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About Bravo Supermarket

Bravo Supermarket is a shopping mall, located at Jalan Yos Sudarso, Tunggorono, Kecamatan Jombang, Sumbernongko, Denanyar, Kec. Jombang, Kabupaten Jombang, Jawa Timur 61419, Indonesia



Item Reviews - 75

Mary Soto Gonzalez

" Good product and good customer service and more diferente type of food for all culture's "

25 November 2020

Dea Miranda

" great place for daily and monthly shopping. the price is the same as at the factory. there are children's play spots too "

11 November 2020

FAM Poetra

" Strategic and easily access "

22 August 2020

Atta Joker

" Top???????? "

24 July 2020

D4 Chanel

" Ramee "

25 June 2020


" Nice place to shopping, and hangout with friends, family, and special person. "

30 May 2020

Sufyanbs .

" This Jombang supermaket with all your daily needs at affordable prices! "

10 February 2020

Aprilia William

" They are frendly staff, helpfull and good deal price for bulk groceries "

08 February 2020

Dizna Septiana

" Tmpt shooping q "

02 November 2019

Layla Latief

" Low prices!! Love this place "

17 October 2019

Annisa Nur Faida

" The price soo affordable than any other modern market in Jombang "

18 September 2019

Pungky Farizha

" More Cheaper market better than the others "

10 September 2019

Pungky Farizha

" More Cheaper market better than the others "

10 September 2019

Mochamad Mahir Haqiqi

" Free Parking... That's what needed... Wide, as well... "

20 August 2019

Ridwan Malik

" the most complete ATM In town "

15 July 2019

Yuliono Yuliono

" I found that the clothes are overprice, I don't know why. I just checked in and checked out immediately. "

11 June 2019

Honestyan Da

" krow "

26 May 2019

Khilala Diar Bin Sutarno

" Low price.. Mntap "

21 May 2019

Armaya Novitasari

" Happy shooping 😀 "

12 March 2019

Dyah Setya

" The price is cheaper then others. But the place is not so cozy. And need more space in the alley for the trolley movement. "

13 January 2019

Nurul Faridaa

" Bravo Super Market adalah pilihan yang tepat bagi anda yang ingin menghabiskan weekend bersama teman, pasangan atau keluarga dengan berbelanja. Selain itu, tempatnya yang berada tidak jauh dari alun - alun kota Tuban membuat tempat ini sangat mudah dijangkau. "

26 December 2018

Kurnia Tyas Puspita

" tempat favoritku belanja bulanan! harganya murah-murah banget lah ga ngerti lagi aku. sering kasih potongan harga pula. dibanding sama toko lain jelas beda harganya. barang juga jauh lebih lengkap. mulai dari kebutuhan sandang, pangan, papan jg ada meskipun ga banyak. pilihan kosmetik yang dijual juga lumayan lah meskipun ga sebanyak dulu pas awal-awal buka. issoke, harga tetep yang termurah "

09 November 2018

Memey Chan

" BRAVOOO... paradise where you wanna do grocery.. a place where you are able to buy everything you need. Comfortable complete place for grocery, and the important one is not costly. "

10 October 2018

Syaifuddin -

" nice supermarket, bad motorcycle parking area (its very hot) "

09 October 2018

D.S. Putri Nastiti

" Wooohooo ^^ my favorite wholesale store! "

04 October 2018

Fathul Rizqi

" Best supermarket, free parking area!! "

04 October 2018

Giovani Fabiano

" The best (so far) supermarket I can find in this city. They give the best price you can find, better than the competitor supermarkets. This place is always swarmed with people hunt for their daily needs. There are also a few different shops in their block, like book store, cafetaria, and arcade games. They have spacious parking area!!! "

13 September 2018

Erick Tohir

" Nice place but I can't find some of stuves here "

27 July 2018

Sendy S.W

" Favorite place to buy daily needs. You can find anything such as skincare, shower stuffs, baby stuffs, etc.. "

15 July 2018

G- Rin_Na

" Fav place to buy stuff everything u need was there, but sometimes when it got crowd it became so hot and not all of the cashier was nice I mean they work to slow so the line become long~~ "

14 June 2018


" A one stop shopping! "

03 June 2018

Ah Handoyo

" Super market yang bisa dibilang oengkap, letaknya strategis dan mudah dijangkau karena dekat dengan alun-alun kota tuban. "

10 May 2018


" Busy place, but not enough parking space "

07 May 2018

Rio Paradika

" Supermarket terbesar di Cepu, dengan harga murah, tempat yg besar. Lantai 1 untu bahan makanan, alat rumah tangga dan sepatu. Lantai 2 untuk baju, celana, dan peralatan bayi. Parkir luas dan gratis. Di komplek lokasi terdapat toko buku yg lengkap, area bermain (Gfan), Cafe Javanilla, california Fried chicken (CFC) dan pusat jajanan yg komplit. Terdapat mushilla dan toilet yg bersih. "

06 May 2018

Hendrik Wahyu

" Murah dan lengkap "

01 May 2018

Gresninda Putri

" Harga terjangkau, dan lengkap, pas buat nyari kebutuhan rumah tangga. "

23 April 2018

Mif. Huda

" harganya lumayan murah dan barangnya komplit. lokasi strategis. "

17 April 2018

Iswati Saja

" Lumayan Komplit, meski tak sebesar supermarket di sby, mudah diakses krn tengah, harga bersaing. "

12 April 2018

Asrori Dasuki

" Parkiran luas "

03 April 2018

Mismun Shaggy

" even it's crowded here, but it's really a helpful place "

30 March 2018


" Price is not expensive .... I like shopping in this market ... :-) .. Free parking area ... "

14 March 2018

Md Rina

" Cheaper than the other modern market in Tuban "

27 February 2018

Johan Wahyudi

" Nice price, good place for monthly shopping "

21 February 2018

Haryanto Keren

" asyik buat berbelanja enak tempatnya "

13 February 2018

Sunaryo Ayin

" Waktu itu saya bersama keluarga saya naik mobil ke bravo saya di sana senang Karena Bisa main sepuasnya di bravo . Saya paling senang waktu main di tempat mainan. Saya dapat tiket 612. Tapi, saudara saya pada iri tapi saya biarkan saja. Me bravo adalah kenangan terindah yang pernah saya jalani di jawa timur bersama saudara saudara saya. Saya berharap tahun besok saya ke jawa timur lagi. Sebab apa, Karena Bisa bertemu saudara saudara saya di jawa timur. "

30 December 2017

Michael Wirawan

" Maybe a supermarket with the cheapest price in this city, big store but small car park, sometimes too crowded "

11 December 2017


" Ok "

11 December 2017

Sum Tono

" Harga murah ada permainan untuk anak anak ada makanan di liar ataupun cemilan ada toko buku lengkap mantap dah tapi tutupnya kalau minggu di lamain jangan jam9 "

04 December 2017

Mugianto Cepuasri

" Harga murah.. "

04 December 2017

Surya Mahardika

" Almost all item are under the price, I dont know how they take the margin, but they still existed until now "

02 December 2017

Dona Lika Indriyana

" all the cheapest price for your daily necessary "

16 November 2017

Wulansari Dewi

" The place where selling goods, various brands, inexpensive, not only cash pay, kids playground "

17 October 2017

Teguh Indarto

" A charming place for a shoping with family "

11 September 2017

Negeri Hijau

" Cheappp place to shop "

07 September 2017

Elena Dirgayanti

" This is the best supermarket I have ever know. All the prices are totally unbeatable. Let's go shopping!!! "

05 September 2017

Tyo Prasetyo

" Nice market "

03 September 2017

Angga Saputro

" This place have large parking area, and is free parking for motor and car. Have a food court and game play area for kids. Easy access to go there "

03 September 2017

Eres Barley

" The cheapest mart in Tuban "

21 July 2017

R Irfan E

" Low prices but long long queue "

29 June 2017

Galuh Fierga

" Ok "

20 June 2017

Maya Puspita

" harganya lebih murah drpd toko kaij 👍🏻 "

21 May 2017

Ela Garini

" One of Supermarket in Tuban which located nearby the square "

07 May 2017

H Hadi Susanto

" Supermarket pride of Jombang. Convenient access to shopping all household needs. "

08 April 2017

Adityo Nugroho

" Cheap "

18 January 2017

Fazarie FZR

" Completly supermarket, easy to acvess and wide parking area "

02 January 2017

RhezaMahardika Firmansyah

" Bravo tuban "

12 December 2016

Cisna Prof

" The toilet is super bad.. "

17 November 2016

Ayundi Dwi

" Tempat belanja termurah yang pernah saya temui "

17 October 2016

Bambang Eko

" Supermarket terbesar di Tuban saat ini. Produk lengkap, ruangan luas.
Harga barang murah, lbh murah dibanding kompetitor manapun.
Parkir motor luas, namun mobil kurang.
Km mandi sebaiknya ditambah.
Bravo ! "

06 September 2016

Munir Kharisma

" Supermarket yg paling lengkap di kota tuban jawa timur menyediakan aneka kebutuhan rumah tangga,busana,mainan anak dan aneka kebutuhan lainnya dengan harga yg bersaing sehingga anda bisa dijual lagi jika anda adalah pedagang. "

24 August 2016

Yulius Digdo Hanggoro

" Antri lagi "

24 August 2016

Firmanda Mochamad

" Harganya Murah "

04 August 2016

Mochammad W Ibad

" Full excellence service nya "

12 July 2016

Hasan Muda Afgani

" Tempat sangat mengasyikkan., murah "

08 April 2016

Mas Dadang

" Bravo Toserba - Recomended
Menjediakan hampir semua keperluan sehari - hari seperti sembako, alat tulis, peralatan dapur, dll dengan harga grosir, pelayanan memuasakan, dan gratis parkir. selain itu juga selalu ada promo baik umum maupun member dan undian kupon. "

22 March 2016

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  • Monday 9:00 AM – 9:00 PM
  • Tuesday 9:00 AM – 9:00 PM
  • Wednesday 9:00 AM – 9:00 PM
  • Thursday 9:00 AM – 9:00 PM
  • Friday 9:00 AM – 9:00 PM
  • Saturday 9:00 AM – 9:00 PM
  • Sunday 9:00 AM – 9:00 PM