About Selasar Kartini
Selasar Kartini is a park, located at Jl. Kartini, Salatiga, Sidorejo, Kota Salatiga, Jawa Tengah 50711, Indonesia. Visit their website www.selasar.com for more detailed information.
Selasar Kartini is a park, located at Jl. Kartini, Salatiga, Sidorejo, Kota Salatiga, Jawa Tengah 50711, Indonesia. Visit their website www.selasar.com for more detailed information.
Grahita Space
" Cocok untuk nongkrong dan banyak komunitas salatiga yang terlihat disana sesuai hari dan waktu mereka "
06 June 2018Carindra Untoro
" Place for sit & hangout with out any roof. Must cross the road to get some food or drink. "
26 April 2018Adhitya Prakarti
" Crowded... Many people spend their leisure time with family or friends... Many snack and food sellers "
19 April 2018Nurma Dwiairisa
" You will find some street foods there. "
17 April 2018Abram Bernadi Christiawan
" Cozy street to hangout with friend...so many streetfood available "
26 March 2018Surya Wicaksana
" Such a nice public space to spend our time with friends & take a chill sometimes "
21 January 2018Elan JM
" You love parkour? You love skating? Or just take a walk to enjoy the city? This is a great place for you to visit, theres a lot of skating community and also parkour community practicing every evening, so if your into kind of that stuff you should check this place out, and if you only want to take a walk in casual then this is a good place because this place is design for that, so you should check this place out "
28 December 2017Wisnu T Hanggoro
" This area is good for youth. It would be better if the local govt facilitate the park with some sport equiptments "
21 November 2017Farhan Muntaqo
" Nice park to hang out with friends. There are skateboard boys in afternoon. It's floor is so slippery when rained "
16 November 2017Rah Seto Sumirat
" Public place for family....best pedestrian and community activities "
17 September 2017Ardian Nugroho
" It would be more awesome if we have a good skate park here with good facility. Hope the local government can support them. "
29 July 2017Yustinia Kusumastuti
" Fun for all! Rent rollerblades,minibike or autoped and drag them in such tracks!
02 July 2017However,it is too pricey for even 30 mins or 1 hour..25k each. "
Albert J.O
" a place to play outdoor game and enjoy a weekend with your child "
29 May 2017Azzahra Noor Hawa Al Hadawiyah
" Hits place in da town "
28 May 2017Paulus Eko
" Sayang tidak terawat "
25 May 2017Afif Halimi
" A place to gather friend at night, a plave to gather young boy and girls in salatiga "
17 April 2017Syauqiy Fatahilah
" Good "
07 April 2017Taufiqi Galih
" Nice! "
17 February 2017Risty Hammingh
" Quite "
17 January 2017Brutus Rangers
" Cool "
12 December 2016Ia Mahadewa Putera Dirgantoro
" Menghabiskan waktu di panjangnya taman di pinggir jalan khalayak umum emang asyik...taman ini sederhana, biasanya ramai dengan orng bersepatu ora, scoter, dsb...banyak juga yg sekedar duduk2..recomend banged bagi yg ingin menghabiskan waktu bersama peri peri kecilnya..karena banyak permainan spontan jg yg asyik dn menyenangkan "
17 November 2016Cicak Indo
" Tempat yang nyaman untuk bersantai dengan teman ataupun keluarga, akan tetapi fasilitas srperti toilet rusak dan sangat disayangkan tidak ada perbailan dan peraeatan "
26 August 2016Aloysius Glenn
" Selasar kebanggaan masyarakat Salatiga yang terletak di tempat yang strategis. Banyak orang datang untuk bermain dan bersantai di bawah rindangnya pohon. Terdapat perpustakaan kecil milik Pemkot Salatiga di sebelah Pintu SMA Negeri 3. Hanya saja masih perlu kesadaran masyarakat untuk menjaga kebersihan di tempat ini. "
25 August 2016Evans Andre
" Park "
20 August 2016Krishna Murti
" Pesing "
20 August 2016