ATM CIMB NIAGA (Hotel Bandung Permai)
About ATM CIMB NIAGA (Hotel Bandung Permai)
ATM CIMB NIAGA (Hotel Bandung Permai) is an atm, located at Jl. Hayam Wuruk, Sempusari, Kaliwates, Kabupaten Jember, Jawa Timur 68131, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 21 1238210 for more detailed information.
Fredy Uktolseya
" Good "
09 June 2020Nyanz Nyanz
" The hotel offer nice and clean room with friendly costs per night, if you are looking for a place to sleep or bring your family along for weekend in Bandung you can always choose this one for cost considerations. The building it's a bit old and you can see that every storey got a quite wide open space. "
25 July 2019Merlyne Dee
" Good place and good price for "
03 June 2019Angky Wicaksono
" it use to be a nice hotel to stau, but the maintanance and the old vibes is a bit worryng, so needs aome improvement to get some good vibes and good people to come by "
06 March 2019Deni Suwardi
" Hotel yg sangat nyaman untuk beristirahat dengan di fasilitasi rorompok karaoke keluarga "
05 November 2018Intan Kusuma Wulandari
" Comfy and cheap room in centre of Bandung city. With IDR 150.000 you can get a standard room. There's bath tub too. But maybe this hotel is one of old hotel in Bandung I think. There's hot water even not hot that tho but this hotel recommendedly for you that searching for a cheap, comfy and near from centre city. Don't be surprised if you found a cockroaches here hehehe. Hotel with 150k, it's enough for me. This hotel was so big with huge room. Nice hotel. "
19 August 2018Ahmad Irsyad
" hotel klasik di bandung. gak pake AC udah dingin. namun perawatan hotel kurang "
23 May 2018Ikhwan Malam
" Maaf izin bertanya, apakah ada lowongan pekerjaan disini? Terimakasih... "
23 May 2018Herbert Simanjuntak
" Ok "
29 April 2018Narendra Wahyu Junior
" Tempat renang lumayan enak. Tapi ini termasuk hotel tua "
27 April 2018Erika Gustini
" Harganya terjangkau murah tapi tempatnya juga kurang nyaman, tempatnya si lumayan bersih, pelayanannya juga lumayan. "
26 April 2018Robby Cahyadi
" Hotel yg cocok buat backpacker. Ada air panasnya, menu sarapan lumayanlah, handuknya kecil bener "
05 April 2018Enjik
" A three star hotel "
01 April 2018Arif Budiman
" Not bad "
10 March 2018Jajang Nurjaman
" tarif nya murah sdh ada ac dan air panas + tv "
09 March 2018Aurora Iameresa
" Old hotel. But it is ok to try caus low price "
05 January 2018Citraningtyas Ratnapuri
" Average hotel with swimming pool, worth with the price. The hot water didn't work. The rooms that near street is very noisy from the traffic "
01 January 2018Yosie Rossifa
" Hotel yang murah dengan fasilitas lumayan, perlu ditingkatkan lagi kebersihannya dan handuknya harusnya yang besar, serta sarapannya kurang variatif. "
07 November 2017Suci Desianty
" Hotel nya murah & super duper nyaman dengan hrg mulai dari 150rb dapet breakfast juga❤ rekomended banget buat kalian yang lagi cari hotel murah nyaman dan dapat breakfast juga❤ "
01 November 2017Juniarto Guntoro
" Untuk istirahat yang sempurna murah meriah dengan pelayanan yang sebaik-baiknya "
08 October 2017Setiono Gunawan Argoputro
" Old hotel at Jember, average price "
05 September 2017Nancy Tan
" It has meeting room, pool, restaurant and yeah.. room to sleep in. "
13 August 2017Kebic Review
" Friendly staff,and friendly rate. but old building and facility. "
02 July 2017BILL NAVA
" I am used to swimming here "
05 June 2017Intan Sari
" Old hotel, but I like the pool "
29 May 2017Asykar Respati
" Nyaman,rapih,bersih "
04 April 2017Firman Juliansyah
" Only receive cash payment "
21 March 2017Sifhaa Putri
" Hotel nya gak nyaman fasilitas juga gak nyamann .. masa helm helm ajah sampe ilang,
18 March 2017Petugas nya gak bertanggung jawab banget harus nya klw hotell ada pertanggung jawaban gak cuman sama tulisan saja hotell apaan itu "
Arya Wardhana
" This an old hotel, not too clean, not too expensive "
18 February 2017Cv Bonafide
" Bagus "
09 February 2017Abdalla Swie
" This hotel is very dirty and lousy room and breakfast is not good and not worth 3 stars but minus 3 stars "
14 January 2017Doddy Elzha Al Jambary
" Hotel lama "
10 January 2017Bayu Ganjar Hudoyo
" Fasilitas kurang memadai, ac kecil, kamar tidak terawat, saluran tv lokal, tidak ada lift untuk lantai 2 dan 3, kondisi ruangan agak gelap, konklusi hotel kurang terawat, pelayanan cukup bagus. "
01 January 2017Putu Sukmaantara
" Great location "
16 November 2016Levi Raja
" Best "
22 October 2016Riskha Sandhi
" Okay, old building, old furniture bit you'll get good scenery on the back... still okay for a hotel class at Jember "
16 October 2016Samuel Zilgwin
" Hotelnya hening "
20 September 2016Vezcer Van Bandoeng
" What u see is what u get "
16 September 2016Diki Wahyudi
" Hotel ini lumayan murah sesuai jg dengan yang anda bayar "
23 August 2016Atika Dyah
" Strategis, depan carefour belakang roxy mall angkutan umum 24 jam. Pelayanan Top... "
30 July 2016William Adrian
" Harga kamar terbilang murah+ada fasilitas kolam renang...di seberang jalan ada swalayan besar dan banyak kuliner di sekitaran hotel "
19 July 2016Hero Wijayadi
" Bangunan sudah sangat tua dan sepi. Kamar agak kotor. Tapi lokasi cukup ok, ada Carrefour di depan persis "
26 June 2016Syarif Uddin
" Tempat menginap "
14 May 2016Tree Setiawan P
" Good "
12 May 2016Eva Riana
" Good hotel "
02 November 2015