About Anugerah Jaya Computer & Networking
Anugerah Jaya Computer & Networking is an electronics store, located at Jl. Raya Durenan - Bandung, Genengan, Bandung, Kabupaten Tulungagung, Jawa Timur 66274, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 812-3425-6200, visit their website www.facebook.com for more detailed information.
Uso Sidik
" The most complete computers and accessories store and service in town. "
22 April 2018Rizki Akbar
" Sangat tidak professional. Janji paling lama 1 minggu dikabarin, tapi setelah 1 minggu lebih saya telp untuk konfirmasi katanya besok akan di kabarin, tapi tidak ada kabar. Selang bbrp hari saya telp lg, katanya sorenya akan d kabarin, tapi tetap tidak ada kabar lg. Keesokan harinya sy telp lg, ternyata blg tidak bisa di service. Waktu pengambilan pun saya cek dulu, eh bbrp baut hilang dan yg lain bautnya terlihat dipaksakan (bukan aslinya). Setelah d rumah saya coba buka, malah kabel di dalam pada berantakan alias tidak dikembalikan ke posisi awal. Sangat kecewa dgn pelayanan AJC. "
16 April 2018Fachri Reza
" it has a computer repair center "
08 April 2018Meliawati Wildan
" If you want to repair your laptop or computer this place is good. "
07 April 2018Alifanda Cahyananto
" I can't try to test my ViewSonic projector in this place, but actually they have three units of computer. ... Customers should be able to test their products before they buy it. "
19 March 2018Fiola Rizanti
" Helpful staff, there's a mie ayam and bakso vendor downstairs. "
22 December 2017Hez Luthor
" Trusted computwr shop "
11 October 2017Wahab Saputra
" Top "
22 September 2017Dirgantara Yudha
" Good place to repair your electronic n gadget "
01 July 2017Sofhal Jamil
" Langganan beli asesories notebook dgn harga damai "
17 March 2017Rizkatania Ranaprathama
" They give you 3 days guarantee to take your belongings back if you have any kind of problems after the services
24 February 2017Quite pricey, but it's worth because of their services
They'll call you ASAP after they finished fix your belongings "
FX Budi Widyatmoko
" Their service are professional. Time oriented,give exact information of what happen with my laptop. They can finish the job before what we agree and they make a phone calling that my laptop is already. When i take my laptop they give plenty time to do checking. And at the end they give a voucher of a cup of "mie ayam bakso". "
09 February 2017Bambang Isdiarto
" Ok "
05 February 2017Hari Sultan
" Good service "
17 January 2017Todo Sibuea
" Anything you need for your computer is available here. Price is competitive in Depok. "
04 September 2016Irawan Prayoga
" The finest service point in town for your laptop and desktop. AJC has several branch and officially affiliated with some known computer brands. The guys from AJC really know how to fix your computer gadget. "
27 November 2015