About Gudang Kamera Malang
Gudang Kamera Malang is an electronics store, located at Jl. Kalpataru No.145, Jatimulyo, Kec. Lowokwaru, Kota Malang, Jawa Timur 65141, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 341 496780, visit their website www.gudangkamera.net for more detailed information.
Rullita Aristya M
" Nice service "
06 June 2018Regis Wahyu
" Nice place, good quality.. "
19 May 2018Irfan Afandi
" Begitu Perlu Jual Second recomended "
03 May 2018Angen Cahya
" Nice place "
27 April 2018David Kurniawan
" Tempat bagus buat jual kamera second ato beli kamera baru. Tersedia accesories camera seperti tripod, baterai, dsb. Penjual ramah dan sering jg ada workshop gratis bagi konsumen gudang kamera malang. 👍 "
21 April 2018Martono X
" Toko kamera, lensa dan aksesoris baru atau seken terpercaya. "
04 April 2018Nyoman Riela Pricilia
" Helpful owner.
26 February 2018Good stuff "
Felixe Ray
" buy and sell camera here.. they offer quite good price... "
18 February 2018Dewi WardahMR
" Great place to buy camera and its accessories "
22 January 2018Irfan Ipanase
" Salah satu rujukan beli kamera di jogja istimewa , salam pertamax7 "
05 December 2017Yoga Raharjo
" Good place, friendly ppl and best camera store in surabaya... "
05 December 2017Ruddy Lasut
" Menjual berbagai aksesoris kamera, dan menerima service "
23 October 2017Henry Setiawan
" Great place for hunting and search for second camera although they also sell brand new camera, but this place well know as marketplace for selling or buying a used camera. The price was on average not too cheap and neither too expensive. But i can tell you that this place may give you best deal when you looking for a new lens or camera body needs. "
14 October 2017Eliza Giant Scarlett
" Yang mau nyari kamera, lensa baru ataupun second, disini tempatnya, kondisi terjamin, staffnya ramah loh. ada juga perlengkapan dan perawatan photography lainnya kaya lenspen, drybox, strap and many more.. "
08 October 2017Fatimah Farchana
" 👍👍👍 "
22 September 2017Bagus Nanang
" Lengkap dan mudah "
04 September 2017Zaini Art
" Retail digital camera store and service. "
02 September 2017Rudy Susanto
" best camera store in town "
23 August 2017Dwi Nugroho
" Good placer for buying second/used camera and accessories "
10 August 2017Vivid
" Komplit.. "
07 August 2017Beta Subakti N
" So helpful staffs, good place for finding great value of second hand camera without worry. "
03 August 2017Restu Aji Ksma
" Harga kamera nya murah² Beneran Apa Enggak Tolong Saranya Yaa? "
11 July 2017Edi Utomo Putra
" Easy to access and sell affordable accessories and also sell used camera "
15 June 2017Elsandio Bramudya
" tempat jual kamera....pelayanannya bagus "
15 June 2017Hariesdesign
" pelayanannya ramah, barangnya lumayan lengkap "
03 June 2017Muhammad Alim
" Toko kamera terpercaya di Malang. Gak mau beli selain disini! "
25 March 2017Rangga Pamungkas
" Tempat jual beli kamera terkenal di malang "
18 March 2017Surya Hasan Muhammad
" Good place for people who sees photography as a hobby. You can buy brand new camera/lenses or the used ones that mostly in mint condition. You can also sell your gears with reasonable price. The owner and shopkeepers are very friendly. They don't rush you onto making decisions. All in all, it's a good place "
31 January 2017Joseph Liem
" In accordance to its name, it sells cameras with somewhat good value for its used items & new items too. Offers you trade too. Good services from their staffs, but the place is a little bit small and no high chairs to wait around. "
30 January 2017Rosieana Dewy
" Jual Cleaning kit Camera Tidak? "
02 December 2016Ryan Langga
" Gan ada act cam gak "
04 October 2016Akun GK Malang
" Salah satu Toko kamera Second TERLENGKAP di Malang, melayani Tukar-Tambah body DSLR, Lensa DSLR maupun Mirrorless. Gudang Kamera Malang juga menyediakan kamera DSLR/Mirrorless baru dan aksesoris fotografi yang lain. "
19 July 2016Benny Jeep
" very good place to buy used lens, and camera, the collection very amazing, you can sell your equiment foto in this shop with fair price to "
15 February 2016