Dokter Gigi Kerry Anogia Spesialis Ortodonti - Orthodontist Surabaya
About Dokter Gigi Kerry Anogia Spesialis Ortodonti - Orthodontist Surabaya
Dokter Gigi Kerry Anogia Spesialis Ortodonti - Orthodontist Surabaya is a dentist, located at Jalan Darmo Indah Timur VIII Blok P no 18, Tandes, Surabaya Barat, Tandes, Kota SBY, Jawa Timur 60187, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 812-9978-931 for more detailed information.
Qothrin Nada
" Dr. Kerry has been a blessing in my orthodontic journey. It's clear that he is a very talented orthodontist, but his bedside manner is what really sets him apart. His attention to detail, compassion, and knowledge always made me feel at ease. I am so grateful to have received treatment from him, my smile looks better than ever and it has been a truly life changing experince. Thank you doc. Good job ???????????????? "
15 October 2020Ren
" Puas, bagus :)
07 July 2020Recommended 20/10
I bled a little lmao "
Hendrik Gunawan
" It is not easy getting and wearing braces, especially as an adult, but Dr Kerry makes it as pleasant an experience as possible. Dr Kerry are positive, caring and professional, and he guides me through the process in a way that makes me look forward to my occasional visits. The results are outstanding. Thanks to the great attention to detail and a vast understanding of how teeth and bites work. Definitely recommend to anyone thinking of getting their teeth straightened. "
11 June 2020Mukhamad Arya
" Dr Kerry did a very good job on treating my severe crowding teeth without any extraction. He explained patiently step by step of every procedure on eafh appoinment very detail and meticulously. Well, I think he is the best orthodontist in town. Two thumbs up. ???????? "
02 April 2020Sauvika Mahesya
" i am very satisfied with my experience at Dr. Kerry Anogia. Dr. Kerry is great, professional and friendly. He uses the up to date equipment and techniques. The scheduling is quite good with appoinment system. Best decisiin I havr madr. Thanknyou Dr. Kerry๐ "
13 January 2020Asmari Asmari
" I am beyond pleased with my orthodontics treatment with Dr. Kerry. Dr. Kerry extremely attentive to the vision I had to my teeth, and now the treatment is almost complete. I am very happy. Dr. Kerry has such keen attention to the detail of perfect smile, but also was very attentive to my ideal visual and functional bite that I was looking for. Well done doc. Good job ๐ "
10 December 2019Asmari Asmari
" I am beyond pleased with my orthodontics treatment with Dr. Kerry. Dr. Kerry extremely attentive to the vision I had to my teeth, and now the treatment is almost complete. I am very happy. Dr. Kerry has such keen attention to the detail of perfect smile, but also was very attentive to my ideal visual and functional bite that I was looking for. Well done doc. Good job ???? "
10 December 2019Kurniawan Verri
" Dr. Kerry treated my severe overbite with professional precision and amazing care. The results, after the braces phase was over is amazing. The friendly environment at his private practice is no myth. It is real, the atmosphre is comfortable.I had my braces removed yesterday and is now in the retainer phase. Thanks Dr. Kerry for your amazing skill and profesionalism. I love the results it's 10 stars.... "
17 February 2019Arwn Rstta
" I just finished my orthodontic treatment after almost one year. I am very happy with my experience and results. I would recommend anyone who is considering an orthodontic treatment to visit Dr. Kerry Anogia. "
06 December 2018Amon Njoto
" I have had a great experince at Kerry Anogia Orthodontist. They were understanding to my situation and worked with me to get the best results. Dr. Kerry puts me at ease and is able to make every visit comfortable and enjoyable well as enjoyable as an orthodontic visit can get. He is very knowledgeable and talented in his work and I would definetely recommended him. I haven't had the easiest time regarding my teeth but it has progressed wonderfully. "
06 December 2018Mei Meytasari
" I had a very positive experience. Dr. Kerry was so friendly and helpful. Dr. Kerry took the time to explain what he was doing at each step of the procedure. Overall it was a very pleasant experience and I will be recommending Dr. Kerry to friends and family. Thanks. "
15 November 2018Karunia Jaya
" I was treated by doctor Kerry. Amazing. Painless. I encourage everyone to have the orthodontic treatment with doctor Kerry. I think he is the best orthodontist in town. "
02 October 2018Christopher Jason
" dirawat kawat behel di dokter kerry mantab. ga sakit dan nyaman. ortodontis yg paling top. dokter kerry hanya khusus kawat behel ortodonti. "
02 October 2018Siget Wibisono
" Perawatan behelnya sukses, rapi. Recommended banget. "
27 September 2018Aida Amalia
" The best orthodontist in town "
03 July 2018Lisa Manov
" suka perawatan di ortho.
19 May 2018kata orng" behel itu sakit bikin susah makan tapi saya perawatan dsni gk sakit tuhh. makan juga maaih enak, terus perawatan dsni dokternya juga ramah lhooo. saya perawatan behel gk sampai satu tahun lho udah rapi. puass deh sama hasil nya ๐ "
Haniey Fah
" Syukur Alhamdullilah sy dirawat behel ortodonti oleh drg.Kerry Sp.Ort. Gigi sy sangat rapi dan ideal. Karakter sy jg berubah menjadi lebih percaya diri. Suami jd makin sayang dan makin cinta pada sy. Harga dan kualitas sesuai dengan alat behel terbaik yg sy gunakan selama perawatan di drg.Kerry. Dokter Kerry orangnya tegas dan disiplin bukan galak. Jd sy rajin kontrol sesuai dengan jadwal appoinmentnya (ga berani terlambat... Apalagi ga datang... Hahaha) dan menjaga kebersihan mulut. Terima kasih dokter Kerry. Alhamdullilah ya Allah.... "
09 May 2018Cien Jesslyn
" The best dentist ever ๐๐ paling suka klo merapikan gigi yg kurang rapi disini, dokternya sabar dan hasilnya bagus banget, gak pernah mengecewakan, dan pastinya setelah dari sini gigi super rapi, DON'T FORGET TO VISIT DOKTER KERRY ANOGIA ๐๐๐ "
27 April 2018Sherly Fernz
" Dr. Kerry is a gifted orthodontist and really cares about each individual patient and their needs. He spends a lot of time explaining what he's doing so that we understand the process and does a great job of making my teeth look great. Thanks Doc! "
14 April 2018Fey Ice
" Saya perawatan ortho (behel kawat gigi) di dokter kerry sejak 2017 dan akhirnya gigi saya rapiii krn problem saya Wajah saya miring sekarang wajah saya bagus proposional dan lebih cantik ๐คฃ๐คฃ๐น๐๐๐terima kasih dokt. Dokter kerry profesional Ortho (behel) saja ... tidak menerima pencabutan penambalan dll. Harga dan tarif nya sesuai kasus nya . Dan sesuai dengan kualitas dan mutu alat dan perawatan yang saya dapatkan :) "
03 April 2018Irvan Maulana
" Drg. Kerry sangat profesional. Saya diterima lolos sebagai taruna Akpol salah satunya karena gigi saya memenuhi syarat. Selama perawatan kawat behel di drg. Kerry tidak sakit dan cepat selesai. Harga dan tarif nya sesuai dengan kualitas yang saya dapat. Kualitas yang sangat bagus. "
27 March 2018Ygnasius Dio
" Dok perkenalkan sy dio, rmh sy banyuwangi dok cukup jauh ya heheh. sy mau tanya. Sy mau pasang behel ke dr. Kerry. Apa 1 hari bisa langsung selesai?? Dan apa sj yg perlu dipersiapkan biar efisien waktunya?? Ditunggu blsannya. Atau bls via email, takutnya gak keluar notifnya "
27 March 2018Bryan Lesmana
" I was treated by doctor Kerry for my orthodontic treatment. It was amazing and most importantly, painless. Doctor Kerry was quite friendly and humble. His office was so much fun and comfortable. So.. whoever you are that have a problem with crowding teeth, I highly recommend doctor Kerry for your orthodontic treatment. ๐ "
01 March 2018Hans Jenkins
" Very good quality and expert in orthodontics field. "
24 January 2018Stephanie Louisa
" Dokter paling ramah, baik dan pengertian. Sabar dan selalu mengusahakan hasil yang maksimal, puas banget perawatan di dokter kerry, gigi saya skrng rapi setelah slesai perawatan. "
12 November 2017Gerry Mahessa
" Dok kalo mau cabut gigi rahang bawah berlubang itu bisa ga ya&brp biaya nya ?? "
06 October 2017Lagu Malaysia Silaen
" Sangat mudah ditemukan alamat nya. "
21 September 2017Sapta Rianta
" Lokasi tepat "
16 September 2017Wilsam Andrew
" "Pertama kali search di internet ttg dokter gigi.. jujur sj sy agak parno dgn yg namanya dokter, stelah membandingkan akhirnya sy memilih di drg.Kerry Anogia. Sp.Ortho ... memasang behel tdk sesakit yg srg diceritakan org2, wkt kontrolnya pun sdh diatur dgn rapi, penjelasan yang diberikan jg ckp detail apa adanya , dan finally 1.5thn berlalu dan hasilnya memuaskan ... recommended buat yang di area surabaya ataupun luar kota .. mdh skali appointmentnya bs via chat dan konsultasi sll dibalas sesegera mungkin oleh dokternya... thanks a lot dokter " "
29 August 2017Yohanes Y Juanda
" Gigiku dulu ga rata, tapi untung ketemu Orthodontist satu ini. Sekarang udah rapi. Perawatannya ga makan waktu lama n ga sakit. Makasih dok "
19 August 2017Siti Isnaini
" Mahal sekali "
13 August 2017Devi Agustin
" Hay dok saya mau tanya saya ini sudah pakai kawat gigi tetapi saya blm selesai untuk perataan kerapian gigi. Saya mau tanya kalau di sini penarikan gigi ajj brp ya "
05 May 2017Apriliya Yumentris
" Dok , gigi saya yang di bawa ini tidak rata .terus gigi saya juga ada yang belubang kalau saya cabut gigi saya gak akan tumbuh lagi .apa gigi bawa saya harus saya behel biar rata kaya gigi orang-orang pada umum nya "
04 February 2017