About Tlogo Resort & Goa Rong View
Tlogo Resort & Goa Rong View is a lodging, located at Jl. Raya Tuntang-Beringin KM.2, Delik, Tuntang, Salatiga, Jawa Tengah 50773, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 298 340111, visit their website tlogo-resort-goa-rong-view.business.site for more detailed information.
Andhika Ototrack
" Akses masuk mudah, jalan berkelok dan menanjak cukup tinggi, disarankan kendaraan stamina prima. View rawa pening dari atas, ada fasilitas resto, toilet, mushola lengkap. Menu resto harga medium sebuah tempat wisata. Sayangnya nasgor pedes panas merica, jadi kurang greget. Secara keseluruhan bisa jadi destinasi wisata pilihan keluarga. Ada welcome drink juga, teh goa rong kemasan gelas bening. "
21 May 2018Vyandra Pratama
" Resort nyaman dan tenang, cocok untuk liburan dari hiruk pikuk kota.. "
21 May 2018Agus Wijayanto
" Nice place sorounded by coffee trees.. "
06 May 2018Tahu Tempe
" Good "
04 May 2018Aditio Akbar
" Udara sejuk, pemandangan keren dari atas kota semarang. Cocok buat hangout sama genk. Sayang akses jalan menuju lokasi kurang mendapat perhatian dari pihak setempat. Cocok lah buat hunting. "
" Tempat cocok utk melihat pemandangan kota Semarang dan Salatiga dari atas.
02 May 2018Monggo mampir "
Dina Martia
" Located inside lake area
04 April 2018Beautiful acenery "
Teguh Wibowo
" This resort has 2 family and many little cottages....sorrunded by coffee trees. "
25 March 2018Kelvin Andi
" Tempat yang cocok untuk menikmati keindah kota dari atas dan menikmati sang senja di makan gelap 😀 walau jalan menuju lokasi berlubang tapi terbayar akan keindahan sang surya 😂. "
14 March 2018Michelin Sallata
" Good food, good room. Overall satisfying. "
08 March 2018Nonik Fathonah
" Tempat yang indah untuk melihat keindahan kota dari atas😊. "
07 March 2018Agung Sularso
" Tempat yg indah untuk melihat view dari atas. Hanya saja akses menuju ke sini masih terbatas hanya untuk satu mobil sekali jalan. "
22 February 2018Widya Ratmono
" Fresh air, quietfull & good coffee "
31 January 2018Vaye Puteri
" Good place to stay, good food, tracking or using car to goa rong view: rawa pening from the top good to see. "
24 December 2017Shiammita Rosmindari
" Breathtaking view. There's a restaurant also "
26 October 2017Yustina Prasiwi
" It's a nice, cool n beautiful place to visit.. Morning, here comes the sun.. "
30 August 2017Azmi Faiq
" Nice resort, suitable for people who look for quiet place. This place surrounded by coffee plantation, the coffe also have a nice taste (robusta). The resort location near with Goa Rong View that providing a great ambarawa landscape and rawa pening scenery. "
29 August 2017Nur Sulis
" Great place. Fresh air "
14 August 2017Sisca Marindra
" The place is quiet yet comfortable for those who love to be surrounded by nature. They have coffee plantation just outside your window and beautiful view "
18 July 2017Mohammad Saefudin
" Suitable for outdoor gathering. Good for weekend escape and enjoy being close to nature. At the season Durian fruit, papaya with good quality is also available. During Iedul Fitr people can also buy Kambing and Sapi for Qurban. "
18 April 2017Abdul Lathif
" Good place .. quiet and fresh "
05 April 2017Vertex Junkee
" Great place for family gathering "
07 March 2017Tyon Suga
" Nice view "
28 January 2017Taufiqi Galih
" Good place to spend the weekend with family and love ones away from the crowdedness of the city. Nice air and good service. "
27 January 2017Freddy Samad
" A surprisingly good and quiet resort in the middle of nowhere. "
31 October 2016Astutee Muaniesz
" Nice place for relaxing your day "
07 August 2016Kaleb Iskandar
" Vintage motel and restaurants, there's is a pool, fishing pond and coffee plantations. Good place for vacation in quite atmosphere. "
13 July 2016Hadi Bindowi
" nyaman ....tenang di tengahh hutan "
10 June 2016Vinsensa Radita
" Great gateway for those who love great view and fresh air "
23 April 2016Kurniawan Muhammad
" Ok siippp "
19 June 2015