Warung Tenda Biru Lontong Tahu Srepeh is a restaurant, located at Jl. Ra. Kartini, Sawahan, Kec. Rembang, Kabupaten Rembang, Jawa Tengah 59215, Indonesia
" Baru kali ini makan srepeh....
Sejenis sambel tahu khas Rembang, dgn sayur pepaya n sate srepeh....
Ternyata enak bangeeeet.....
Plus lauk peyek udang n tempe goreng....
Harga muraah banget....
Pelayanan cepet.... "
07 May 2018
Yohana Selviana
" Lontong Tahu dish in this place is the most perfect one in Rembang! Deliciouss~~👍🏻 "
15 April 2018
Chris Hemasurya
" This shop sells local tradional cuisine which is tahu kupat (tofu and rice cake serves with peanut sauce) and sate srepeh (chicken satay with peanut sauce)
They also serve really tasty fried tempeh where the tempeh was made in traditional way. "
12 April 2018
Shodiq Suryo Nagoro
" Unique taste, some public figures visited this place "
06 April 2018
GRADIN Design Studio
" Rasa nikmat. Tapi harus extra sabar karena ramai dan lontong tahu nya buatnya 1 1 :)
Kl perlu cepet2 makan, tempat ini kurang tepat "
31 March 2018
Agus Kurnia Chandra
" Rasa mantap. Pelayanan cukup cepat. Selain dilayani sang bapak ada juga ibu2 yg kurus dan cekatan. Mungkin istri beliau? Gk sempet nanya dan gk mau kepo :-D Harga super murah atau mungkin ibunya salah itung? Entahlah. Ada satu lg ibu2, beliau lbh ke cuci2 piring. Overall mantap. "
30 December 2017
FX Kustanto
" Semoga da yg "bening" untuk dilihat ;) serta menu baru (tahu telor) "
08 November 2017
Irvan Maulana
" Sedap "
16 September 2017
Ivon Silvianti
" Tidak ada tahu telur "
14 August 2017
Dinasuradi Suradi
" Terjangkau "
22 July 2017
Upik Agustia
" Warung pinggiran, tapi soal rasa juara
For taste 9/10 , ga kasih nilai sempurna karena kesempurnaan hanya milik ALLAH 😂
Meskipun harus rela antri, bagi pemburu kuliner wajib nyobain "
19 June 2017
Farid Yms
" Uenak "
04 June 2017
Rio Rinaldo
" I can't stress enough how delicious this unique food of Rembang. The rice/rice cake poured with peanut sauce and adorned with tofu, some lodeh curry, beansprout, leek, and fried nuts. Add some steamed chicken satays and some other assortments, such as fried tempe, shrimp and corn fritters. Come here as early as you can because, although usually closed at 9 pm, but there's often nothing left at 7 pm. "
Lukman Hakim
" Baru kali ini makan srepeh....
07 May 2018Sejenis sambel tahu khas Rembang, dgn sayur pepaya n sate srepeh....
Ternyata enak bangeeeet.....
Plus lauk peyek udang n tempe goreng....
Harga muraah banget....
Pelayanan cepet.... "
Yohana Selviana
" Lontong Tahu dish in this place is the most perfect one in Rembang! Deliciouss~~👍🏻 "
15 April 2018Chris Hemasurya
" This shop sells local tradional cuisine which is tahu kupat (tofu and rice cake serves with peanut sauce) and sate srepeh (chicken satay with peanut sauce)
12 April 2018They also serve really tasty fried tempeh where the tempeh was made in traditional way. "
Shodiq Suryo Nagoro
" Unique taste, some public figures visited this place "
06 April 2018GRADIN Design Studio
" Rasa nikmat. Tapi harus extra sabar karena ramai dan lontong tahu nya buatnya 1 1 :)
31 March 2018Kl perlu cepet2 makan, tempat ini kurang tepat "
Agus Kurnia Chandra
" Rasa mantap. Pelayanan cukup cepat. Selain dilayani sang bapak ada juga ibu2 yg kurus dan cekatan. Mungkin istri beliau? Gk sempet nanya dan gk mau kepo :-D Harga super murah atau mungkin ibunya salah itung? Entahlah. Ada satu lg ibu2, beliau lbh ke cuci2 piring. Overall mantap. "
30 December 2017FX Kustanto
" Semoga da yg "bening" untuk dilihat ;) serta menu baru (tahu telor) "
08 November 2017Irvan Maulana
" Sedap "
16 September 2017Ivon Silvianti
" Tidak ada tahu telur "
14 August 2017Dinasuradi Suradi
" Terjangkau "
22 July 2017Upik Agustia
" Warung pinggiran, tapi soal rasa juara
19 June 2017For taste 9/10 , ga kasih nilai sempurna karena kesempurnaan hanya milik ALLAH 😂
Meskipun harus rela antri, bagi pemburu kuliner wajib nyobain "
Farid Yms
" Uenak "
04 June 2017Rio Rinaldo
" I can't stress enough how delicious this unique food of Rembang. The rice/rice cake poured with peanut sauce and adorned with tofu, some lodeh curry, beansprout, leek, and fried nuts. Add some steamed chicken satays and some other assortments, such as fried tempe, shrimp and corn fritters. Come here as early as you can because, although usually closed at 9 pm, but there's often nothing left at 7 pm. "
19 November 2016