About SoRamen Salatiga
SoRamen Salatiga is a restaurant, located at Jl. Pemotongan No.32, Kalicacing, kecamatan sidomukti, Kota Salatiga, Jawa Tengah 50711, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 298 6031694, visit their website www.kedaisoramen.com for more detailed information.
Satrio Wibisono
" good food, good atmost and you can read manga here they have many kind manga here "
31 May 2018Ratna Dwijayanti
" Great place with a delicious food. It's good to take a lunch or dinner here. Recommended. "
29 April 2018Anisa Larassati
" The food is tasty and affordable, the waitress are very friendly and helpful too. It's one of the most recommended place for Ramen restaurants in Salatiga. Hope the sushi menu will come soon tho. "
28 April 2018رجوى المثاني
" So far.... Really enjoying do some lunch here today. U know?? U can also request your favorite music here. Ex; i'm an ARMY. And todat i enjoying this and watch may fav idol. BTS..... Arigato... I hope u grow UP more SORAMEN. ❤ "
27 April 2018Rafael Yonatan
" Rasa pedas nyaa enak, tempat nyaa juga nyaman, pelayanan nyaa cepet, buat ke depan nyaa di pertahanin dehh, do the best and god do the rest "
22 April 2018Fifin Azzahra
" Harga sama porsi worth it
22 April 2018Service nya oke 👍 "
Stephanie Sugata Gunawan
" Mbaknya ramah, porsinya muancaaap sebaskom, suasana nyaman berasa lagi di Dunia Hokkage dgn diiringi lagu2 ala2 ninja😁OVERALL INI TMPT NONGKRONG RECOMMENDED, GUYS! "
20 April 2018Rivaldo Longkutoy
" The food is delicious and the waiters is friendly with a affordable price "
08 April 2018Felix Andhika
" Great ramen, good place, nice serve and service :) "
03 April 2018Icha Mistiyana
" Tempatnya nyaman, dan yahuud buat nongkrong. Bisa juga foto" hloo yang udah kaya di jepang gitu deeeeh😂
05 October 2017Makanannya juga enak lengkap dengan makanan khas jepang seperti ramen, torayaki, dll "
Tefi Liring
" Ramennya enak, sayang prkirannya kurang luas "
23 September 2017Oki Ady Atmaja
" Good service
17 September 2017meski ngantri gg terlalu lama menunggu
tempat nyaman buat nongkrong dan ngeforum komunitas "
Ika Restu Apriliana
" Suasana nyaman, dilengkapi free wifi dan dapat membaca komik gratis. "
23 August 2017Syauqiy Fatahilah
" Sangat nyaman... "
08 June 2017Hamid Sabekti
" Ramennya banyak dan kenis ramennya berfariasi. "
23 May 2017Lissa Lee
" Berani coba ramen yang pedesnya bikin "mampus"?? Di sini tempatnya "
02 May 2017Catur Setiono
" Enak dan nyaman .. "
25 April 2017Kristianto Kristian
" Tempatnya lumayan enak, ada tempat komiknya "
01 April 2017Afan Galatama Da Jhons
" Tempatnya nyaman "
20 March 2017Kevin Riando Yuerson Sahar
" Rasanya kurang mantap 😌 "
20 February 2017Gabriel Gilang
" A delicious ramen in city "
07 February 2017Soramen Resto
" Asyik dan enak :D "
20 January 2017