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About GPIB Church Immanuel Malang

GPIB Church Immanuel Malang is a church, located at Jl. Merdeka Barat No.9, Kauman, Klojen, Kota Malang, Jawa Timur 65119, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 341 325850 for more detailed information.



Item Reviews - 18

Aris Widya

" One of several ancient churches in Malang??, the position of this church is in the centre of Malang city with gothic architecture built in 1861 "

08 February 2020

Kevin Rizky Briliandy

" The church near the square of Malang and a few of shopping center, the atmosphere in there is calm, quite, and throw off the burden. So far I am enjoy in there, I wish u to when u visit. "

04 June 2019

Fernando Septa

" Iconic place of church in malang "

03 May 2019

Teguh Kristanto

" Old church in the center of Malang City, side by side with Masjid Agung, peacefully. "

03 November 2018

Teguh Kristanto

" Old church in the center of Malang City, side by side with Masjid Agung, peacefully. "

03 November 2018

Christian Wijaya

" I love to see the location of this church which is close to the great mosque. Really showing the tolerance in Indonesia. Let's hope it will always be like that. "

19 August 2018


" One of oldest buildings in Malang. Well-known by its location that very near from the great mosque of Malang, Masjid Jami' so somehow it represents religion tolerance. Beautiful architecture and great location. "

07 December 2017

Angelina Kusuma

" Gerejanya ada di depan Aloon-aloon Malang. Ibadah pagi dimulai pukul 08:00 WIB. Salah satu cagar budaya warisan kolonial Belanda. Saya pernah ikut ibadah disini dan wow, saya benar-benar takjub dengan interior dalam gerejanya. Arsitekturnya menarik, full kayu jati tua yang berkualitas tinggi. Kursi-kursi jemaat juga berbentuk klasik. "

02 October 2017

Ar Wic

" Historical place. "

14 August 2017

Parlin Pakpahan

" GPIB congregation Immanuel Malang

The old Dutch church was located at Jalan Merdeka Barat No. 9, Kauman, Klojen, Malang City, East Java 65119.

The location of the church is precisely in the area of ??the city square of Malang which is occupied many historic buildings of the Dutch heritage that still stands firmly to date, including GPIB Immanuel (Protestant Church of Western Indonesia).

Located at the crossroads of Malang City square in the north makes the location of GPIB Immanuel very strategic. This church is one Jami' Mosque Malang City, Jiwasraya insurance office and branch office of Bank Mandiri Malang.

Established since 1861, GPIB Immanuel became the oldest church in Malang.

To renovate this church requires permission from the Government of Malang City, because GPIB Immanuel is one of the protected cultural heritage.

Not surprisingly, the interior architecture and the exterior of this church are still the same as the Christian churches of the Dutch era. In it, there is only the seat of the congregation and the pulpit for the sermon. This church has undergone several renovations, among them in 1912 and 2005 ago.

The place of worship of Christians is still firmly established until now and able to serve about 1,200 congregation who always crowded this place of worship every week.

In addition, GPIB Immanuel also keeps two ancient Bible that are nearly 400 years old. The ancient Bible was neatly stored in a cupboard inside the church. The Bible that has the year 1618 is still intact and can be read clearly. The two Bibles have leather covers and are fitted with iron and front cover hooks. It is said that the weight of each Bible is almost five kilograms and has a thickness of about ten centimeters.

GPIB Immanuel was inaugurated July 30, 1861 with the name Protestanche Gemente te Malang. Its development is based on the formation of Protestant congregation in Malang at that time. The street where this Protestant church building stood was called Alun-alun Kulon No. 9. Since 1948, the name Immanuel GPIB began to be used by the church.

Aside from being a place of worship for Protestant Christians of Malang, this old church is surely one of the most important historical attractions in Malang that will remind us of the Indies era in Indonesia.

For all the care and maintenance as a place of worship and important historical sites in the city of Malang, then GPIB Immanuel Malang I give 5 stars. "

07 July 2017

Ardyan Renato Romario Matatula

" Berada di pusat kota malang berhadapan langsung dengan alun-alun merdeka menjadikan tempat ini sangat mudah ditemukan.
Gedung gereja ini merupakan salah satu bangunan bersejarah peninggalan Belanda yang bersebelahan dengan masji Agung kota malang.
Ketika kita masuk kedalam bangunan gereja ini kita sepertu berada di tahun 80an karena mulai dari arsitektur, bangku, oranamen-ornamen bahkan lonceng gerejanya masih antik dan identik dengan gaya belanda.
Saya pernah sekali diberi kesempatan naik ke atas menara gereja dan melihat langsung kota malang.
Di dalam menara ini terdiri dari 2 lantai, lantai pertama untuk jam dan lantai dua untuk lonceng. jam pada menara ini sangat antik (saya rasa jam ini sudah rusak) dan lonceng dengan ukurannya lumayan besar yang asli dari belanda. "

27 June 2017


" Saksi bisu bangunan warisan penjajah yg harus di lestarikan... "

08 April 2017

Jojo Regar

" Jadwal ibadah hari minggu pk 08.00 & 18.00wib "

28 February 2017

James Satian

" Ibadah minggu sore tahun baru ada apa nggk ya?? "

01 January 2017

John Leirissa

" GPIB Jemaat "IMMANUEL" di Malang.
Ibadah Hari Minggu pukul 08.00 wib dan 18.00 wib.

KMJ - Ketua Majelis Jemaat : Pdt. ERMAWATI YULIA BAULE, S.Th, M.Min.

Letaknya berdekatan dengan Masjid Jami dan Gereja Katolik.
Gereja berdiri sejak tahun 1861 sebagai tempat ibadah umat bangsa Belanda.
Sekarang bangunan gereja ini termasuk bangunan cagar budaya yang dilindungi.
Untuk bumi putera pada zaman Belanda didirikan gedung gereja sendiri di Klojen Lor 10 Malang (sekarang Gereja Ebed di jalan Pattimura). Sampai sekarang gereja Ebed digunakan sebagai tempat ibadah umat di wilayah sektor pelayanan 1. Umat di sektor pelayanan 9 beribadah di Gereka Pakisaji.

Gereja Immanuel melembagakan GPIB Jemaat "SEJAHTERA" dan GPIB Jemaat "GETSEMANI" di Malang.

Lokasi tepat. "

28 November 2016

Yulian Fajar Ariyadhi

" very nice architecture "

10 July 2016

Jeffri Kj

" Like Catholic church beside this place, very beautiful architecture "

11 June 2016

Fandi Rahman

" Selain tercatat sebagai gereja tertua di Kota Malang, GPIB Immanuel juga menyimpan Alkitab berusia hampir 400 tahun, dua alkitab tersimpan rapi di sebuah lemari dalam gereja dan Alkitab yang dicetak pada tahun 1618 itu masih utuh dan jelas terbaca. "

08 June 2016

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