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About Wisata Waduk Gembong

Wisata Waduk Gembong is a park, located at Pohgading, Gembong, Pati Regency, Central Java 59162, Indonesia



Wisata Waduk Gembong, nestled in the serene village of Pohgading, Gembong, in Pati Regency, Central Java, is an idyllic destination that seamlessly blends natural beauty with modern convenience. This reservoir, locally known as a "waduk," is a hub for outdoor enthusiasts and those seeking a respite from the hustle and bustle of city life. The sprawling landscape offers a panoramic view that is both soothing and invigorating, making it a perfect spot for picnics, leisurely walks, or simply enjoying the tranquility.

The area surrounding Wisata Waduk Gembong is dotted with lush greenery and picturesque scenery, providing a refreshing contrast to the urban jungle. You can indulge in various activities such as fishing, boating, or even birdwatching, thanks to the diverse wildlife that calls this place home. The reservoir itself is a marvel, spanning over a significant area and serving as a vital water source for the local community. For those interested in local culture, the nearby villages offer a glimpse into traditional Javanese life, with friendly locals always eager to share their stories and customs.

If you're looking to extend your stay, there are several accommodation options nearby that cater to different budgets and preferences. From cozy homestays to more upscale lodgings, you can find a place that suits your needs. The local cuisine is another highlight, featuring a rich array of Javanese dishes that are sure to tantalize your taste buds. Whether you're in the mood for a hearty "nasi gudeg" or a refreshing "es campur," there's something for everyone.

For business professionals seeking a break from their routine, Wisata Waduk Gembong offers a unique blend of relaxation and adventure. It's an ideal spot for team-building activities, corporate retreats, or simply a peaceful getaway. The natural beauty and cultural richness of the area make it a must-visit destination. Here is a review from a visitor: "Wisata Waduk Gembong is a hidden gem. The serene atmosphere and beautiful landscape made it the perfect spot for a weekend getaway. The local food was amazing, and the people were incredibly welcoming. Highly recommend it for anyone looking to escape the city noise."


Item Reviews - 46

Purnama Yang Sempurna

" Pemandangannya Indah .. Cocok Buat Nunggu Buka Puasa 😊😊 "

02 June 2018

Albab Ulil

" Kurang tertata "

30 May 2018

Nugroho Apriadi

" Tempat menarik untuk landscape-an. Bila air surut bisa main/ turun ke bawah. Sunset dgn background gunung muria yg memanjakan mata. Tempat yang sejuk pas untuk menghilangkan penat. Tapi akses jalan masuknya rusak, jadi harus berhati-hati. Kurang tempat berteduh dan tempat makan. "

30 May 2018

Masayu Mahesti

" Waduk gembong yang dibangun THN 1921, adalah waduk buatan yang dibangun pemerintah kolonial Belanda. Dengan pemandangan yang sangat excotic berlatar belakang gunung Muria, kita bisa menikmati sunset disini. "

25 May 2018

Silviya Qothrunnada

" Tempat wisata yg bagus... syahdu...sejuk.... "

23 May 2018

Juan Ramadhan

" A good local place to hang out "

10 April 2018

Antonio Sandy Prathama

" Sangat mengasyikkan....di pati tp terletak di lembah gunung muria, perbatasan kudus-pati. "

30 March 2018

Raheni Diansari

" Biasa saja "

18 March 2018

Satria Adventurius

" jalan masuk ke area waduk rusak parah perlu perbaikan "

17 March 2018

Fauzun A Mustofa

" Waduk Gembong salah satu penyangga pengairan Wilayah Kabupaten Pati, Sejuk bagus sebagai alternative wisata keluarga "

17 March 2018

Edy Prasetyo

" adem bisa refresing dekat kota pati "

15 March 2018

Mbendoll 92

" Boleh sekedar foto mnyimpan kenangan "

10 March 2018








05 March 2018

Marwanto 123

" Kangen zaman now "

07 February 2018

Edy Prasetyo

" bisa lihat gunung dan waduk, sayang jalan masuknya kurang mulus "

25 January 2018

Zum Zakiah

" Tempat wisata sederhana tapi cukup mampu untuk me-refresh pikiran.. dan menceriakan suasana "

18 January 2018

My Store

" Tempat yang cukup menyenangkan...... Walaupun dg fasilitas yang apa adanya "

04 January 2018

Gamer Curry 350

" Mantap FF "

01 January 2018

Arni Mimi

" Tempatnya adem n asyik tapi sayang banyak sampah berserakan di pinggir waduk.... "

27 December 2017

Satria Adventurius

" jalan masuk mulai dari jalan raya tidak terawat, aspalnya hilang tidak rata & bergelombang. suasana tampak kurang terawat kebanyakan pengunjung adalah pemancing & penembak yang mencari ikan "

15 December 2017

Ummu Farhan

" Kampung halaman yang ngangeni. "

24 November 2017

Egin Feri

" Tempat penampungan air buatan yang pemandangannya indah "

22 November 2017

Julian Arfiyanto

" Bgus sih "

21 November 2017

Viffah 1234

" Pemandangannya asyik. Tapi, jalan ke lokasi mulai rusak. "

07 November 2017

Suaib Ahmad

" Tempat nongkrong atau libutan murah meriah dan lumayan bagus. "

21 October 2017

Sofan Fitri

" Pemandangan oke "

25 August 2017

Moxer Forever

" Kurng mnrik "

17 August 2017

DKV Production

" Hijau banget. "

25 July 2017

Angga Hardy

" Tempat Wisata yang indah dan sejuk.Tapi sayang jalan masuk menuju lokasi belum bagus.Dan perlu ditambah beberapa sarana seperti gazebo atau menara pandang "

16 July 2017

EZA #rmw

" Kampung halaman 😂 "

08 July 2017

Ivan Ka

" pesona alam dan tempat warung makan terenak "

29 June 2017

Zeff Master

" ok istimewwa "

29 June 2017


" Ini merupakan wisata lokal yang menyajikan keindahan danau dengan latar belakang gunung muria dan merupakan danau buatan terbesar di pati. "

21 June 2017

Darno Pla

" Waduk "

24 April 2017

Funny Area

" Taekwondo UMK was here "

11 April 2017

Muhari Hari

" Tempat itu bisa utk santai yg gratis "

29 March 2017

Iswah Yudi

" Good "

21 March 2017

MOh Edy

" Tempat ok untuk berwisata air dan pegunungan "

19 March 2017

Irvan Elhusain

" Suasana alam yg mengagumkan, dng henbusan angin dan sajian pemandangan yg menyejukkan..mantab deh "

10 March 2017

Zezen Arieff

" Indah waduknya sejuk udaranya "

17 February 2017

Jual Sepatu Murah Grosir

" Q
Aae "

14 February 2017

Hari Kiswanto

" Tempat yang biasanya digunakan anak muda untuk nongkrong atau sekedar berjalan jalan ke waduk "

09 February 2017

Ratman Batman01

" Waduk'u tempat renangku waktu kecil mas brooooo... "

03 February 2017

Afif Disk Falls

" jadi pengen pulang euy.. 😓 "

21 January 2017

Gandos Tlebuk

" Waduk nya mepesona "

17 January 2017

Rokhmad Sragen

" waduk dekat rumah saya, cukup asyik untuk menanti sun set di sore hari.. sambil momong anak "

22 March 2016

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