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About Sumurboto Stationary

Sumurboto Stationary is a store, located at Jl. Prof. Soedarto Kelurahan No.88, Sumurboto, Kec. Banyumanik, Kota Semarang, Jawa Tengah 50269, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 811-2886-380 for more detailed information.



Item Reviews - 40

Dyah Kusbiantari

" Good place to buy stationary. Price is okey "

05 July 2019

Patrick Darmawan

" Great place to find many kind of accessories and needs. "

07 May 2019

Joy Suryana

" Heaven.. i like to visit here just for refreshing haha... Many cheap stationeries. Provide almost everything u need for office supplies. "

30 April 2019

Fanti Saktini

" Complete collection of stationery. Affordable price. Located near state University "

22 April 2019

Rafael Adrian

" This is a complete stationary store also the price is affordable, but the lighting in the store is less "

27 March 2019

Melati Kusuma

" murah dan lumayan lengkap, memenuhi kebutuhan alat tulis saya sejak sd-kuliah "

07 November 2018

Marina Rizki

" Stok ATK lumayan lengkap. Harga lebih murah daripada Mrbb atau Grmd, apa lagi kalau beli dalam jumlah banyak, akan dapat harga grosir. Ada produk-produk plastik semacam lunch box dan botol minum. Di lantai 2 menyediakan buku-buku. Melayani pembayaran cash dan debit. Parkir motor cukup luas, petugas parkirnya membantu sekali, sampai menyeberangkan. Di sebelahnya ada fasilitas fotokopi, dan ada stand-stand makanan juga. "

19 May 2018

Kris 5217

" such a stationery shop which sell soo complete stufd, pen, pencil, books, papers, scissors, many kinds of glue, crayon, color pensil, socks, sterofoam, tumblr, eva matt, stick, ribbon, many kinds of decorations stuff, mirror, toys, hand carft stuff, books, parfum, even slime, balls, scout stuff, etc etc... so many things, because this place is so complete! the parking era is not free, but its cheap.. and, the price is sooo affordable! try to compare with another shop and you will suprise! ho ho ho.. "

27 April 2018

Riski Destrianto

" Toko alat tulis dan kebutuhan sekolah yang cukup lengkap di tembalang dan sekitarnya, harganya standar toko cukup luas "

13 April 2018

Annisa Dianggit

" Lengkap banget keperluan alat tulis dan juga bahan2 untuk membuat prakarya. Harganya juga ekonomis. Pas di kantong mahasiswa "

01 April 2018

Ronny Istrada

" ATK terlengkap di area semarang atas. "

19 December 2017

Aan Chan

" Parkirannya susah "

02 November 2017

Ain Ainins

" Good price stationary and many choices "

18 October 2017

Muhammad Fajrul Anfal

" inexpensive and complete with large amounts of stock, very recommended. Mostly students or people buy stationary here. "

28 September 2017

John Edward

" Lumayan lengkap dan murah alat2 tulis, kertas, tinta printer dsb "

10 September 2017


" The stationers are quite complete, various and with very affordable prices. Yet sometimes it's difficult to get help from the employees since they're hard to find & tend to be busy on their own "

29 August 2017

Rifqi Ramadhani Muhammad

" place we buy ant tools for writing, crafting, painting as much as we can "

14 August 2017


" Bagus dan lumayan "

13 August 2017

Bella Monica

" Great place for searching stuff with cheap price 👍 "

04 August 2017

Putri Nadiyya

" Jual alat tulis lengkap..keperluan pramuka..seragam sekolah..deket tempat fotokopi dan parkirny gampang. "

30 July 2017

Bagas Bagas

" alat tulis lengkap "

04 July 2017

Beny Nugroho

" Semua kebutuhan atk ada disini, harganya murah "

18 June 2017

Stanley Alpha

" Got the typical stationary, normal price. The service is also not bad. "

10 June 2017

Evan Dewangga

" Complete collection of stationery, and with cheap price. "

20 May 2017

Handoko Widjaja

" Mau nawarin lakban "

20 May 2017

Handoko Widjaja

" Mau nawarin lakban "

20 May 2017

Jessu Okriandinata

" Good and completed stationery and book store in Tembalang and Banyumanik area. It selling much of school tools, office equipment, and the other stationery devices with the lower prices. "

27 April 2017


" Good stationary and book store.The price is affordable.Accessible. "

20 April 2017

Riveerz FER

" Self servis. Barang lengkap "

12 April 2017

Rahadyan Wishnu Byantoro

" Lengkap bet dah, coba cari disini alat kuliah ada semua kayaknya, recomended "

15 March 2017

Desty Duaide

" Lengkap pake banget utk anda yg cari perlengkapan sekolah kuliah kerja (ATK) lah! Kumplittt "

04 March 2017

Hilda Octavia

" Murah dan lengkap... cocok untuk pelajar n mahasiswa "

27 February 2017

Retno Damayanti

" Menyediakan alat tulis dan kebutuhan sekolah, kuliah, dan perkantoran lainnya. Satu dari bbrapa toko alat tulis terlengkap d tembalang "

10 December 2016

Santo Zaq

" Lengkap dan murah "

04 October 2016

Syarif Hidayat

" lumayan lengkap "

24 August 2016

Algustionesa Yoshi

" Sedia perlengkapan kantor lengkap, stok juga banyak "

27 July 2016

Faqih Bachtiar

" sip banget "

28 June 2016

Shabrina Gardayudia

" Lengkap dan murah "

15 June 2016

Putranto Adhi Nugroho

" Toko alat tulis yang lumayan lengkap "

17 November 2015

Evan Dewangga

" One of the most complete stationery in Tembalang area. Recommended store, especially for Undip's student who needs office supplies and equipment. "

06 September 2015

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  • Monday 9:00 AM – 9:00 PM
  • Tuesday 9:00 AM – 9:00 PM
  • Wednesday 9:00 AM – 9:00 PM
  • Thursday 9:00 AM – 9:00 PM
  • Friday 9:00 AM – 9:00 PM
  • Saturday 9:00 AM – 9:00 PM
  • Sunday 9:00 AM – 9:00 PM