Taman Labirin Wanawisata Baturraden is a park, located at Dusun III Berubahan, Kemutug Lor, Baturraden, Kabupaten Banyumas, Jawa Tengah 53151, Indonesia
" Fantastic!!!
You should try... Not big but challenging... "
18 August 2019
Chandra Kristian
" This labirin located inside the main of Gunung Slamet national Park. When you entered from the main gate you just turn right . It was easy to find. "
30 March 2019
Fikri Hardian
" A Maze built using plant.
Cheap entrance and clean place "
22 September 2018
Alaena Fitri Rohimah
" Having fun with your family and friends in this Labirin. You can take hours to find the way out. It's nice and fun activity in cool air of Baturraden Purwokerto Central Java Indonesia "
13 September 2018
Didot Personal Life
" Nice place but need some maintenance "
01 September 2018
Idah Ceris
" Kocaak juga lari-lari di taman labirin sambil nggendong anak. "
17 May 2018
Rizki Ramadan
" Interesting place for playing with children. You can try this labyrinth if you visit Baturraden. Just paying Rp 10.000 for the ticket. "
11 May 2018
Palawi Resortbtr
" Tempat paling adem dan nyaman.... labirin tingginya sudah 1.5 m "
01 May 2018
Enjy Mouri
" Nice place "
23 April 2018
Katon Gumelar
" seru tapi jangan lari2 nanti nabrak org "
14 March 2018
Awang Megantoro
" You can test how smart you are at the maze garden (taman labirin). The condition of the place is cool, eventhough at the afternoon. The maze garden where green because the separator made from a medium size of trees. The place that very comfortable to bring your family, even the little ones. "
11 March 2018
Dyah E Pratiwi
" Sebenarnya bagus, hanya saja tanamannya belum tinggi hehe "
09 January 2018
Mutiara M. Nurfika
" Tidak terawat, lebih terlihat seperti semak belukar dibanding "taman" "
09 December 2017
Yugo Sapto
" Ok "
29 June 2017
Ronald Silaen
" Wajib dicoba "
21 June 2017
Minah Nur Khasanah
" Rumputnya sudah cukup tinggi :) "
09 April 2017
Aulia Fuad Rifai
" Loh ada ini dimana? "
27 March 2017
Faisal Amrulloh
" Belum kesini euy "
13 March 2017
Olipe Oile
" Kalau tanamannya sudah tinggi mungkin seru... :") "
Pridance Berliana
" Fun for outing and gathering "
24 November 2019Meilani
" Fantastic!!!
18 August 2019You should try... Not big but challenging... "
Chandra Kristian
" This labirin located inside the main of Gunung Slamet national Park. When you entered from the main gate you just turn right . It was easy to find. "
30 March 2019Fikri Hardian
" A Maze built using plant.
22 September 2018Cheap entrance and clean place "
Alaena Fitri Rohimah
" Having fun with your family and friends in this Labirin. You can take hours to find the way out. It's nice and fun activity in cool air of Baturraden Purwokerto Central Java Indonesia "
13 September 2018Didot Personal Life
" Nice place but need some maintenance "
01 September 2018Idah Ceris
" Kocaak juga lari-lari di taman labirin sambil nggendong anak. "
17 May 2018Rizki Ramadan
" Interesting place for playing with children. You can try this labyrinth if you visit Baturraden. Just paying Rp 10.000 for the ticket. "
11 May 2018Palawi Resortbtr
" Tempat paling adem dan nyaman.... labirin tingginya sudah 1.5 m "
01 May 2018Enjy Mouri
" Nice place "
23 April 2018Katon Gumelar
" seru tapi jangan lari2 nanti nabrak org "
14 March 2018Awang Megantoro
" You can test how smart you are at the maze garden (taman labirin). The condition of the place is cool, eventhough at the afternoon. The maze garden where green because the separator made from a medium size of trees. The place that very comfortable to bring your family, even the little ones. "
11 March 2018Dyah E Pratiwi
" Sebenarnya bagus, hanya saja tanamannya belum tinggi hehe "
09 January 2018Mutiara M. Nurfika
" Tidak terawat, lebih terlihat seperti semak belukar dibanding "taman" "
09 December 2017Yugo Sapto
" Ok "
29 June 2017Ronald Silaen
" Wajib dicoba "
21 June 2017Minah Nur Khasanah
" Rumputnya sudah cukup tinggi :) "
09 April 2017Aulia Fuad Rifai
" Loh ada ini dimana? "
27 March 2017Faisal Amrulloh
" Belum kesini euy "
13 March 2017Olipe Oile
" Kalau tanamannya sudah tinggi mungkin seru... :") "
09 February 2017Minah Nur Khasanah
" Beluum jadiiiii "
19 January 2017Udin S Udin
" untuk refresing d pacar "
25 October 2016May Candra Santosa
" Masih tahap penyempurnaan "
12 October 2016