelayanan kurang memuaskan. Tidak ada uji coba produk seperti yang dikatakan oleh sales sebelumnya. Barang asal kirim. Kalau ada complain harus bolak- balik ke tokonya. CUKUP MEREPOTKAN "

08 October 2018

Christine Soesanto

" You can find all electronics and home appliance here. Pay cash, using debit/cards. They also has instalment partnership with some local banks. Price is ok, for a phisic store, dont compare with online shop! Happy shopping! "

11 September 2018

Kukuh Hannugroho

" Big electronic store and have many choices. The prices is competitive. Have delivery service (about 25k). Give additional warranty but not free "

14 June 2018

Maria De Vega

" Well known electronic shop in Sidoarjo. Fast response since the first time i stepped my foot on the entrance. The sales staff really friendly and know the product very well. And help us to get the best price and best product we need. He also help us to process our member card immediately.. Really recommended place to shop "

09 June 2018

Gus 2asuun

" Home Appliances, Elektronik, Cell phone, just named you Van find or credits "

01 June 2018

Hare Wild

" Okay hartono store. The service lately getting more n more less.. n they make the customer pay for delivery n instalation too.. unlike how it used to be..
nowadays i'm thinking that hartono is not getting more n more distinguised. But getting more alike to the other store. It's dissapointing. "

27 May 2018

Hare Wild

" Okay hartono store. The service lately getting more n more less.. n they make the customer pay for delivery n instalation too.. unlike how ot used to be.. nowadays i'm thinking that hartono is not getting more n more distinguised. But getting more alike the other store. It's dissapointing. "

09 May 2018

Hafiz Nur Lekseptian

" nice place, easy access, good people, so many things i can barely afford to buy, LOL. "

18 April 2018

Ismu Attauwabiin

" It's a very complete Electronic Store in Sidoarjo "

07 April 2018

Fidelia Pratama

" The right place to buy your electronic.. "

05 April 2018

Miftah Farid

" Nice building with various home electronic, but the customer service is so so "

18 March 2018

Oki Nidianita

" Service is good. Price is cheap enough. Nice place to go to buy home equips. "

01 February 2018

Mirza Alatas

" big store for the quality electronic "

15 December 2017

Bagus Wicaksono

" A few days ago I went to Hartono MERR. I think the people here at Hartono Sidoarjo are nicer. They hear and help you more. "

24 November 2017

Ha Ves

" Really included every popular electronics, but not every model "

14 October 2017

Asen Lauw

" Banyak pilihan barang dari berbagai macam brand serta Harga murah "

05 October 2017

Bambang Sugiharto

" One stop shopping for electric goods, nice and warm service... "

05 September 2017

Monsta Frita

" Good & large place to buy electronic stuff. The staff is nice and helpful​.. "

26 August 2017

Andhika Putri Kusumadewi

" Good place 👍 "

28 July 2017

Tandra Gunawan

" U can find anything you need "

20 July 2017

Ridho Prastyo

" the biggest electronic store in town and staff very helpfull "

14 July 2017

Yulianti Rosyidah

" saya kredit hp koq suah ya?? sudah disurvei juga tapi enggak ada kabar. katanya ditelph tapi enggak ada sama sekali. gitu dikasih tau diacc enggaknya biar enggak nunggu lama. BIKIN KECEWA "

01 April 2017

Ade Kartika Sari

" Saya cukup kecewa. untuk pemasangan barang mesin cuci ELECTROLUX, orangnya tidak ramah. namanya Bp Soni. apa memang karena merk electrolux itu bagus. jadi penjual bisa seenak sendiri mengatur pembeli. saya kurang tau orang itu dari pihak Hartono atau Elextrolux sendiri. yang saya tau orang tidak ramah. baru kali ini saya beli barang tapi diatur yang jual!!. "

09 February 2017

Fandi Achmad

" kemare saya beli lemari es 1pintu di hartono SDA. ketika transaksi, saya tidak mau ambil paket perlindungan. tpi petugas bilang wajib pakai perlindungan. tapi nanti setelah satu tahun uang nya bisa di ambil kembali. dan akhirnya saya setuju. ketika uda selesai pembayaran dan terima nota. saya tanyakan kepada kasir bagaimana cara pengambilan uang perlindungan setelah satu tahun. ternyata petugas kasir bilang tidak berlaku lagi. setelah petugas yang bilang tadi di panggil dia diam aja. payah.... "

15 January 2017

Didik Wahyono

" Good place to find home electronics. Low priced. The shop assistant is very helpfull. Large parking space. But unfortunately, there are around 4 meter stairs to be hiked to reach store area from parking. "

15 January 2017

Danny Chen

" Great electronic store "

20 August 2016

Ikhsan Pambudi

" Baru x ni saya dkecewain dg pihak hartono, sy beli barang elektronik 2items hr senin tgl 8/8/2016 d hartono sidoarjo, brg dikirim sabtu, ok fine, tnyata sabtu gak da kabar smpe akhir nya sy telp cs nya bilang sdh diantar, tp mlm sy dtelp brg diantar bsk krn nyari alamat nya gak ketemu, pdhl klo gal ktmu kan bs telp tanya sy jelas2 sy sdh cantumin no hp sy, stlh d cek gmn gak nyasar sales nya nulis alamat sy d tambah2in, pdhl sy gak nulis alamat cemengkalang, duh parah deh pelayanannyapelayanannya, tolong dong diperbaiki jgn kae gini, sabtu sampe jam 11 mlm msh jg gak da kbr nya, pengiriman brg apa an ini sampe tengah malam?! "

13 August 2016

Steven Soewignyo

" Electronic shop "

24 July 2016

Sumono Agit

" belanja isi rumah "

28 June 2016

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  • Monday 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM
  • Tuesday 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM
  • Wednesday 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM
  • Thursday 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM
  • Friday 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM
  • Saturday 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM
  • Sunday 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM