" The best food festival in town! 👏
There's dozens of food and beverage option available here.
The place is nice and shady. It's cool during noon and it's not too chilly during night. Although there may be some problem during rainy day. Still, a very Good place for hanging out with Friends ir family "
10 May 2018
Agung Arbend
" Good.. "
28 June 2017
Yudah Oktovia
" Banyak macam makanan dan camilan, tempatnya pas untuk istirahat perjalanan. "
12 April 2017
Dimas Arya Rajasa
" Enak tapi mahall "
13 January 2017
Jimbron Asf
" Suasana kurang rindang & terbuka "
11 September 2016
Salsa CoffeeShop
" Comfortable place for hangout, discussion, work, talk and of course to enjoy the Salsa's coffee and snack "
10 May 2016
Asyam Mulayyan Dary
" This place better at night "
07 May 2016
Sulthon Akhmad
" Clean place, cozy, and no many time to wait your food coming. "
Muhammad Rizza
" Mind tanya ada menu gule,sate ngk disini "
01 June 2018Dave Elzacky
" The best food festival in town! 👏
10 May 2018There's dozens of food and beverage option available here.
The place is nice and shady. It's cool during noon and it's not too chilly during night. Although there may be some problem during rainy day. Still, a very Good place for hanging out with Friends ir family "
Agung Arbend
" Good.. "
28 June 2017Yudah Oktovia
" Banyak macam makanan dan camilan, tempatnya pas untuk istirahat perjalanan. "
12 April 2017Dimas Arya Rajasa
" Enak tapi mahall "
13 January 2017Jimbron Asf
" Suasana kurang rindang & terbuka "
11 September 2016Salsa CoffeeShop
" Comfortable place for hangout, discussion, work, talk and of course to enjoy the Salsa's coffee and snack "
10 May 2016Asyam Mulayyan Dary
" This place better at night "
07 May 2016Sulthon Akhmad
" Clean place, cozy, and no many time to wait your food coming. "
25 January 2016Rama Dhani
" good place foor dinner especially "
28 December 2015