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About Umbul Sigedang-Kapilaler

Umbul Sigedang-Kapilaler is a park, located at Dk. Umbulsari, Ds. Ponggok, Kec. Polanharjo, Ponggok, Polanharjo, Kabupaten Klaten, Jawa Tengah 57474, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 812-1521-1921, visit their website for more detailed information.



Item Reviews - 19

Arica Andara

" The water is clean and not too crowded but it’s a bit small. "

24 April 2018

Rani Lestari

" Kawasan ini secara administratif masuk kedalam Kecamatan Ponggok.
Sangat mudah diakses melalui google maps.
Jarak tempuh dari Yogyakarta memakan waktu 1-1,5 jam (pengalaman pribadi)
Parkir Rp 2.000
Retribusi (tiket masuk) Rp 3000
Tersedia tikar dan payung untuk berteduh, gratis tetapi dgn feedback membeli makanan/minuman di penjual (kondisi saat weekdays, mungkin berbeda kondisi jika weekend)
Fasilitas toilet sudah memadai (bersih, luas, bisa untuk bilas dengan air kran yang mengalir)
Harga makanan (camilan) dan minum standar, gorengan @ Rp 500
Air bersih, segar dan terdapat ikan2
Cocok untuk rekereasi bersama rekan dan keluarga "

11 April 2018

Muhammad Abdul Aziz

" tempat beenang "

09 April 2018

Maman Suherman

" ASSR well trtpeat dredged address grew faces 0 "

21 January 2018

Dindha Dwi

" The most incredible umbul I've ever visited. The water is so calm, clear, and has many fish. You guys may try the chicken noodle (mie ayam) bcs it is soooooo tasty!! "

10 January 2018

Jundina Izzati

" Really great place 👍
Beautiful water awesome view, with large trees here, the water so cool and there is some big fish here 😂 "

23 November 2017

Jian Hao

" Very nice place.. recommended place to visit.. I like the clear water... only 5K IDR you can enjoy swimming on clear water "

10 July 2017

Rizki Fatimah

" People rather to visited here, so you can enjoyed the nature pool with your familly or your friends. The water is so clean, you can took some photos inside. The ticket is so cheap. "

05 July 2017

Desma Mastin

" Natural water I've got, really crystal water and refreshing me. "

05 June 2017

Harge Widodo

" Natural water sources, little bit different with photograph on instagram "

09 April 2017

Windra Laksana

" 5 stars for swimming with fish.
5 stars for shower room, very clean (mar'17)
1 star for car parking, @car Rp.10.000 very expensive
All over, good enough for holiday. Recommended. "

22 March 2017

Fariz Qomarul

" Actually in this area you find 2 fountains either Umbul Sigedang and Umbul Kapilaler.

Umbul Sigedang directly pour out from fountain that same used by a Indonesian famous brand of packaged water. Sigedang look too narrow bacause it is just like a small room. Women and child usually swim in there.

Umbul Kapilaler is larger than Sigedang. The water is clear and fresh. You will swim with fish, stones, and root environment. Also in the middle you will find the source of water. Food and drink is still cheep, especially after swimming you eat 'gorengan' hmm.. So delicious.

Advice: bring your sport camp take many photos under water :-) "

27 February 2017

Rian Wahyu

" lumayan jernih..ikannya banyak..lahan parkir mobil terbatas..tapi airnya benar2 segaarr "

03 January 2017

Nanda Marta D

" Bagus....masih jernih dan banyak ikan yg masih terpelihara

Mohon juga agar tidak buang sampah sembarangan,😁 "

19 December 2016

Azka 212

" Verry2 good, natural and owesame view "

01 September 2016

Ridwan Mursito

" Sumber mata air dan digunakan untuk Air mineral kemasan di pabrik aqua "

25 August 2016

Wisnu Aji

" Mantab sekalee "

21 July 2016

Rita Mustikasari

" Beautiful "

05 June 2016

Raharjo Ponggok

" WisataPonggok. Lokasi berada di Dukuh Umbulsari tepat disebelah selatan wisata Obyek Mata Air Cokro ( OMAC ). Merupakan kolam dari mata air alami, lokasi ini ditandai oleh 2 pohon beringin yang besar dan tinggi, berumur ratusan tahun. Wisatawan dapat merasakan sensasi layaknya mandi dan berendam di telaga yang airnya jernih dan dingin seperti dalam kisah legenda Joko Tarub dan bidadari. Untuk tahap pengembangan kedepan Umbul Sigedang/Kapilaler akan direvitalisasi menjadi area dengan konsep wisata konservasi. "

11 February 2016

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  • Monday 7:00 AM – 5:00 PM
  • Tuesday 7:00 AM – 5:00 PM
  • Wednesday 7:00 AM – 5:00 PM
  • Thursday 7:00 AM – 5:00 PM
  • Friday 7:00 AM – 5:00 PM
  • Saturday 7:00 AM – 5:00 PM
  • Sunday 7:00 AM – 5:00 PM