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About CGV Sunrise Mall

CGV Sunrise Mall is a movie theater, located at Jalan Benteng Pancasila No.9, Balongsari, Magersari, Balongsari, Magersari, Mojokerto, Jawa Timur 61314, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 321 391502, visit their website for more detailed information.



Item Reviews - 22

Yui Devin

" Well it's like other cgv physically but This CGV is so fishy. I've came faraway at 1pm to watch deadpool at 2pm but they said the cinema is open in 6pm. What?? I've checked the web and in another applications they have usual opening time. And there are staff, the cinema is open, but why???? Like asdfghjkl....can you give out a notice! "

04 June 2018

Feny Meilany

" Parkir nya jauh x "

02 June 2018

Dymarda Akitson

" Not many anime showing in this theater, please show more anime, like in cgv marvel city "

30 May 2018

Ikhsan Nugroho

" the only reasonable movie theater in Mojokerto. Not far from Jombang "

04 May 2018

Ria Rosyita SIlvyana

" This movie theather is good. I am comfortable when i watched a movie over there. "

04 May 2018


" Have comfortable seating places, nice waiting room, and great service, awesome sound system "

03 May 2018

Nicko Arief

" tempatnya keren, 1 1nya bioskop di mjokerto, cuman penontonnya banyak yang norak/kampungan, ada yang ngomong sndiri dg volume keras, ada yang HPan lama banget liat2 story instagram dll, silau njing, ditegur malah g peduli, malah ada yang cerita2 kejadian berikutnya (spoiler), ngerusak pengalaman menikmati film, mo ku tampol takut ntr ribut n bukan wewenang saya bwt negur, kemaren pgalaman nnton a quite place, pdal yang nnton cmn dikit, tp pada rese, belakang sy ada yg nyocot mulu, depan sy HPan, pkoknya bikin kapok nnton disitu lagi, g seperti saat nnton di TP5(sby) penontonnya pada tenang g banyak omong, paling cuman bisik2, hpan juga bentar doank.

jadi saran saya, gtw lah gmn gitu caranya biar penonton udik, kampungan, g bisa ngehargain orang pada ilang. thx "

10 April 2018

Giena Larosa

" This place is such an awesome place. The best instagramable cinemas I have visited. The studio is so comfy. It is so clean, and the employees are so kind. I love the employee's uniform, because the design is very unique. The best part is only CGV cinemas gives you cashback for every transaction you have made. It's Rp. 500,- for every Rp. 10.000,- you have spent. "

25 March 2018

Mochamad Artanto

" Seats are clean, good movies, good sound, and good service. "

23 March 2018

Kartika Alamsyah

" First ever movie theater in this town, available in 2D & 3D studios, sweet box, midnite and up to date films. "

01 November 2017

Arief Indriawan

" One of the CGV cinema chain at East Java and the only Cinema at Mojokerto. The theater 1 is the largest theater. Playing latest movies. Good entertainment for this town. "

05 August 2017

Wahyu Krisna Putra

" Just like other cinema, but why the ticket box is closed and we should buy the ticket on the snack cashier instead. "

30 June 2017

Andi Jaya

" Great place for great people!!! Best, creative, different! "

26 June 2017

Dark Prince

" The only Cinema when you're visiting Mojokerto for now,easy to reach,inside Sunrise Mall 3rd Floor. "

05 June 2017

Awalia Nofitasari

" The place is cozy. Better than 21 Cineplex, at least for me. Staffs are all friendly, like their outfit too. Movies played has wide variation: Western, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, I think I see a Thailand title once. E-ticketing is also available (credit cards only). Toilet is clean and cozy as well. "

25 May 2017

Fernandhi Dwi Prakoso

" Satu"nya bioskop yang menawarkan kenyamanan nonton film "

12 May 2017

Riris Aisy

" It's nice, clean and I love the interior but the seat is not that cozy for me when I watch the movie for about 2 hours straight, it makes my neck hurt a little bit "

17 March 2017

Bb Corp

" Dekat dengan rumah "

14 March 2017

Rahman Yudha

" Desain interior yang keren dan cool untuk sebuah bioskop 😀😁 "

20 February 2017

Mohammad Zanuar Lukmana

" Tempat nya nyaman, dan banyak promo nya. Udah 3 kali dpt promo beli 1 gratis 1 . Thanks "

18 January 2017

Dedy Irawan

" New concept cinemas at Mojokerto "

08 January 2017

Maftuhatul Umamah

" Bagus lokasi ny, jumlah bioskop ny jg banyak serta harga ny terjangkau. Tapi sayang kursi ruang tunggu nya kurang banyak sehingga calon penoton banyak yang berdiri "

06 January 2017

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