About Ventura Taman Kuliner
Ventura Taman Kuliner is a park, located at Jalan Ki Mangunsarkoro, Karangkidul, Semarang Tengah, Kota Semarang, Jawa Tengah 50136, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 24 8452704 for more detailed information.
Suwandi Sutanto
" Cozy place for lunch... "
07 June 2020Joash Tapiheru
" Some of the food vendors close at 5 pm. But there are still many options in the evening. "
09 February 2020Rachel
" My family and I (with 3 full cars), had lunch to one of the restaurant that offers fried and grilled food (chicken, duck, fish, seafood). We ordered literally everything and all of them were tasty! I myself ordered Ikan Lele Bakar, and they served me 2 jumbo fish on the plate! So, everything we ordered is served in double. The sambals are also good! We can request the level of the spiciness. And the waiter is very helpful! We came hungry and went home with a satisfied taste and tummy. Moreover, the price is surprisingly cheap for the feast we were served with! "
04 February 2020Didi Stiawan
" many variant of stall, try Garang Asem is the best choice "
14 January 2020KRAKATAU STONE
" This place is good service company and provide well information "
02 October 2019Agus Ismail
" Good place for lunch "
01 October 2019Andri Rahardja
" So many good food in this place, large parking area, and the location are very easy to find "
06 September 2019Victor Purwanto
" Selling good swiekiau "
18 August 2019Eddy Subagyo
" Tv channel limited "
27 July 2019Ario Wirawan
" It's a good food court. Plenty of choices, mostly (if not all) Indonesian food, and mostly (maybe all) good in taste. Spacious parking space, although it could be full on peak hours. Swikee (frog legs) is my family's favorite dish. Order from any stall and ask them to deliver it to and bill you in any stall you wish to sit. "
13 March 2019Akbar Sidiq
" Lot of food variations, warung soto mbak lin is in here. Also mr.K restaurant is in here. Large parking areas. "
01 February 2019Galih Rahmawati
" Love it "
22 June 2018Jeffry Willar
" You can find a lot Middle Java & East Java food "
03 June 2018Germain Ibrahim
" Banyak pilihan makanan,dan saya pilih Garang Asam. Mantep pol "
15 April 2018Belmart Siregar
" Polite service and so many tradisional menu available "
24 December 2017Rendhi Cahyadi
" Hay muchas opciones para almorzar y cenar..... iwak manuk y café gayeng son mis favoritos.. :) "
19 December 2017Gunawan Cis
BAGI PARA PELANGGAN ATAUPUN PENGUNJUNG BEKAS LAPAK PEMPEK KARUNIA, JIka ada yang menjual Pempek di bekas lapak kami, ataupun mengatas namakan PEMPEK KARUNIA, itu bukan pempek buatan kami. TERIMA KASIH. "
Suwandi Sutanto
" Nice place to eat there are lot of small resto called warung to choose what do you like to eat..breakfast and lunch. "
23 July 2017Indah Arka
" Salah satu tempat kuliner di Semarang dg byk menu pilihan ada rawon - garang asem - soto - penyetan - iwak manuk dan juga kopi 👌 "
09 July 2017Agung Mulyo Santoso
" Nice place to eat ... "
27 May 2017Kris Ismono
" Kuliner yang lengkap di semarang...top deh "
27 April 2017Bambang Soerjo Pranoto
" So many choice for breakfast to dinner "
18 April 2017Dedi Wirawan
" Tempat bersantai "
21 February 2017Satryo Widiarto
" Banyak Pilihan Makanan. Soto Mbak Lien, Ayam Goreng Pakne Heksa, Iwak Manuk Pak No, Garang Asem. "
18 December 2016Suryadi Hertanto
" Many restaurant here. "
22 August 2016Budi Nandang
" makan makan "
08 June 2016Harmanto Aji
" Tempat makan banyak pilihan. "
25 April 2016PAIJO STRONG
" Dari soto gudeg ayam goreng atau bakar semua ada disini, di jamin mak nyoooosssssh "
04 March 2016Erwin Prasetyanto
" Tempat ini memang masih terkenal dengan nama Ventura meski sebenarnya nama Ventura itu sendiri dipakai pada sekitaran tahun 2005 an. Tempat yang dulu merupakan salah satu tempat berkumpulnya anak-anak Subculture. Tempat ini masih tetap menjadi salah satu tempat hangout yang lumayan rame dengan adanya beberapa cafe di area tersebut dan uniknya lokasi disekitaran tempat ini menjadi pusat keramaian dadakan setiap hari minggu pagi dengan banyaknya dijual pakaian-pakaian sisa export yg dikenal dengan awul-awul dan pedagang-pedagang lainnya. "
18 December 2015