" Lovely place to have some fat-burning activities. "
14 August 2018
Baihaqi Haqqi
" Good place.. "
21 May 2018
Tia Widhy
" good-stadion "
28 January 2018
Ezza Pradhana
" This stadion is the home stadion of PSIP Pemalang (Local Football Club of Pemalang City). This place is not very spatious, the football field in this stadion usually wet and dirty, and this stadion only has small tribune. But, this stadion is the right place if you want to jogging and do sport exercise in the morning. This place usually visited by students from nearest school. "
18 January 2018
John Bradley
" Facility is going on completed, but that place good for refresh dan culinary "
04 January 2018
Aris Bedorjaya
" Jooss "
06 December 2017
Arum Wulandari
" Ok "
17 November 2017
Someone Called Yuflih
" Bad, No toilets, Bad jogging track and Slum. Need improvement. Building still in progress "
18 September 2017
Riza Like
" Verry good "
07 September 2017
Fadel Zaen
" The only thing good is that this "stadium" is useable by the locals. Other than that, the construction is bad, the entrance gate has a really awful smell. And what's the point of putting a big "thing" in front of the entrance gate?! Is it some kind of decorative thing? But, it doesn't look like a decoration? Sho what is it? Idk. 2/5 stars or maybe 1/5 star "
08 February 2017
Samsudin Driver
" Good... "
02 February 2017
Sam Note5
" Mulai rame dan toko2x di area ini mulai buka bagus mayan "
16 November 2016
Feri Anto Adi Nugroho
" Jogging "
08 November 2016
Majid Rahardi
" perlu perawatan "
12 September 2016
Alvin Ferdiansyah
" renovasinya bagus cuman tingkatkan lagi kebersihanya, percuma bagus tapi tetep kotor "
" Ok "
08 December 2018Iskak Suparno
" My health is my life. "
29 November 2018Rino Respati Hakim
" Lovely place to have some fat-burning activities. "
14 August 2018Baihaqi Haqqi
" Good place.. "
21 May 2018Tia Widhy
" good-stadion "
28 January 2018Ezza Pradhana
" This stadion is the home stadion of PSIP Pemalang (Local Football Club of Pemalang City). This place is not very spatious, the football field in this stadion usually wet and dirty, and this stadion only has small tribune. But, this stadion is the right place if you want to jogging and do sport exercise in the morning. This place usually visited by students from nearest school. "
18 January 2018John Bradley
" Facility is going on completed, but that place good for refresh dan culinary "
04 January 2018Aris Bedorjaya
" Jooss "
06 December 2017Arum Wulandari
" Ok "
17 November 2017Someone Called Yuflih
" Bad, No toilets, Bad jogging track and Slum. Need improvement. Building still in progress "
18 September 2017Riza Like
" Verry good "
07 September 2017Fadel Zaen
" The only thing good is that this "stadium" is useable by the locals. Other than that, the construction is bad, the entrance gate has a really awful smell. And what's the point of putting a big "thing" in front of the entrance gate?! Is it some kind of decorative thing? But, it doesn't look like a decoration? Sho what is it? Idk. 2/5 stars or maybe 1/5 star "
08 February 2017Samsudin Driver
" Good... "
02 February 2017Sam Note5
" Mulai rame dan toko2x di area ini mulai buka bagus mayan "
16 November 2016Feri Anto Adi Nugroho
" Jogging "
08 November 2016Majid Rahardi
" perlu perawatan "
12 September 2016Alvin Ferdiansyah
" renovasinya bagus cuman tingkatkan lagi kebersihanya, percuma bagus tapi tetep kotor "
22 July 2016Muhammad Falakhudin
" Big buildinh for work out on pemalang "
20 July 2016Nur Fatah
" Stadione perlu maintenance "
24 June 2016Fahmi Fachrizal
" good "
10 March 2016Riski Pajri Yansyah
" Stadionnya tidak terawat. "
11 December 2015Rosinda Evercoss
" lebih gmpgdngan adanya lyanan sprti ini ya "
04 August 2015