About Mt. Penanggungan
Mt. Penanggungan is a park, located at Hutan, Ngoro, Mojokerto, East Java 61385, Indonesia. Visit their website www.viapendaki.com for more detailed information.
Mt. Penanggungan is a park, located at Hutan, Ngoro, Mojokerto, East Java 61385, Indonesia. Visit their website www.viapendaki.com for more detailed information.
Ely Aprillya
" Nice🗻 "
10 May 2018Zaqi Zen
" beutifull mountain and most historical heritage "
24 April 2018Travel With Sugi
" It is the best mount for hiking, me and my friend couple times going here. Only 1000 elevation gain to summit and good for camp.
26 March 2018There is two starting point that I know, the most popular is Tamiajeng point (UTC, Ubaya Training Center) and the second one is Jolotundo (PPLH). "
Mulyadi Budiyanto
" Nice place "
24 March 2018Rafly Prawira
" Not only hiking. You can trail running in here "
08 March 2018Dany Utono
" Altitude about 1650 AMSL, Mount Penanggungan located at Mojokerto regency. You can see a beatifull scenery of Mount Arjuna from the top of the mountain. "
22 November 2017Wahyu Pria Purnama
" good places for holiday.. "
03 October 2017Shakespare W
" Good place for beginer "
01 October 2017Antonnius Kurniawan
" Nice city lights view "
07 September 2017Dhie Swift
" As a heaven "
23 August 2017Priyo Sigit Budi Santiko
" Nice view "
18 July 2017Fekie Manalib
" Nice view and good for trail run. "
09 July 2017Taufik Taufik
" nice place nice scenery "
01 July 2017Prameswari Ade
" Beautiful "
08 March 2017Sitta Annuriyah
" If you don't act Arrogant you will get to the top without get lost "
17 January 2017Kusworo Rahadyan
" Nice view and short hike "
25 November 2016Abdul Ghofar
" Best view "
06 November 2016Fiermant Maulana
" Cocok untuk seorang yg mmpunyai kegiatan padat . Pendaki pemula dan pemandangan tak kalah dngn puncak gunung lain "
24 October 2016Lutfy Talker
" Track tidak terlalu berat, katanya sih cocok buat pemula, "
20 August 2016Djoni Gaffar S.
" Siap2 upacara 17 agustus 2016 dipuncak G. Penangungan.... "
15 August 2016Kelvin Yanuar
" mantap "
09 July 2016Lumbric Balul
" Gunung setinggi 1.653 mdpl, tidak terlalu tinggi namun mempunyai track pendakian cukup menantang.
24 June 2016Gunung yang cocok untuk para pendaki pemula. "
Benny Jeep
" via watu kosek- desa kuncoro wesi - telogo, jalur puncak melewati beberapa candi
14 March 2016- candi kerajaan
- candi darmawangsa
- candi gajah
- gua
- candi wayang
jalur ini lebih mudah kendala transportasi yang agak susah, variasi candi hampir sama seperti jalur candi jolotundo
sangat bagus untuk dicoba, jangan lupa bawa sampah pulang "
A Google User
" I have been here at 1989...nice adventure...
21 March 2015nice hiking... "