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About Taxi service borobudur

Taxi service borobudur is an airport, located at jl pramudya wardani borobudur, Borobudur, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia 56162. They can be contacted via phone at 0293788211, visit their website for more detailed information.

were a travel agency at borobudur
we can help you for flight ticket,borobudur tour,taxi service borobudur,money changer etc



we are travel agents and ticketing are housed in Borobudur temple area

we serve a wide range of services and products are more tourist in Borobudur make your trip fun and easy, especially when you need a pick-up or delivery to the airport or to and from Yogyakarta to Borobudur temple Borobudur at low prices

You can contact us on 0293 788211
or 087719196735
and email to

our web:

see you


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  • Sunday 09:00 - 22:00