Gelora Delta Sidoarjo is a stadium, located at Komplek Stadion Gelora Delta, Jl. Pahlawan, Magersari, Kec. Sidoarjo, Kabupaten Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur 61212, Indonesia
" Tempat nyaman buat olahraga, terutama lari dan renang. Tiap malam jg ada pedagang makanan "
26 May 2018
Arif Al Aqbar
" Joss lor "
12 May 2018
Steven Soewignyo
" Have a lot of buildings, sports stadium, swiming pool. Usually people visits this area to start jogging (every morning) "
06 May 2018
Fransisca Nita
" For sport yes. Hard to find parking slot, too crowded in both ways. Many culinary but not sure about food hygiene. "
06 April 2018
Adi Hariono
" there are many food corners, my favorite Soto Madura "
06 April 2018
Ismu Attauwabiin
" Right place to do sporty activities or just hang out. "
06 April 2018
Ardie Pandu
" Tempat pusat sarana olah raga warga sidoarjo
Terdapat lapangan bola sepak, bola basket, kolam renang, arena berlari 100m, arena sepatu roda, panjat tebing, lapangan tennis, club tinju, billiard, volley pantai dan sebagainya
Kalau pagi- siang hari akan banya warga yang berolah raga disana, namun ketika sore-malam hari akan berubah menjadi warung makan dan cafe
Jika ada event besar seperti karnaval, konser, acara pemkab, dan sebagainya juga sering diadakan disini
Semoga segera dibenahi agar lebih bagus lagi dan warga nyaman "
03 April 2018
Ratih Rosita
" Many spot of cheap culinary we can find and wide parking area "
04 March 2018
Eko Yudrawan
" Nice place for jogging at morning. There are many sport communities on sunday morning. "
02 January 2018
Tsauro Ahalla
" This stadium located at sport center complex of Sidoarjo city which established long time ago. It used to host Pekan Olahraga National, Home game of Deltras Sidoarjo Football Club, and official friendly national game.
Sidoarjo people spend their time for doing many various sport in this complex, there are also sport club which has bright prospect in the future. Many national athlete graduate from these school.
In 2014, I was there to watch AFF CUP U19, which Indonesia ended as winner of the tournament. The only game I watched is Indonesia beating Thailand 3-1, where Evan Dimas score hattrick at that time.
If you want to live healthy, Gelora Delta may support you and facilitate to be healthy "
30 November 2017
Nizza Nadya Rachmani
" there's many food street here, you can look for traditional food "
10 October 2017
Agung Roesmiardi
" A lot of culinary PKL (pedagang kaki lima) around this stadium at night "
13 September 2017
Ahmad Saiful Wahyudi
" Deltras FC main stadium. There are many various food and drink outside the stadium. Near main road. "
04 September 2017
Linda Rahman
" Nice place for light sport. You can do sport and find some food arround "
26 July 2017
Nyoman Santokho
" Place to sport activity... suitable for each age "
15 July 2017
Nadim Harahap
" Big stadium in my town. You can practice skating Every sunday. "
09 July 2017
Khabib Karim
" Asik buat nongkrong "
20 June 2017
M. Luthfi Yasin
" Big, n full of crowd. U can easily get street food in easy, cafe all around t stadium, etc "
31 May 2017
Dwinda Mayrizka
" It has some functions. You can do sport at morning and shopping at night. You can also eat some foods. "
28 May 2017
Iswatul Hasanah
" Eng ing eng😂😂 "
21 April 2017
Hery Setiawan Purnawali
" Need more public facilities. Always hard to find parking place when in crowd. "
21 March 2017
Ibnu Fajar
" Sometimes, national football team of Indonesia used this stadium for home match. "
11 December 2016
Mochamad Muliadi
" Good pitch is the basic to apply beautiful football. "
06 December 2016
Wolfgang Rupert
" Night time is a good night to find street food here in the stadium. However it's a bit messy and car parking hard to find if you come late night. "
06 November 2016
Naif Al'as
" Good pitch, not so good in facilites "
04 October 2016
Audrey Maximillian Herli
" Good place to do sport, i used to play futsal in running field in here. The official stadium of deltras fc (sidoarjo fc team) "
21 January 2016
Ahadin Fahmi
" Gelora Delta Sidoarjo. Youth center in Sidoarjo. "
Jaka Abdillah
" Tempat nyaman buat olahraga, terutama lari dan renang. Tiap malam jg ada pedagang makanan "
26 May 2018Arif Al Aqbar
" Joss lor "
12 May 2018Steven Soewignyo
" Have a lot of buildings, sports stadium, swiming pool. Usually people visits this area to start jogging (every morning) "
06 May 2018Fransisca Nita
" For sport yes. Hard to find parking slot, too crowded in both ways. Many culinary but not sure about food hygiene. "
06 April 2018Adi Hariono
" there are many food corners, my favorite Soto Madura "
06 April 2018Ismu Attauwabiin
" Right place to do sporty activities or just hang out. "
06 April 2018Ardie Pandu
" Tempat pusat sarana olah raga warga sidoarjo
03 April 2018Terdapat lapangan bola sepak, bola basket, kolam renang, arena berlari 100m, arena sepatu roda, panjat tebing, lapangan tennis, club tinju, billiard, volley pantai dan sebagainya
Kalau pagi- siang hari akan banya warga yang berolah raga disana, namun ketika sore-malam hari akan berubah menjadi warung makan dan cafe
Jika ada event besar seperti karnaval, konser, acara pemkab, dan sebagainya juga sering diadakan disini
Semoga segera dibenahi agar lebih bagus lagi dan warga nyaman "
Ratih Rosita
" Many spot of cheap culinary we can find and wide parking area "
04 March 2018Eko Yudrawan
" Nice place for jogging at morning. There are many sport communities on sunday morning. "
02 January 2018Tsauro Ahalla
" This stadium located at sport center complex of Sidoarjo city which established long time ago. It used to host Pekan Olahraga National, Home game of Deltras Sidoarjo Football Club, and official friendly national game.
30 November 2017Sidoarjo people spend their time for doing many various sport in this complex, there are also sport club which has bright prospect in the future. Many national athlete graduate from these school.
In 2014, I was there to watch AFF CUP U19, which Indonesia ended as winner of the tournament. The only game I watched is Indonesia beating Thailand 3-1, where Evan Dimas score hattrick at that time.
If you want to live healthy, Gelora Delta may support you and facilitate to be healthy "
Nizza Nadya Rachmani
" there's many food street here, you can look for traditional food "
10 October 2017Agung Roesmiardi
" A lot of culinary PKL (pedagang kaki lima) around this stadium at night "
13 September 2017Ahmad Saiful Wahyudi
" Deltras FC main stadium. There are many various food and drink outside the stadium. Near main road. "
04 September 2017Linda Rahman
" Nice place for light sport. You can do sport and find some food arround "
26 July 2017Nyoman Santokho
" Place to sport activity... suitable for each age "
15 July 2017Nadim Harahap
" Big stadium in my town. You can practice skating Every sunday. "
09 July 2017Khabib Karim
" Asik buat nongkrong "
20 June 2017M. Luthfi Yasin
" Big, n full of crowd. U can easily get street food in easy, cafe all around t stadium, etc "
31 May 2017Dwinda Mayrizka
" It has some functions. You can do sport at morning and shopping at night. You can also eat some foods. "
28 May 2017Iswatul Hasanah
" Eng ing eng😂😂 "
21 April 2017Hery Setiawan Purnawali
" Need more public facilities. Always hard to find parking place when in crowd. "
21 March 2017Ibnu Fajar
" Sometimes, national football team of Indonesia used this stadium for home match. "
11 December 2016Mochamad Muliadi
" Good pitch is the basic to apply beautiful football. "
06 December 2016Wolfgang Rupert
" Night time is a good night to find street food here in the stadium. However it's a bit messy and car parking hard to find if you come late night. "
06 November 2016Naif Al'as
" Good pitch, not so good in facilites "
04 October 2016Audrey Maximillian Herli
" Good place to do sport, i used to play futsal in running field in here. The official stadium of deltras fc (sidoarjo fc team) "
21 January 2016Ahadin Fahmi
" Gelora Delta Sidoarjo. Youth center in Sidoarjo. "
15 December 2015Novi Ningsih
" Delta mania "
22 May 2015Hari Yanto
" mie Nyonyor..Manteb... "
10 May 2015