About Toko Pesona Jaya
Toko Pesona Jaya is a home goods store, located at Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan No.199, Srondol Wetan, Banyumanik, Kota Semarang, Jawa Tengah 50263, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 24 7465566, visit their website bukalapak.com for more detailed information.
Salam Galih
" Ok "
29 April 2018Listy Martanti
" Cukup komplit buat mborong bahan sprei, katun jepang, handuk meteran...hrga pas di kantong "
08 March 2018Irine Sitareci
" Good "
15 November 2017Christina Jati
" My place to buy fabrics "
25 October 2017Sanshiro Yie
" Butuh korden...cari kain.....datang deh... "
05 October 2017Afifatul Jannah
" Cari sprei buat sendiri atau kado dg harga yg relatif murah "
23 September 2017Raditya Indra
" If you find for bed cover, this store will serve you better! "
17 September 2017Adi Mashadi
" Alhamdulillah beli kain.. Beli keperluan rumah lengakap di Toko Pesona Jaya.. "
19 July 2017Christina Veronika
" Berbagai sprei ..bedcover..handuk..selimut..karpet..bantal..guling...dgn harga yg mmmuuurrahhh "
14 May 2017Eko Sasmito Hadi
" Tempat agak sempit, pengunjung banyak "
28 April 2017Thomas Nugroho
" Murah berkualitas. Koleksi lengkap. "
21 March 2017Bangalle Yoopoora
" Ok "
08 February 2017