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About Samsat Brebes

Samsat Brebes is a local government office, located at Jl. Gajah Mada No.60, Pecolotan, Gandasuli, Kec. Brebes, Kabupaten Brebes, Jawa Tengah 52215, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 853-2884-1199, visit their website for more detailed information.



Item Reviews - 35

Solikhin Gray

" The waiter is not good, .. period of wanting to pay taxes until waiting for 2 hours even though, not so busy, the Pandemic Period, .. please fix the system again ,. Thanks "

03 September 2020

Zaqi 0505

" This month I should have paid the 5th year of tax / replace the license plate. But unfortunately the motorbike is in the bank, this morning I went to Samsat Brebes but was asked to use the original BPKB, I can't use a copy of the BPKB copy / letter of introduction from the bank, while I've tried going to the bank to borrow the original BPKB but it can't work either. Sorry, I can't fulfill my obligations, namely taxpayers. It's not that I don't want to pay taxes, but honestly, for now with this kind of condition, I haven't been able to redeem a motorbike from the bank as a requirement to pay taxes ???? "

28 August 2020

Lacrew Ghimbaz

" Good "

07 August 2020

Zain Motor

" Sorry, I'm so sorry I was forced to give one star,
My brother bought a brebes motorbike plate, a late tax change plate (supposed to be 2019). Today I want to take care of everything, leaving until the location at 08.30 (I found it later, knowing Dr. Tegal). I submit the files I can queue B041. In my mind, it's ok, at least an hour. Eehh ... Only 10 minutes the file has been collected + Holding no.the name queue has been called, dallam my heart is very happy, even though there is a feeling of a question mark.kok called his name ,, no real serial number ...
Then I was asked for a file and lacked an ORIGINAL KTP, I said there was no sir, I was just a TEGAL person, this was a second motorbike. He said ohh means if there is no ID card, pay 680 thousand, I ask back, if there is a KTP bro? He answered 515s. Wow, what do you want, sir?
Akhire is processed without a KTP.
I waited until the queue was called, it was the turn of time. According to B041, precisely at 9.30 I went forward, then I asked, "How much is this?" BUT mba kasiRE instead said "SORRY PA, HAPPY YET TO MY",
THEN I waited, and sat down. At 11 I asked the person who received my file back, he said "later, I'll not call".
I wait again, at 11.35 I end up with the security guard (the most friendly), the security guard cannot answer properly (confused,). I won't wait anymore, at 11.55 I heard the sound of the call to prayer .. I'm not strong, annoyed, I didn't come to my file, "bro, what do I lack? What should I do, because this is not common, what was at down below already at home ,, where do I have it? ", I asked .. then he answered while" collapsing "(coincidentally a little younger than me)," oh dear, yeah mas ,, don't try to check, "then I called him, submitted by BPKB, and I want to pay to the cashier instead, PAY IT IN BACK. I was confused. I went back, and paid 680, right in the corner near the number plate paint. What I want to ask, why do I pay in the back? And different ?? I am confused, what do you report to sister ?? Lah wong on the STNK says 527 thousand. If the problem "SHOOTING KTP" is generally in Tegal only 50 thousand. I feel suffocated????. I am so confused, I explained to those who have motives. "

07 July 2020

Irsyad Maulana Ibrahim

" Saya mau nanya persyaratan ganti plat motor apa saya...motor beli seken blum ganti nama sndri "

13 May 2020


" Mas, kalo mau buat bpkb tapi hanya ada surat kehilangan bpkb sama stnk asli pajak hidup bisa tp ktp saya bukan atas nama stnk tersebut, bisa tidak ya?? "

04 May 2020

Marga Sanjaya

" Ok "

25 December 2019


" Belum ada Drive thru, ruang tunggu luas, lokasi dengan instansi terkait lumayan jauh, petugas ramah, petugas minim, pelayanan nunggu ber- jam-jam. "

16 December 2019

Adnan Topan

" Guna sekali "

23 October 2019

Mania Mancing

" Singkat & cepat "

21 August 2019

Nanda Arif S

" Tidak ada yang special dari samsat brebes.
Menurut saya pribadi fasilitas oke toilet ada mushola ada kantin pun ada.
Di samping gedung ada taman kecil dan ada beberapa koleksi unggas lumayan buat hiburan
Dari segi pelayanan baik, petugas ramah,
Kecepatan kurang. "

17 June 2019

Ali Yafi

" Ya tempat buat ngurus sim, ntar itu perpanjangan maupun bikin baru. "

01 June 2019

Bagus Tea

" Pk mau nanya mau ngidupin pajeg motor mati udah 9 taun kira kira abis berapa ?? "

25 December 2018

Mukhammad Soleh

" Dua kali saya bayar PKB di Samsat ini akhir tahun 2016 dan hari sabtu kemarin karena Samsat ini Samsat Jawa tengah yg paling dekat dengan domisili saya di Jawa barat. Sesuai standar waktu pelayanan pengesahan ulang 1 tahun, waktunya 20 sedangkan kemarin saya 22-23 menit dihitung dari waktu menyerahkan berkas sampai terima berkas kembali. masih wajar 10% lebih lama dikit. Sipp.... "

10 December 2018

Dimas Arso Aji

" Parkir luas, ruang tunggu sangat nyaman, pelayanan cepat. Saran saya, lebih baik kalau tulisan loket dan tulisan pelayanan perloketnya ditaruh diatas (digantung) jadi lebih kelihatan dr jauh "

24 October 2018

Bahrun Naim Vlog

" Pelayanan di sini sudah jauh lebih baik dari beberapa tahun yang lalu. Selain antrian yang sudah terkondisikan dengan baik, juga tempat yang nyaman. Hanya pelayanan personal kurang ramah seperti di Bank.

Dijaman serba digital, lalo bisa pajak tidak perlu membawa fotokopy KTP dan STNK berstopmap. Cukup bawa aslinya saja. "

12 October 2018

Sarwo Wono

" Pelayanan cepat.... Untuk pajak kendaraan Tahunan "

04 September 2018

Rekhan Syah

" Asalamualaikum
Saya mau tanya pak
Klo plat selawi pajak di brebes bisa ga ya? "

04 August 2018

Padade Online

" Setahun 3 kali ke sini, bayar pajak motor punya istri, punya anak dan punya saya dech. Mudah-mudahan tahun ini bisa kebeli mobil :-) "

29 June 2018

Azhari Elkayoethi

" pelayanan ramah dan cepat. ruangan ber AC bisa buat ngadem. "

02 June 2018

MAJu Cellular

" Tambahkan jam kerja pa polisi "

08 May 2018


" Tempat antrian yang adem dan ada tempat bermain anak juga "

28 March 2018

M Tofik Mariono

" Tempat antrian adem ad charger hp ad tempat bermain anak juga pokoke top dah "

21 March 2018

M. Topik Mariono

" Pelayanan yg mem "

06 February 2018

Tedi Setiawan

" Sayang parkirannya bayar. Padahal udah ada satpam "

07 January 2018

Saraswati .sw10

" Tolong bebaskan bea parkir kendaraan. Supaya gratis. "

04 August 2017

Frandani Jalali

" Pelayanan sangat berbeda dengan yg dulu. Lebih tertib tanpa calo, cepat dan pelayanan ramah "

02 August 2017

Eri Sutiono

" Tempat pajak "

19 May 2017

Hermawan Sabdono

" Ngurus pembayaran pajak kendaraan makin cepat dan ramah "

03 May 2017

Ma Mur

" selamat malam ...saya mau tanya..klo bikin sim c skrng kira"habis brapa dananya dan brapa hari jadinya..trimakasih pa "

09 February 2017

Rasto Budiawan

" Pelayanan cepat "

14 October 2016

Sutarno Mufc

" Pelayanan cukup baik ,tapi anda harus datang pagi pagi sekali karena kalau anda datang siang dipastikan mengantti cukup lama "

03 October 2016

Romen Fatih

" Dulu kurang optimal. . gak tau sekarang.. "

19 August 2016

Teguh We

" Samsat brebes memanggil gw tgl 15 juni 2016 untuk menghadiri persidangan ; akibat pelanggaran sim dan stnk ' buat saudara cmua minta bantuannya dong biar cepat kelar masalahnya. "

13 June 2016


" pelayanan sudah bagus dan transparan semoga bisa ditingkatkan lagi pelayanannya terhadap masyarakat "

09 May 2016

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