About Alfamart M941
Alfamart M941 is a convenience store, located at Jl. Simpang Sulfat Utara No.65, Pandanwangi, Blimbing, Kota Malang, Jawa Timur 65126, Indonesia. Visit their website alfamartku.com for more detailed information.
Alfamart M941 is a convenience store, located at Jl. Simpang Sulfat Utara No.65, Pandanwangi, Blimbing, Kota Malang, Jawa Timur 65126, Indonesia. Visit their website alfamartku.com for more detailed information.
Ndut Keplek
" lokasi alfa persis depan puri bunda
18 February 20181. barang lumayan lengkap
2. harga terjangkau
3. sering ada promo
4. toilet bersih
5. pelayanan ramah (standart alramart)
6. ada kursi dan meja buat istirahat
7. bisa debit
8. melayani pembayaran bpjs, token,pulsa,adira dll
1. perlu ada atm
2. parkir cukuplah (kalau lagi ramai sudah mepet bahu jalan) "
Sri Rahayu
" It's still new, and have large store, almost as large as Alfamidi. Located directly in front of RSIA Puri Bunda Malang, so it's quite strategic - despite Jalan Terusan Sulfat usually not crowded all the day. Minus: only open till 11.00 pm while it's competitor Indomaret, which is just one minute walk to norht - is open 24/7. "
01 January 2018Setiyadi Putranto
" Sangat membantu saat ada kluarga yg sedang d rawat d rs puri bunda. "
15 December 2017Gita Puspitasari
" Alfamart baru "
08 November 2017Bayu Heryo.yudanto
" Bagus banget. Rapi dan lengkap "
19 October 2017Rovy Bachtiar Safiullah
" Nice place to buy something daily "
14 August 2017Ananta Kharismadi
" Near hospital, spacious parking lot "
24 June 2017Fendi Uzie
" Pelayanan bagus "
01 June 2017