Depot Titin Ayam Lodho Mojokerto
About Depot Titin Ayam Lodho Mojokerto
Depot Titin Ayam Lodho Mojokerto is a restaurant, located at Kenanten, Puri, Mojokerto, East Java 61363, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 812-3568-7905, visit their website for more detailed information.
Idaa Hasbi
" Flavour food and affordable price. "
01 April 2020Yahya Bustami
" Recommended place "
30 September 2019Azrul Makarim
" Cheap and delicious "
16 April 2019Rabiatul Adawiyah Yahya Yackub
" Delicious. This an all you can eat resto. The price is affordable. Hopefully, there will be more choicea of beverages there "
05 March 2019Ravenclaw Lee
" It wa late when I came, miss the rawon but the sambal was good "
18 December 2018Febri Kurniawan
" It's kind of tasty but.... place is dirty. Uncomfortable wind and dust. Toilet is free though. "
08 November 2018Ricardo Simson
" Nice place to take lunch with a view of a corn fields "
06 July 2018Annas Setya
" Nyaman n murah "
18 May 2018Ivan Moniharapon
" Tempat makan yang praktis, murah , gak perlu ribet. "
28 March 2018Joko Waluyo
" Lodhonya kurang menggigit
04 March 2018Namun lumayan
Tdk menyediakan lodho dr ayam pedaging
Seporsi ayam lodho terdiri dr sepotong ayam , nasi, jeroan dan urap urap harganya 23rb
Ayam lodho sendiri khas trenggalek dan tulungagung
Ayam lodho adalah ayam utuh yg dibakar tanpa dilumuri bunbu , setelah matang barulah dimasukkan dalam bumbu lodho, bumbu lodho mirip dgn opor tetapi pedas "
Yunda Trans
" Ok "
17 November 2017Tanaka Kanamoto
" Aku pernah ke situ enak banget lauknya bisa ambillagi cuma rp 30.000 aku suka deh sama prasmanan depot bu titin halal lagi aku orang jepang liburan ke indonesia selama 2 1 tahun setengah akibat aku tahu rasanya depot ini aku jadi mundur dari keberangkatanku makcih bu titin ARIGATOOO GOYOAIIIMAS ERBAR JAPAN
Dimas Gammayani
" Just fine... It has a praying room at the back.. There are plenty of restrooms... Suitable for drivers to rest awhile "
31 May 2017