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About SMA Negeri 1 Klirong

SMA Negeri 1 Klirong is a company, located at Kebumen, Central Java 54381, Indonesia. Visit their website, Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn profile for more detailed information.

Our Missions:(1) Improve the achievements of students and stakeholders through the implementation of quality education(2) Increase faith, devotion and noble character, instill character and noble values of the nation and love the motherland(3) Develop the creativity of school residents, create an independent human being(4) Form people who are responsible for the environment, prevent pollution and damage of the environment(5) Foster innovation, improve the quality of services and adequate learning facilities to support the development of science and technology(6) Create a conducive climate for the implementation of the main tasks and components of the school, provide communication and coordination with school partners for the implementation of school programs



Item Reviews - 12

Setya Laksono

" Jozzz "

25 March 2018


" my love senior high school "

18 November 2017

Adhi Kurniawan

" Sma ku dulu "

15 June 2017

Wakhid Syarifudin

" SMA N 1 Klirong is the best choice "

04 April 2017

Asty Tyas

" Senior High School One of Klirong "

19 February 2017

Agus Dana

" Cedek umahku kue "

24 October 2016

Nia Safitri

" Sekarang sekolahnya makin bagus makin maju,semua dibangun
Taman juga sekarang sudah berubah
Angkatan th 2017 besok ,SMA N 1 klirong semoga sukses "

05 August 2016

Agil Ponco Saputro

" Itu bner gan lokasinya sekarang disitu? "

20 July 2016

Adhi Kurniawan

" Sma ku dulu "

14 April 2016


" the journey of soul "

30 May 2015

Nasrudin Aja

" Good "

24 July 2014

David Juniarto

" Bangga pernah sekolah disini (y) "

16 June 2014

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