Waroeng SS Spesial Sambal Wonogiri
About Waroeng SS Spesial Sambal Wonogiri
Waroeng SS Spesial Sambal Wonogiri is a restaurant, located at Giriwono, Wonogiri Sub-District, Wonogiri Regency, Central Java 57613, Indonesia
Yuli Anjarwani
" You'll like it "
23 June 2019Hafid Affandi
" ok "
03 May 2019Vietrieannee N
" Alhamdulillahhhhh ... Finally, I could back to taste d sambal in SS ... Ehhhh lovely waroeng SS lohhhh deket batas kotahh we en ge. Thanks beloved sista tasyaaaa .... On 17th dis month don't missit "
07 December 2018Riefki's Channel
" A great place to eat and hang out with friends "
25 August 2018Peni Astrini
" the dim lightning isn't suitable for "family restaurant" mood, rather for (kind of) romantic evening and cozy mood.
13 July 2018if you are a small family (about 5 persons), It's ok. but not recommended for groups of exhausted persons consisting of more than 10 people. chaotic. "
Gege Dhani
" Maybe because I was coming on a Monday noon, so it was so crowd and all the table was full booked. But the food still have the same taste for every outlet I've ever came. "
09 March 2018Yoggi Anggoro
" Just okay. Affordable price, acceptable taste, but not that special. I would say, just so so.
19 January 2018The place is easy to access tho. So it may be a plus point. The menus are variable. But sometimes the service time is just too long. "
Rizki Larasati
" A good place to bring famoly here. There are a lot of menu that you can choose. Those sambals here are the best 👌 I came up here when its too crowded so i had to wait so long for food. Dont worry about the price you can order anything hahahaha 😜 "
04 January 2018Harits Eka
" Good place for ramily time "
04 December 2017Muhammad Nur Aziz
" Good food, Good price "
28 October 2017Vincent Na
" Cozy place, friendly price, delicious meal "
27 October 2017Fatkhur Rokhman
" Complete sambal variation with affordable price. Very recommended "
26 October 2017Ricko Andrean
" good place to eat with friend n famly "
10 August 2017Hidayat N
" Menu traditionally "
24 July 2017Kaleb Iskandar
" Good place to get lunch or dinner with Indonesian spicy foods especially Javanese sauce. "
27 June 2017Cucut Aris Widiyanto
" Hot "
10 June 2017Rita Alvaro
" Ga ada bosen2nya kesini, paling suka sambelangga, alternatifnya sambel terasi segar, dengan lauk ndog gobal gabul 😂,, kalo suami selalu dan always sambel kecap, ga bosen2 dia 😪 "
10 May 2017Rayhan Rashif
" SS Anywhere, as nice as always. "
07 May 2017Isnaa Ina
" Walau sama-sama SS, tapi SS di wonogiri punya rasa sambal yang lebih segar ketimbang di jakarta. Selalu sukak makan lesehan disini. Bangunannya kayak pendopo gitu. "
10 April 2017Rizka Nur Yuniarsih
" Sambal belutnya endess, lebih crispy dibandingin yg di semarangan & jamur gorengnya juga masih fresh, cuman sayang potongannya kecil-kecil bgt.. So far tempatnya enak, cozy, & point plusnya luas bgt, jadi bisa buat ngumpul banyak orang.. "
03 April 2017Iqbal Fachrian
" Harga nya murah cocok untuk yg pengen singgah sembari makan siang disini "
27 February 2017Ririn Agustina
" like other. nothing spesial "
12 February 2017Deny A.P
" Sambel bawang gak pedes, saya sampai pesen 3 karena gak pedes. Jamur Crispy d suir2 kecil2 jadi aneh rasanya. "
11 January 2017Prisma Arya Pandhega
" Warung ss yang udah terkenal bgt , diwonogiri tempatmnya luas dan rasa nya sama dngan ss yg lain "
20 November 2016Zen Muttaqin
" Warung SS buat yang suka huhaahhh... "
06 October 2016Deden Taufik
" Waaaahhhh kebetulan pas mampir di rumah makan SS ini pas ada yg lg ultah... sepertijya cocok buat acara kumpul2 nech... for the food... trully spiccy boozzz .. tadi nya mau ngasih 5star.. cma sayang ad pelayan yg kurag senyum.. "
29 August 2016Cikrak Mas
" Warung makan ini menyajikan aneka menu dari yang khas tradisional seperti sambel kampung sampai masakan modern. Tempat bernuansa tradisional jawa. Pelayanan memadai. "
06 August 2016Bambang Purnomo
" Pilihan menu banyak. Tempat luas. Sayang, pas nyoba tadi lumayan lama jadinya. Ga ada yg ngatur parkir juga. "
03 June 2016L Pratama
" Tempat makan favorit di Wonogiri. Soal rasa gak jauh beda dengan warung SS yang lain dan mantap punya. Pokoknya jangan kelewat. "
24 February 2016