About TKP PHOTO BAR * COFFEE BAR * INDOMIE BAR (Permanently Closed)
TKP PHOTO BAR * COFFEE BAR * INDOMIE BAR (Permanently Closed) is a bar, located at Jalan Kyai Haji Wahid Hasyim No. 144, Kauman, Semarang Tengah, Bangunharjo, Semarang Tengah, Kota Semarang, Jawa Tengah 50139, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 24 86570509 for more detailed information.
Kristoforus Welly
" Not bad "
24 May 2018Ronald Dayak
" Coffee lovers come here "
21 May 2018Desiyus Putra
" Kafe kopi terenak di ngabang
26 April 2018Dengan WiFi lumayan kencang "
Victor Ujianto
" Kopi nya mntap pas buat sntai "
14 April 2018Rian Bagoes
" Tempat cozy, konsep kekinian, side dish kurang variatif, hanya ada kentang goreng. "
13 April 2018Wilson As
" Keren, bagus, seneg baget deh "
10 April 2018Gabriel Virgo
" Tempatnya enak, kopi nya luar biasa "
20 March 2018Andi Arham Bunyamin
" Mojito nya lumayan "
07 March 2018Alvaro Provoca
" Favorite "
13 February 2018Suryady Respect
" Kopinya nikmat broo "
16 January 2018Mark Chern
" ... beautiful place ...air-conditioning working ... "
29 November 2017Sijul Valens
" Hujan mari ngopi dulu "
15 November 2017Agus Setiadi
" Yang punya ramah, harga terjangkau , dijamin enak buat nyantai bersama sahabat 👍👍👍 "
31 October 2017Nur Heni
" Mantap "
31 October 2017Anshor Muhajir
" Kopinya enak "
22 October 2017Host Love
" Good "
03 October 2017Basir 17 11 1992
" Smoking area in room "
01 October 2017Hendronius Rinto
" Slah satu tempat ngopi dan ngumpul dengan teman yang asyik yang ada d kota ngabang, wajib untuk d kunjungi... "
30 September 2017Verattf Sia
" Nice environment to chill, variety of value meals to choose from. "
27 August 2017Chichi Reskhy Rahayu
" It's a good place 👍👍 "
16 August 2017SyiDa ArRif
" Affordable, nice place, friendly owner and staff... Love it.. "
08 August 2017Ardi Geo
" Kopi Lebih Memahami "
30 July 2017Yoas Tirta
" Nyari kopi pahit ,ya di sini tempatnya "
23 July 2017Thai Vui Lee
" Nice deco and ambience..... recommended to chill out here.
21 July 2017Should try their garlic bread with a cup of good brew coffee "
Arik Surianto
" Keren, asik, gak bikin bosan, the best "
09 July 2017Cappu Cinno
" Best coffee option,air conditioning ,, nice decorations, parking , "
26 June 2017Amos Tan
" Good place for relax. "
03 June 2017Yohanes Viktor
" Suasananya seperti di spanyol dan prancis.... "
27 May 2017ZY Chong
" 推出新的午餐配套 价廉物美 "
03 May 2017Mark Chern
" ... beautiful place ...air-conditioning not working ... "
16 April 2017Roimai Jack
" Tempat Ini Menyajikan Kopi Original "
08 April 2017Neo Jingxiang
" Nice place to catch up with friends with a cup of coffee and tasty snacks "
28 March 2017Wawan Saja
" Bagis untuk nongkrong bareng tan "
20 January 2017Nazroellah Syaiful Qalbi
" Recomended banget!!! Sy pernah berkunjung dsni.... "
23 December 2016Donald Gerard Ng
" I am sure of the coffee he made is Great "
03 October 2016Wilson Lim
" It's a warm and trendy hang out spot with many DIY stuff. Drinks and service is impeccable and nice. "
20 September 2016Asteria Nana
" Tempatnya asik buat ngopi.. "
30 June 2016Bulian Dawa Handaya
" Kopi senja 😀 "
27 June 2016Suparda 137
" Mantap Rasanya!!! "
26 June 2016Herry Topan
" Akurat "
09 March 2015