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About Tahu Murni Putra Nata Jaya

Tahu Murni Putra Nata Jaya is located at Jl. A. R. Hakim No.100, Randugunting, Tegal Sel., Kota Tegal, Jawa Tengah 52131, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 283 351558 for more detailed information.



Item Reviews - 26

Eko Prasetya

" Favorite place for buy "Tahu Aci" which one of traditional food from Tegal city. Fried or not fried, depends on what you want eat ir take away. IDR 1200 / pcs last time I buy it. You can find others snacks or drinks on that place 😊 "

10 January 2020

Can Win

" Tahu Tegal... the most yummy food is here.... I always buy it here. There are tahu aci and tahu tegal. Unfortunately the waitresses are not good enough. There are 3 customers, but only 1 waitress who serves. The others are only looking at her, not serving other customers. If you want to buy, just wait until you receive your order, although you have to wait for 30 minutes. I ordered 30 tahu, and the waitress told me to wait for 30 minutes. I decided to go around the city. After 3 hours, I came back, and the waitress said that my order hadn't been prepared. "If you want the raw one, we can prepare it now, but if you want the fried one, you have to wait." And now I have to wait. What a worst service. "

28 July 2019

Ditha Ruliani

" I always come to this place whenever i visit Tegal, their tahu aci it’s really delicious is the best company for road travel "

08 March 2019

Ditha Ruliani

" I always come to this place whenever i visit Tegal, their tahu aci it’s really delicious is the best company for road travel "

08 March 2019

Semar Setijoko

" Resevation number always busy or no services "

17 October 2018

Can Win

" Tahu Tegal... the most yummy food is here.... I always buy it here. There are tahu aci and tahu tegal. Unfortunately the waitresses are not good enough. There are 3 customers, but only 1 waitress who serves. The others are only looking at her, not serving other customers. "

19 August 2018


" Ok "

17 June 2018

My Love

" Wlaupun ada makanan ringan oleh2 khas Tegal lainnya, kl kesini yg mesti d cari ya tahu aci & tahu pletoknya "

12 April 2018

Edy Ismanto

" Toko ini menyediakan tahu aci dan tahu plethok yg merupakan makanan khas Tegal. Harga relatif murah. Di toko ini juga tersedia berbagai makanan lain khas Tegal seperti pilus dan lainnya. "

05 April 2018

Emma Eryanti

" Harga per pcs nya Rp.1250 cukup lumayan murah untuk tahu yang bisa dibilang kualitasnya beda dari yang gerobakan.

Untuk rasa, memang beda. Tahunya enak, tidak asem, dan empuk, ada rasa gurih asinnya sedikit. Adonan acinya enak, gurih, kenyal dalamnya renyah di luarnya.

Bisa beli berapa pcs saja, tidak harus ikut paket dari yang mereka tetapkan "

25 March 2018

Nita Anggraini

" Sudah memesan & DP dari awal buka, tapi setelah waktu yg ditentukan tidak kunjung ada.
Mungkin sebaiknya jika masa libur panjang stok diperbanyak. "

03 September 2017

Abu Ibrohim Sahru Maskur

" Salah satu oleh-oleh khas Tegal. Walopun penjual tahu Aci banyak, tapi yang ini beda rasanya, sangat khas dan unik. "

27 June 2017

Fakhri Ali

" One of stopover that sell food local speciality, at least it's the best in Tegal that i know of. The "Tahu Aci/Pletok" is really delicious here. The Tahu is chewy and the spice feels like there are secret recipe behind it. You can also buy "Poci" tea set also lot of local speciality snack in here. "

25 June 2017

Muhammad Nur Fikri

" Ok "

24 June 2017

Bengkel Sinema Indonesia

" Makanan khas Tegal "

22 June 2017

Rina Mulyani

" Peraturan untuk penjualan tidak fleksibel, beli tahu 15 biji minta pakai tompok ( tempat ) tidak di kasih, walopun tempat/Tomploknya di belin pun tidak boleh ( padahal mau di beli banyak)
"Peraturan dari bos kalo beli kurang dari 25 biji tidak bisa pakai Tomplok / tempat, cuma bisa pakai kertas dan kertasnya pun cepet sobek
Untuk rasa tahu biasa saja
Kalo mau jualan lama jangan terlalu kaku peraturannya "

19 March 2017

ARIeF Anshori

" Tahunya empuk...
Aci nya enak...
Recomended! "

18 March 2017

Smart Guide

" mantap tahunya "

03 February 2017

Dakri Laufy

" Tahu aci / tahu pletok paling top di Tegal "

17 January 2017

Charisma Agung Bayu Murti

" oleh oleh khas tegal yang wajib di bawa pulang "

30 November 2016

Elang Putra

" Pusat penjualan tahu aci khas tegal "

28 October 2016

Ahmad Marzuki

" tahu aciii "

20 June 2016

Ememge Papbi

" maju teruuuuuuus "

20 June 2016

Sri Gunarto

" Tahu khas kota tegal, tahu yang dalamnya diselipi aci, enak kalo di makan selagi hangat, kalo ingin dibawa untuk oleh2 bisa beli yg belum digoreng, rasanya juara patut dicoba "

24 May 2016

Suyandi Liyis

" Local well known snack/food "

19 May 2016

Auliya Husin Shahab

" Beli tahu murni mentah titipan ka evi.. "

16 March 2016

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  • Monday 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM
  • Tuesday 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM
  • Wednesday 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM
  • Thursday 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM
  • Friday 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM
  • Saturday 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM
  • Sunday 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM