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About Jember City Central Park

Jember City Central Park is a park, located at Jl. Nasional III, Kaliwates, Kabupaten Jember, Jawa Timur 68131, Indonesia. Visit their website for more detailed information.



Item Reviews - 40

Lailiyah Kamali

" Its a good place so far. Just need to add a toilet for the visitor. "

04 June 2018

Akbar Galih

" Banyak kegiatan yg bisa dilakukan di tempat ini, mulai dari sepak bola, jogging, bermain basket, ngopi dan nongkrong, hingga latihan drum band.

Di hari minggu diadakan CFD dikawasan ini. Saat yang tepat untuk wisata kuliner. Banyak penjual makanan kaki 5 yang akan buka mulai jam 6 pagi hingga 10/11 siang.

Sayang terakhir kali kesini sudah ada beberapa kerusakan di lapangan basket yg belum di perbaiki. "

29 May 2018

Intan Sari

" Good place to just enjoying the late afternoon or night if you don't know where to go. Just watch people there do their stuffs 😄, or just sitting there enjoying some coffee or another drink. "

08 May 2018


" You should go here on a Sunday morning around six o'clock. Many people who try to sell traditional food. Very crowded on that time. "

08 May 2018

Ahmed Moeljadi

" Awesome park that make us would stay longer around here. #lovelyjember "

25 April 2018

Nur Anisah

" • One of the free public places in Jember.
• Provide a playing ground for kids.
• There is a food-court.
• Provide some restrooms.
• Provide jogging-track and basketball arena.
• It is crowded enough on Sunday (CFD-car free day). "

18 April 2018

Satriawan H

" Good, but dirty. Very crouded especially on sunday "

08 April 2018

Anwar Hidayat

" Good place if it's in the morning. If it's a little late, it's not really good to hang out with friends. "

01 March 2018

Citraningtyas Ratnapuri

" Jember's center activities and every sunday will be close for car free day until 10 am "

25 February 2018

Mark De Santa

" Its a good place for refreshing. People there is a good person. So many facilities here. 2 basketball fields. Large soccer field,park,and some foodcourt. At least this is a great place to refreshing my brain. "

19 February 2018

Alnoor Virani

" GREAT city and GREAT people... Well.... Excellent people and GREAT exchange rate for Canadian dollars.... So GREAT to take international Trip like Indonesia. "

08 February 2018

Aza Maulana

" Carfree Day on every sunday is the really legit event for exploring foods with friends and families, i have never seen Carfree day in any cities has that one. Good enough for workout, or just walk around and feel the atmostfer "

31 January 2018

Kaito Ryujin

" The pin is misplaced, how can a big town center exist in the middle of two way main road?, the correct location is miles away from there and it's a big field with a public park. "

02 December 2017

Ar Ben

" Never end spot in jember, as a central, a park, a culinary center.
Crowded on "car free day" at sunday.
Good place to bring your kids, or just gathering with your friends "

22 November 2017

Narendra Greza Nawangga

" – It's a great place to hang out with your friends. Just bring a mat. You can ride gowes bikes, which is basically a framed car-shaped bike with LED lights up to 5 people per bike. You can find them at the southwest corner. There are a street food section up by the north. If you don't want to (somehow), there a Pizza Hut restaurant across the street. The park is clean, but some pavements are peeled out and broken. Not a problem. You should visit the park at nighttime. Sorry no photos :(
– Btw, roller blades are trending here. You can see 5-yo kids rollerblading around the park with their 10$ pair of skates. Some days are a bit special. Every Wednesday and Saturday nights, there is a community called Jember Inlineskate Community, JIC, practicing. Most of the members are 9-yo, elementary school kids. It's a lot of fun joining them. We lay out cones on the ground and slalom, speed practicing, endurance practicing, or just leg exercises and chilling out circling the park. "

08 October 2017

Aziza Nirmala

" This alun-alun is clean, there is playground for children also. There is a lot of streetsnacks seller. "

14 September 2017

Lea Merindra

" Nice place for relax.. find fresh air... good for kids to play in grass "

03 September 2017

Sovira Maris

" There is car free day event weekly every Sunday morning. Lots of people jog here every dawn and afternoon. There is a playground for kids. Some tenants are open in the evening. You can visit a night market near Alun Alun. A very nice place to spend time with family and friends. "

23 August 2017

Sugito Abi Fadilah

" Good place for take a walk with your friend, family, or by your self.. to do sport (jogging), culinary, hobby (pet group), some festival are held here every year.. "

13 August 2017

Ratri Ardianto

" Center of the city, lot of trees but need more public seating area as well as better maintenance needed on the fascilities "

11 August 2017


" Bagus "

21 July 2017

Devane Habibie

" A nice place to spend your Saturday night or To Walk or exercise on sunday morning, good meeting place for various groups and communities. But usually crowded. "

12 July 2017

Asteria Agusti Rani

" It's the plasa of Jember city, with well-treated greens. Nice place to do sports and to hang out. There are several street dining stalls which serve heavy meals (though I cannot guarantee the taste nor confirm the price). "

30 June 2017

Endik Mulyono

" Alun alun ini bersih dan luas, nyaman untuk bermain. Ada kuliner kaki lima maupun lesehan "

16 June 2017

Mabafasa Al Khuluqiy

" Good place to rest and recreation with your friend or parent.. "

14 May 2017

Bagaskara Mail

" Good ambience at night, was here once. Enjoy hot coffee and some ground peanut while chatting with friends "

10 May 2017

Kretyowiweko Husnu Hidayatulloh

" Good place for doing sports or juat having relax day "

29 April 2017

Mochammad Dawud

" A place for family recreation freely. Jember central park. "

22 March 2017

Septi Hutapea

" You can play basketball or football here and you can meet your friend or even your bf/gf. "

22 February 2017

Ervan Prasetyo

" a good place in the middle town for refreshing from busy daily activity "

21 February 2017

Syah Alfaraby

" Nohing special, just like other 'alun-alun' "

12 February 2017

Mas Wahyu

" Nice places for family gatheringfor playing, relaxing in the middle of Jember city "

27 January 2017

Rahma Dhani Prasetiyawati

" Nice hang out place either with friends or family "

21 January 2017

Alfian Nino Syahputra

" The most amazing open spaces to do an activity .. Jember Fashion Carnaval is held here "

18 November 2016

Benny Jeep

" very good work
people hang out here
play basket, roller blade, etc
good security area
clean "

29 September 2016

Brilliant Putra

" Uapik tenan rek "

30 August 2016

Zazky Azizah

" This place is very nice, there is playground, food court, shady palm pantations, basketball and volleyball court, green field, and public toilet (restroom). It open 24 hours a day and 7 days a week (never close). There you can walk around or jogging, eat, drink, play, sport, go shopping in the evening, picnic, get relax, connect to Wi-Fi and many more. I recommend to visit this place at evening, I like to see the lamp tree and the water fountain. Also, at Kartini street or Jalan Kartini (in the south of Alun-Alun) there is street market you can buy Molen, Cilok, etc. Or, you can ride "Becak Gowes" / Gowes pedicab. Sometimes, there is animals permormance too. Sunday morning is free from cars or motorcycle, that is time to sport with lots of people. This place is awesome. "

12 August 2016

Isa Rahmadhi Setiawan

" Tempat cari pokemon 👌👌 "

08 August 2016

Handry Ak

" Rapih dan bersih "

06 August 2016

Andazard Mahardika

" Tambah apik ae "

30 June 2016

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