About Citibank - ITC Surabaya
Citibank - ITC Surabaya is a bank, located at ITC Surabaya LG Floor Blok F1 No. 5-9 GF Blok H2 No. 1-3,,, Jl. Gembong No. 20-30, Kapasan, Simokerto, Kota SBY, Jawa Timur 60141, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 31 5479999, visit their website www.citibank.co.id for more detailed information.
Gobindpal Singh
" In the McDonald's parking. Quick & secure machine "
18 May 2018Baihaqy Izy
" Atm di lantai 1 "
21 April 2018Audrey Suwono
" gabriel "
03 February 2018Indrawan Saputra
" ATM Citibank di Giant BSD City :) "
03 February 2018Eva Wicaksono
" Saya uda cari keliling dibitc lantai lg gk ada citibank center nya. Klo pindah harusnya segera di perbarui di google. Biar memudahkan pengguna. Terima kasih "
04 December 2017Global Integrity Elite Leaders
" Integrity Elite Team "
03 December 2017Amy Syamsul Islam Sanjani
" This is not citibank office. ... however the person who make this is so f****ng as***le..
17 November 2017I hate it "
Nazwaa Jwt
" ATM Center dari CITIBANK, dengan kondisi baik yang terletak di Jl. Basuki rahmat Surabaya Pusat "
19 October 2017AGROBIS INDONESIA Directory
" Atm dalam kondisi baik dan ready "
15 October 2017Ricky Sng
" Nice ambience, helpful staff "
06 October 2017Reza Saputra
" ATM untuk nasabah bank citibank "
28 September 2017Bobby Suhardy
" Sangat mudah untuk transaksi "
18 September 2017Temode Lee
" 10만루피아로 1회에 3주따까지 9회까지 출금가능 "
23 June 2017Vishal Paliwal
" Nice "
16 June 2017Studio Man
" Only this ATM can give you 3 million for one transaction "
15 June 2017Rahap
" Good service "
07 June 2017Heesuk Park
" 로컬은행 atm에서 국민체크로 1jt 인출했을때 당일 환율에 5천원 추가 출금 됐던데 여기선 시티체크카드로 3jt 뽑는데 당일 환율에 딱 1달러 추가 수수료 나오네요. "
16 March 2017Eric Wong
" Conveniently located! "
11 March 2017Алексей Некрасов
" Банкомат взял комиссию 15 тыс. руп. За снятие 3 млн. с карты тинькофф. "
24 February 2017Rizky Lazuardito
" Atm yg eksklusif "
22 February 2017Selfish Arman
" I know it "
22 January 2017Markus Yuwono Herbayu
" Wooooh closed "
07 January 2017Markus Yuwono Herbayu
" ATMnya Aman dan Nyaman "
07 January 2017Fair Play
" Ok "
31 December 2016Yohanes J H
" Oo pindah kemari toh yang di ITC BSD. "
16 December 2016A ADRIANSYAH
" Oke "
01 December 2016Arman Nochy
" Parkirnya yang maleezz..
22 November 2016Macet "
Frank Dave
" Basement 2 of city square mall under the Ling escalator of the main entrance "
18 July 2016David Parsons
" Doesn't exist. In fact, Citibank are cutting most their convinient ATM. The one at tompson has gone too! Annoying. "
02 June 2016De Wei Tey
" Good location "
26 May 2016De Wei Tey
" Good location to place an atm "
25 May 2016Temode Lee
" 10만루피아로 3주따까지 1회 출금가능 "
13 April 2016Bong Her
" Igguh "
25 March 2016Fei Fei Chiam
" A branch with Citigold and Citibank counter services.
01 February 2016Citibank used to offer all types of insurance and offers non-biased opinions for policies from various insurance companies. A wide choices was provided by the relationship manager.
Unfortunately, 2015 Citibank decided to offer exclusive insurance policy with only one insurance company. It's no longer attractive as all Singaporean banks can offer the same or similar options.
Many policies like travel policy, life, etc has been terminated or left unadvised to customers.
I'd consider a change of bank soon if it's not going to offer interesting services in replacement. "
Chin Yong
" Just the machine for you to pay your bills, not a branch. "
31 January 2016Yudi Oke
" Bagus "
10 January 2016Yudi Oke
" Bagus "
10 January 2016Kenneth Wong
" Sdfsfdg "
14 December 2015박근혜
" ATM is not here!! City ATM is Near McDonald "
29 November 2015Fachruel Sany
" Game "
16 November 2015Jeya Chandran
" Describe "
17 August 2015Jeya Chandran
" Describe "
16 August 2015Aiden Kalaiarasan
" Good "
03 March 2015Nikhil Kambli
" I drove around in the confusing streets taking about 30 min to reach the place only to find that There is no citibank atm there!! This happened second time with me. Wish I had an option I wud never go to citibank atm. "
09 May 2014Subandono Rachmadi
" SPBU Kedawung Kroya "
17 August 2013Muhammad Ryan Matrasiwi
" Absolutely match "
29 July 2013Ismail Ismail
" I am very happy to banking Citibank! !!!!!!!!! "
22 March 2013Bharat Bali
" Its in basement 2 "
04 March 2013Mohammad Islach
" Deep in shopping mall "
12 December 2012Naufal Farhan
" ヽ(´▽`) ノ "
24 September 2012A Google User
" Akuiki_sopo "
25 July 2012A Google User
" kekasi ku "
24 July 2012Gary Wong
" This is not a cardless and couldn't bankin cash. "
02 July 2012A Google User
" kekasi ku "
06 May 2012