About Plaza Bitcom
Plaza Bitcom is an electronics store, located at Jl. PB Sudirman No.58-60, Jemberlor, Patrang, Kabupaten Jember, Jawa Timur 68132, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 331 481822, visit their website bitcom-online-store.business.site for more detailed information.
Mahros Darsin
" A one stop shop for your computers or laptop and the amenities.Instead of selling it also provide repairing. "
30 August 2020Hendra Sukma Ari Prayitno
" Recommended place to buy gadget such as pc, notebook, etc "
19 August 2020Sanz Froggy
" Complete but a little bit expensive price "
09 August 2020Nana
" largest electronic store (computer) at Jember. some items not ready and have to buy through online "
23 June 2020Bimasakti Wahyu
" The proximity of this place to the campus area is a few of the good things, if any. ???? Still better than nothing. Definitely need an improvement. ???? "
14 March 2020Afwan Syairozi
" I have always been here to purchase my IT need "
23 February 2020Veren Lauw
" most recomended place to buy computer, accesories but some product not ready "
22 January 2020Muh Harawan Dimas Jakaria
" It's little bit expensive compared to other store "
29 July 2019Debby Zunta
" You can buy and service your laptop, printer, etc in there with the best price. "
25 July 2019Zainu Ramadlan
" great IT shop "
08 July 2019B49035JBR POTOS
" Good service ... "
17 May 2019Angkie THR
" the place to buy new computer
19 April 2019many choice of product and trusted shop "
Michael Lusiano
" just OK but not cheap either.... "
26 March 2019Saddam Hussain
" Very nice place for pc "
14 February 2019Galih Wijaya
" Service center hp asus disini.. mantap fast respon "
27 September 2018Weka Pratesya
" Kurang ramah.... "
12 September 2018Robert Sb
" Good store.almost have all you need about pc, laptop, accessories and gadgets .but you must wait quite sometime for the service area.. maybe need some more worker for the service "
14 August 2018Admin ASP JMB
" Saya mewakili dari pihak Bitcom mencoba klarifikasi untuk kasus LED diatas. Saya pastikan bahwa team Tehnisi dan admin Service kami tidak ada yg satupun pernah memaksa untuk mengganti Part yg cust tidak mau.kami selalu menyerahkan keputusan kembali ke Customer untuk penawaran kami.
25 July 2018Keluhan di review ini tidak disertai keterangan kerusakan awal apa ketika dibawa dibitcom.karena dgn adanya info kerusakan awal mungkin kami bisa info permasalahannya dimana. pemesanan LED tdk perlu waktu sampai 2minggu karena seringnya kami ready stok kecuali LED memang kosong di suplier lama dan itupun kami sampaikan ke cust apa bersedia menunggu atau tidak.
Untuk Pemasangan LED dipastikan tidak diperlukan alat perekat atau lem.kalau sampai ada banyak lem bisa jadi bukan service diBitcom.
kami akan senang hati menerima keluhan dgn dtg langsung ke tempat kami. karena untuk kerusakan yg diakibatkan kelalaian pihak kami adalah tanggung jawab kami untuk memperbaikinya. "
Agustina Cahya Ningrum
" Saya ganti lcd bilang paling lama 5 hari. Ternyata sampai 2 minggu. Okelah mungkin karena barang tidak ada. Kemudian saat cek saya tidak suka dengan tidak kerapihannya, laptop saya banyak lemnya sepertinya dipaksa masuk lcdnya atau entahlah. Saya 3 kali tolak dia tetap bilang berbagai alasan. Kan sebal uang 1,x hilang. Belum 1 bulan terjadi percikan api di sisi lipatan laptop dan bau hangus. Sedangkan saya posisi diluar jawa timur bikin biaya makin bengkak. Gak rekom banget. Semoga tidak ada yang dirugikan lagi. Apalagi apabila laptop adalah modal mata pencarian untuk hidup. "
24 July 2018Taufikur Rahman
" Goooood "
29 April 2018Fariz Rahmadani
" Not one of a best place to fix ur laptop caused by expensive price... But it's recommended place to buy computer peripheral. "
24 March 2018Devani Bagus Aprinda
" Good place for low price. "
16 February 2018Aza Maulana
" The store big enough, has many categories for pc part even though it has just one or two options for the brand and another one or two of product series. And for 2018, the product is so outdated. Very bad place for high end tech. "
31 January 2018Prita Amelia
" Computer's accessories with cheap price are available here ????
19 January 2018But, in this place can not service handphone all merk , only specific merk ???? "
Fendy Smoke
" Klu emng pelayanan gk ramah dilaporin aj ke atasannya,spa tau tar dipecat,tp hrus bwa bukti,spya atasannya tau,pelayanan kryawannya gk ramah... "
07 December 2017Iqbal Alozio
" Bikin sebel aja "
22 November 2017Donut Donut
10 November 2017JANGAN ke toko ini, pelayanan buruk. Masih banyak toko lain yg lebih bagus, menang nama doang.
WA tidak dibalas padahal berkali kali online.
Pernah janji barang ditukar (karena rusakd ari pabriknya) dalam 30 hari, 32 hari kemudian saya kesana ternyata "minggu depan pak"
Seengaknya balas WA kek jadi saya gk terlanjur kesana. Sudah 3 kali dibeginikan "
Deni Arifianto
" Cheap place to buy computer accessories "
07 October 2017Liauw Rahardja
" one of the complete computer store in jember, they also got mobile phones "
05 October 2017Alfikri Zaini
" bisa pesen laptop sesuai keinginan gk? "
07 September 2017Candra Bagus
" best price u got in Jember "
04 September 2017Marwah DS
" Lengkap sih cuma kadang ada pegawainya kurang ramah "
24 August 2017Lee YouNa
" Open Hours
15 August 2017Minggu : PK 09:00 - PK 14:00
Senin - Sabtu : PK 09:00 - PK 20:00 "
Diah Yuli Pangesti
" Ok "
25 July 2017Bagus Wira
" The store building is getting better. But, sometimes few stuffs are not available here. "
22 June 2017M. Fiqy Z.
" Affordable price "
10 June 2017Danial Azizi
" Limited stock, only low end hardware "
31 May 2017Teddy Wijaya
" Cheap computer part and ink "
30 May 2017Dims Animations
" ok "
14 February 2017Adhang Isdyarsa
" Not much, its just a computer store, the biggest one in jember but I'm not sure I like the service here "
06 February 2017Mimin Aristama
" Toko komputer utk eceran dan grosir, harga murah, sayang pelayanan kurang senyum "
30 January 2017Roni Efendi
" Toko gadget termurah berkwalitas "
24 January 2017Wempi Ridatama
" Pusat Computet, lengkap, harga bersaing "
10 January 2017Noor Ariefandie
" Toko komputer dan perlengkapannya yang terbesar di Jember, referensi harga yang bagus. Minusnya kadang pelayanannya kurang memuaskan, kadang dicuekin, ga disenyumin, tapi kadang2 ada juga yang ramah banget. Pelayanan perlu ditingkatkan! "
28 December 2016Joni Aji
" Best Computer Store in Jember "
28 September 2016Trias Yuniar
" Murah dan lengkap "
13 August 2016Nur Kholis Mansur
" Kurang lengkap sih barangnya, tapi lumayan membantu. "
09 August 2016Sigit Wahyudi
" Harga terjangkau "
04 August 2016Nurochim Okman
" Maksudnya sama dg bitcom online paling,rukonya cuma ada 1 "
28 July 2016Andre Satria
" Lumayan murah "
15 July 2016Mohammad Habibi
" Toko Komputer Murah Berkualitas "
01 July 2016SutORo Dw
" Was there but the services are disappointing. Hopefully when I go back there, things change, get better. "
17 April 2016Nisa Ika
" ada zenfone selfie? "
15 April 2016Rizki Herdatullah
" You can buy gadget and computer here. "
23 December 2015