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SOBAT DIABETES INDONESIA is a company, located at 82 Jalan KH Samanhudi, Surakarta, Central Java 57142, Indonesia. Visit their website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or LinkedIn profile for more detailed information.

Sobat Diabetes Indonesia (SobatDIA Sobat Diabetes Non-Profit Foundation), abbreviated as SobatDIA, is a diabetes friendship and community for people with diabetes in Indonesia, originally from the city of Solo, officially present in January 2021, the initiation of the alms field for Charity containers from the founder of DIACARE (Diabetes Care) Local Brand which produces Protective Pads Diabetic Foot Ulcers, as a means of health promotion, to educate the general public about Diabetes, especially in complications that arise from diabetes, open up understanding, that diabetes is a non-communicable disease which is also serious, because it has a high risk of death, must get attention, especially for those with diabetes. SobatDia also bridges people with diabetes to share information, experiences, discuss, and support each other, strengthen, and be useful for others with the charity activities that we will hold regularly, continuously with the goal of giving to people with diabetes in particular and people with other diseases. in general.SobatDia is not only followed by people with diabetes and or families of diabetes descendants; medical team, from doctors, nurses/nurses, medical rehabilitation, therapists, pharmacists, colleagues, associations, health organizations in Indonesia; but also the general public, social activists, volunteers, professionals and experts.Very open to all people in Indonesia. SobatDia's Goal Until the end of 2023, there have been volunteer representatives in 38 provinces (process, progress in collaborating/collaborating with SobatDia's vision and mission is to make people in Indonesia healthier in the future.SobatDia is there to Prevent, Treat, Fight Diabetes!Your Support Means a Lot!Thank You.Best Regards,💚 Windi iNtan PuspitasariFounder & Initiator of SobatDIA



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