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XXI TRANSMART SETIABUDI is a movie theater, located at Transmart Setiabudi Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No.208, Srondol Wetan, Banyumanik, Kota Semarang, Jawa Tengah 50263, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 24 76404121, visit their website for more detailed information.



Item Reviews - 36

Alan Ilsandi

" After ENDGAME.. happy "

04 May 2019

Rian Pamungkas Rahmatulloh

" Another choices than xxi in ayani mall. More cheaper than there and different movies sometimes if we compared. Overall good ones!! "

04 April 2019

Soediono Lenz

" Meet the standard for movie theater. The draw back is this studio smaller than ayani megamal xxi studio "

30 March 2019

Firdine Ollie

" Better than ayani(the price) "

05 March 2019

Slep Low

" It's cheaper from Mega mall, but the area is smaller.
I would suggest to pick from D-F chairs. "

26 December 2018

Mas Agus

" Kecil tempatnya "

26 December 2018

Jufihiro Ophelia

" The cheapest movie theatre in Pontianak. Enjoy the shows. "

25 December 2018

Edy Kurniawan

" Another Place to Watch Movie Here in Pontianak, this place is as great as the other one... It just it has better condition(not as crowded as the other) si this why we usually watch movie in here in some occasions... Also there's usually some movies that only we can watch it here... So yeah... Its Good "

22 October 2018

Heri Huang

" Nice market, but goods they sell not so complete... "

12 October 2018

Dina Fadiah

" The only thing that annoys me the most until I give it 4 instead of 5 is the place located on the corner. The first time I went there, I got so lost because it seemed invisible. Other than that, things are great. The services, snack, drinks, and etc are pretty great "

18 May 2018

Danang Danz

" Great place for watch movies with not expensive cost.. "

17 May 2018

Indarto Ptk

" Top "

07 May 2018

Maria Ina

" Small studio compare to XXI Ayani, low price though... "

06 May 2018

Harrie Muliawan

" Good "

03 May 2018

Faith Jonathan

" Good place to watch movies in semarang,near lots of restaurants and food store.. "

30 April 2018

Ibnu Saifani Hakim

" Bioskop XXI baru di Semarang, lokasinya di lantai 2 mall Transmart Setia Budi (masuknya naik eskalator di lt 1). tempatnya emang agak kecil, studionya juga gak seberapa gede, tapi ya cukuplah kalo sekedar buat nyari hiburan, apalagi ini yang harganya lebih murah dibanding bioskop yang lain. "

26 April 2018

Paskahliana LM

" good place for quality time to see a movie with friends family and anyone "

25 April 2018

Awaludin Razab

" Mungkin ini salah satu bagian terbaik dari Transmart Pontianak, tersedia 6 studio dengan kapasitas relatif kecil karena disini masuk kategori kelas c. Manajemen memberikan sambutan dan kerjasama yang baik. Layanan pada saat pelaksanaan nonton bareng film Guru Ngaji kemarin cukup memuaskan. Semoga terua mendukung industri kreatif halal di Indonesia. "

25 April 2018

Chloe Tiara

" The only cinema in Tembalang. The absolute go-to for college students looking for some entertainment. Definitely has its quality kept, especially because it's relatively new. "

25 April 2018

Dark Splendor

" Good "

20 April 2018

Mohd L. Raja Puara

" Love it so much! Convenient location! "

18 April 2018

Francis Wong Foodie & Traveler

" I think this the best part of transmart, cinema XXI. This cinema have 6 theatre. All are very clean. Their toilet also very clean. But their lobby are a bit small. This cinema is very good and their price also inexpensive. "

13 April 2018

Edo Do

" Bioskop kedua di pontianak..
Jadi pontianak tidak hanya punya satu mall saja yang ada bioskop nya wkwk.
Di transmart ada dan Harga nya lebih murah sedikit dari yang di mega mall yaa..
Oke lah
Untuk yang tinggal di daerah kubu raya mungkin pada nonton ke sini kali yaaa
Lebih dekat, kalau megamall sudah ke pusat kota nya "

04 April 2018

Farhan Setiadi

" I'ts exclusive seat and ticket is cheap i feel this cinema is wide and new speaker 😙 first time i go there oo good give 5 stars :) "

02 April 2018

Rio Dermawan

" Harga ticket lebih tjangkau. Dan baru loh "

01 April 2018

Edo Do

" Harga nya lebih murah sedikit dari yang di sana "

30 March 2018

Eddy Chi

" Akhirnya ada bioskop lain selain XXI megamal. Ukuran studio dan lobby XXI Transmart memang lebih kecil, tapi kenyamanannya tetap terjaga, bahkan harga tiketnya juga lebih murah.
Tersedia 5 studio dan jika pengunjung tidak lewat lift, maka akan melalui transtudio mini di lantai tepat di bawahnya. "

18 March 2018

Wahyu Waskito

" Bioskop kedua di Kota Pontianak dan sekitarnya (Kubu Raya) menjadikan XXI Transmart pelarian warga yang mencari bioskop yang lebih murah. Walaupun dengan harga yang murah, tidak mengurangi kenyamanan penonton yang menikmati bioskop XXI Transmart. Cocok untuk mencari suasana dan sensasi baru walaupun masih sesama Cinema21. "

27 February 2018


" bioskop ke-2 di kota Pontianak setelah XXI Ayani Megamal. dengan kapasitas studio yg lebih kecil dan lobby yg lebih mini jika dibandingkan dgn yg di Ayani Megamal. harga.tiket weekend @Rp. 50.000 "

25 February 2018

Vino Satwika

" The first and only cinema in uptown, well penetrated the market of college students and immediate population. The size of theatre is not as big as the Paragon or DP Mall, but they are comfortable enough. The price is cheaper though. "

22 January 2018

Abid Affandi Wedatama

" Located in Banyumanik (uptown area of Semarang), this is the only cinema with a good price and place which is good for collage student. "

10 November 2017

Ricky Sulistyo

" They won't allow me to bring water for my baby's milk. What kind of service like this? Even the people on the concessions recognize me as reguler buyer... "

30 July 2017

Agil Saputro

" Clean and good place like any other XXI "

24 July 2017

Retno Damayanti

" The one and only Cinema in Uptown area. Good location, cheap price (35.000 rupiah for weekdays) "

28 June 2017

Cynthia Damayanti

" New movies, inexpensive, dolby stereo, clean, comfortable seat, adequate restrooms. Easy access from mall main floor. "

20 June 2017

Sigit Ari

" New place with full of attraction "

18 June 2017

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Working Hours :

  • Monday 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
  • Tuesday 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
  • Wednesday 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
  • Thursday 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
  • Friday 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
  • Saturday 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
  • Sunday 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM