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About Warunk Gacoan

Warunk Gacoan is a restaurant, located at Jalan Mayor Jendral Sungkono No.16, Semampir, Kota Kediri, Mojoroto, Kediri, Jawa Timur 64129, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 354 2891458 for more detailed information.



Item Reviews - 97

Igor Purnama

" the place is comfortable, clean and every message is queued up well.
after the message was given a table number. and his brother is friendly "

03 November 2020

Ardya Putri Pramesti

" There is level in the noodle. Its feel good "

02 November 2020

Rinda Putri Rahayu

" in this place the food is delicious, according to what you want, and the service is very friendly and also fast. "

01 November 2020

Anita Sagitaningtyas

" Ok "

20 September 2020


" Wouwwww... Level 8 is delicious!!! "

19 August 2020

Refendi Official

" Fav bet "

17 August 2020

Kleppon Kleppin

" Joossss "

04 August 2020

Ardi Ardi

" Nice "

31 July 2020

Yogy Pradana

" Good "

10 June 2020

Muhtar Imam

" Good "

02 June 2020

Ayu Risma

" fav "

14 March 2020

Siswanto Amp623

" Ok "

23 January 2020


" i lope micin "

06 January 2020

Putri NH

" Favorite place "

05 January 2020

Devi Niasari

" ok "

10 December 2019

Annisa Rusydan

" the best one ever 💞 "

12 November 2019

Teguh Junnarto

" cozy resto for noodles maniacs "

20 October 2019

Rizal Lukman

" Mamtuulllllllll "

06 October 2019

Atik Masyani

" WAKO Steak "

20 September 2019

Ellysabeth Devayanti

" friendly and fast waitress "

15 August 2019

Dwicky Kurniawan

" Hmm yummy "

28 July 2019

Dyah Ayu Ari Purwanti

" The taste of noodle has changed "

21 April 2019


" Its a good place to eat and have a quick bite but beware of the spiciness of the foods though you can order it without any spicy added to it, also the foods here is very very good and inexpensive "

05 March 2019

Duren House

" I try the noodles are good and very tasty. "

03 March 2019


" I try the noodles are good and very tasty. "

03 March 2019

Naimah Hadiyana

" Deliciuos food with good service. Recommended "

06 January 2019

Susane Icha

" Nice place. 7/10 for food "

29 September 2018

Badrul Huda

" Good place, good food, but sometimes so crowded "

20 August 2018

Hidayat 86

" The placed to be nice but atmospheres little crowded.
About the taste of food is ok but little oily . also fresh milk drinks taste like soy milk. "

18 August 2018

Phaqhiloe's Ainun

" I like it
So nice and so hottt
i want againnn "

06 August 2018

Yuni Aminatu

" So nice and i like "

25 July 2018

Nuril Ahsan

" Enak nyaman "

01 June 2018

Paw Paww

" Rasa enak. Tempat nyaman tapi agak panas. Pelayanan juga lumayan lama. Mungkin bisa dicontoh mi gacoan madiun yg skrg pelayanan lebih ceoat dan dengan wakru krg dr 15 menit pengunjung sudah bisa menikmati mi yg dipesan. "

31 May 2018

Rama Lasyandra

" 😈 "

29 May 2018

Retno Kusuma

" Good food, good price
Recommended💋 "

16 May 2018

Roudya Madinatus

" I love visitting this place when they have lesehans. Like their mie setan and pangsit ofc. And i like their nasgor. Wuhuu "

08 May 2018

Syahri Abdulmajid

" Fav "

29 April 2018

Nurul Solihah

" My favorite restaurant to buy spicy noodle. They sells noodles with some level of spiciness. Just hate how it takes so long to get my food and the price of drinks are 2 times more pricey than the food "

28 April 2018

Alif Wibowo

" Nice place for everyone who love noodle "

22 April 2018

Siget Wibisono

" Menu bervariasi "

16 April 2018

Noerman Adhi Tama

" Lokasi dekat dengan pusat kota. Pegawainya rama ramah dengan respon yang cepat. Menu makananya ada mie angel (kaga pedes), mie setan dan mie iblis broooo. Bagi yang suka pedas bisa cobain level 8. Rasane mantep. Minumanya aku saranin beli dobel karna biar gk kena efek pedas berlebihan. Fasilitas wifi gratisnya lumayan kenceng. Harga menu mie mulai 7.000 sampai 11.000. "

14 April 2018

Irchamna Chamalia

" Tempatnya bagus, lucu, untuk makanannya lumayan lah, semoga kedepan semakin ditingkatkan kualitas rasa makanan dan minumnnya bukan hanya layak unt dimakan tetapi juga sedap rasanya.. "

12 April 2018

Mochamad Shobirin

" Love this place to take a dinner with your pals. "

06 April 2018

Khala Kirana

" Nice place to hangout with yr friend but the price little expensive espesially the baverage "

01 April 2018

Dewi Pratiwi

" Unbelievable I tasted this coffee it's familiar with the youngest solo, cosy place, the atmosphere is fun, warmth, is good to chat with a friend, college, the waiters very friendly, the menu is cheaper it around 10.000 rupiahs, you can enjoy with family and panorama is nice view of the adventure, parking area is too narrow for car and motorcycle "

15 March 2018

Christina Olivia

" the ambiance's not bad.. service are fairly good.. overall it's okay "

08 March 2018

Niki Arsa Kiki Nanda

" Cozy place with affordable price "

25 February 2018

Riana IW

" Noodles with dimsum with cheap price. Good "

17 February 2018

Arya Gusti Putra

" Warung gacoan is known for a really good place for hang out, the food is delicious and also cheap. Their fresh milk is also tasty "

15 February 2018

Ahn Ah Ran

" Favorit place to eat spicy noodle. It has different taste. "

13 February 2018


" good place for hangout and studying, cheap price "

22 January 2018

Shelly Cardina Artha

" Crowded restaurant. they need to add some spaces. "

10 January 2018

Fithrotul Izzah

" the place is pretty enjoyable for customers at all ages, it has beautiful interior design that can be the best spot to take some pictures with friends! "

08 January 2018

Maya Astrini

" A good place for hanging out with your best friends. Cozy place with some background for taking pictures. The foods from this place is also cheap.
很方便的地方跟朋友一起聊天 "

04 January 2018

Andini Septama Sari

" I tried noodle with level 2 amd it makes me dying lol "

27 October 2017

Bismi Rakasiwi

" The place is quite cozy and "instagramable". The foods are good and the price is cheap. I ordered Curry noodles with two pieces of spring rolls for Rp. 12000. However, the lemon tea I ordered didn't taste real at all. I could taste the instant powder in it. Their system was kind of unpleasant, instead of giving numbers for each table which will make it easier for the waiters to deliver the foods to customers, they will shout the customer's name out loud to find which table they are on. They also didn't provide tissue and extra sauce. "

20 October 2017

Johan Prakasa

" Good place "

09 October 2017


" Popular with the college crowd. Noodles are the (only?) main course in here "

08 October 2017

Anang Suharto

" Ok "

30 September 2017

Teguh Suandi

" Cozy place, cheap and delicious noodle. For me, level 8 is not really spicy, just a little bit above the average.

The Curry Noodle is the most delicious, I order Setan Noodle level 8 and Curry Noodle level 4 at the same time. "

20 September 2017

Soshinta Hijab

" My fav place 😊 "

16 September 2017

Annasruddin Pratama

" Menu baru roti bakarnya yummy 😂 "

27 August 2017

Galang Arif Wibawa

" Nice place to go out with friends and family, but its not that quiet. "

15 August 2017

Tito Salasa

" If u order here , u must waiting for several minute "

01 August 2017

Nida Nida

" Pedesnyaaaa nampoooolllll "

26 July 2017

Annisa Salsabee Rahmadiani

" Good food, nice place "

23 July 2017

Ramat Budi

" Good price for a good taste...
Also the interior is good....
5 stars from me... "

10 July 2017


" all the foods are delicious ❤ and the wall in this place really beautiful ❤ "

05 July 2017

Okie Kristina

" Good food, good ambience, good price. "

04 July 2017

Melati Pitoyo Putri

" A good place for a meal with affordable price which provides spicy noodles with different level (range 1 - 5), fresh milk with various flavour, roasted bread with various topping, and some delicious snacks.
Range of the price is from Rp 10.000 - Rp 20.000 so it's quite cheap.
This place have free wifi but you need to ask the password first if you want to connect to the wifi and also good ambiance, feels like home.
The parking lot are spacious especially for motorcycle.
The music a little noisy (usually they play edm song, whereas I expect a jazzy music or songs with slower beat). "

29 June 2017

Johan Megantoro

" Always Favorites cozy place and great at all "

26 June 2017

Retno Wahyu Ning Tyas

" Comfortable "

16 June 2017

Altodia Herwindita

" Alternative food when you feel bored with everyday solo's meal "

13 June 2017

Stefanus Donnyerwandi

" Best noodle "

12 June 2017

Wahyu Wicaksono

" Suasana nyaman, harga terjangkau
Menu makanan mayoritas mie pedas dan gorengan.
Juga menyediakan cheesebury, roti bakar dengan taburan keju dan coklat yh sangat banyak sehingga rotinya terkubur dalam keju.
Minumannya selain minuman standar (teh dkk) jg menyediakan susu segar aneka rasa.

Tempat parkir luas utk sepeda motor, tp parkir mobil sangat2 terbatas. "

14 May 2017

Gega Holmes

" Over priced meal and beverage. Cozy place tough "

08 May 2017

Olivia Lauw

" Mkn mie nelongso.. Hati jd nelongso karena rasanya.. "

05 May 2017

Adi Nugroho

" Tempatnya enak buat nongkrong, murah, n ada wifi gratis. Ada colokan buat cas hp di beberapa meja, buat yg darurat batere. Cuma kecewa mi super ternyata cuma tambah pangsit, gak tambah bakminya. "

29 April 2017

Sika Lavigne

" Recomended place 😋 "

29 April 2017

Gusfa Arlian Putra

" Good-appearing place with nice concept, reachable price, even though we must queue, however the services are so fast "

15 April 2017

Andhika Djajadi

" Nice taste and spicy level 😆 "

11 April 2017

Irfan Marzuki

" Cozy place, acceptable price, "

01 April 2017


" Sometimes it's very crowded "

18 February 2017

Yunita Azizah

" The best noodle 😘😘😘 "

30 January 2017

Benik 14

" Enak..tempat nya asyik santai..jos lah bwk kumpul kumpul keluarga sahabat n teman... "

22 January 2017

Okvi Hidayat

" Tempatnya nyaman, luas dan menarik buat foto. Klau rasa menurut ak udah ckup tapi kalau seandai somay ny di kukus aja mungkin bakal lbh enak. Soal e krupukny kan udh gorengan. Buat tempat parkir ny gk terlalu luas tp cukup lah. . "

21 January 2017

Lala Tagore

" viewnya asik.... apalagi buat yg suka hunting fto selfie ato wefie....
mienya jga manteb... "

18 January 2017

Santosa Kurniawan

" Enak buat nongkrong & ngobrol.. tempat bagus.. makanan enak.. cm kadang nunggu lama kl lg ngantri "

18 January 2017

Ilham Putra

" tadi saya makan di mie nelongso kediri
tempatnya asik buat kumpul dan nongkrong bareng temen dan keluarga
juga bisa untuk eksis bintang 4
makanannya enak .bintang 3.5

sayangnya harus menungu lama,
mungkin karena ramai dari pagi pelayannya agak kurang sopan dan terkesan acuh dalam melayani pelanggan

pelayanan bintang 2 "

03 January 2017

Dora Dayu Rahma Turista

" So yummy.... "

26 December 2016

Binti Chofiah

" tempat nyaman, mie nya enak, snack nya juga enak harga terjangkau "

11 October 2016

Achmadefendi Fendi

" Mntap guys.. "

09 October 2016

Welly Wibisono

" Mie cita rasa pedas berbagai level "

09 October 2016

Muchamad Abdur Rohman

" Super "

04 October 2016

Bagus Yece

" Yang suka cari sensasi pedas , mampir kesini di jamin bakal ngerasain pedasnya 😢 "

16 August 2016

Karto Tumplek

" Tidak buka lagi/pindah "

12 August 2016

Herman Bagus

" Yang suka pedas bisa mencoba kesini "

12 August 2016

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Working Hours :

  • Monday 9:00 AM – 10:00 PM
  • Tuesday 9:00 AM – 10:00 PM
  • Wednesday 9:00 AM – 10:00 PM
  • Thursday 9:00 AM – 10:00 PM
  • Friday 9:00 AM – 10:00 PM
  • Saturday 9:00 AM – 10:00 PM
  • Sunday 9:00 AM – 10:00 PM