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About Sambel Layah Purwokerto 2

Sambel Layah Purwokerto 2 is a restaurant, located at Jl. Kolonel Sugiono No.363, Purwanegara, Purwokerto Tim., Kabupaten Banyumas, Jawa Tengah 53116, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 857-2697-9917 for more detailed information.



Item Reviews - 31

Achmad Rizal Danisya

" reasonable price and quality "

08 February 2020

Aryo Ardanto

" Affordable food restaurant in Purwokerto. There is many package menus including fried fish or fried chicken with white rice and drink like huge glass of iced tea or warm tea or you can choose drink such as es teler, a cold drink with shaved ice with various fruits such as avocado, shred of coconut, kolang-kaling (a kind of palm fruit) and poured with coconut milk, milk and syrup. You can add vegetable cooking such as sauteed water spinach with chilli. They served like fast food such as McD or KFC. First you ordered and pay the price, take vacant seat and not in long time the waitress will come with your food you ordered. "

26 October 2019

Alpi's Pis

" Follow ig : claretta_house "

19 March 2019

Agus Hartanto

" Chicken fried.......chicken baked........and chicken and chicken menu.........not so many menu........price is quite cheap though........taste is so so "

03 March 2019

Agus Hartanto

" Chicken fried.......chicken baked........and chicken and chicken menu.........not so many menu........price is quite cheap though........taste is so so "

03 March 2019

Ari Pratomo

" A good restaurant with good services,and cheap price.You can visit this place with your family,friends,and your couple.they served several delecious foods like ikan lele terbang(Fried catfish).And also they served several sambel(spicy sauce) like sambel terasi,sambel ijo,sambel bledex. "

27 January 2019

Epic Classy

" Crunchy chicken and catfish with a good taste, nice spicy sambal. i think it is the best restaurant in Central Java :) "

26 January 2019

Epic Classy

" Crunchy chicken and catfish with a good taste, nice spicy sambal. i think it is the best restaurant in Central Java :) "

26 January 2019

Adinda Ningrum Maharani

" The best restaurant in Purwokerto which provide many kind of foods and beverages. The foods is tasteful and delicious, the place is cozy and clean, so you can enjoy your food with a feeling of happiness "

26 January 2019

Muhammad Rafly

" Sambel Layah serves extraordinary delicious food with cheap prices, they are provide various kind of menus. One of them is "Lele Terbang" which is always be my favorite until now. The catfish is tasteful and crunchy, Sambel Layah also provide their typical drink its called "Es Teh Jumbo" (ice tea in a big cup). For the place i think its very strategic in the central city, In my opinion the place is clean and confortable and also the service is very good it is almost same with another franchise business. The conclusion is Sambel Layah with a cheap price has a good quality "

25 January 2019

Sowolo Yogo

" Kebanyakan kucing tpat kurang bersih "

06 June 2018

Nailatul Huda

" Very very endol "

30 March 2018

Sadewo Joko

" A good restaurant "

13 January 2018

Azka Prasetyo

" nice place "

08 January 2018

Dodi Irawan

" for launch, and diner, available to take out "

31 October 2017

Andi Saputro

" Pesen menu tambahan salah koordinasi, akhir nya lupa deh ngga di anter anter. Cah kangkung 6 rb paket ayam kremes + estes +lalapa. +sambel+oreg 11rb "

22 October 2017

Bangun Sukono

" Tempat strategis di pusat kota. Lokasi bersih dan luas (2 lantai) , pelayanan cepat dan ramah. Harga murah. Fasilitas wc , kamar mandi dan mushola bersih. Mudah dijangkau pakai kendaraan umum. Parkir luas. "

18 August 2017

Eka Mil

" Ciri khasnya dng es teh manisnya,dgn gelas besar...mantap,bikin tambah kenyang wkwkwk... "

15 July 2017

Prapto Nugroho Sardi

" Dari segi rasa overall oke.. Cuma sambal sedikit banget, bahkan nambah ekstra sambal pun sama sedikitnya.. Buqt yang suka sambal banyak seperti saya jadi agak kecewa :) "

07 July 2017

Gina Dewi

" Murah enak mantapp "

20 May 2017

Ifan Fadlina

" Pelayanan masih kurang, dibagian pemesanan harus mengantri lama karena makanan langsung dibawa oleh pembeli sebaiknya ada petugas khusus yang mengantar ke meja sehingga tidak perlu mengantri panjang. Untuk kebersihan juga kurang, meja yang habis dipakai lama tidak dibersihkan dan air untuk cuci tangan juga keluarnya kecil. Semoga bisa ditingkatkan. "

28 March 2017

Hok Gie

" Murah... Enak... Tempatnya Luas... Lokasinya strategis... Enak buat santai ma keluarga 😊 "

19 March 2017

Kampus Juragan

" So tasty... "

27 February 2017

Griya Tani

" Sip "

09 February 2017

Tri Nafisah

" Tiap kali datang pasti g ada lele dan paketnya tidak komplit, pelayanan kebersihan jg tdk cpt "

30 December 2016

Gina Saputri

" Makanan enak, tapi pelayananya kurang, makanan sering kosong, gak selalu ready, tempat sedikit kotor, westaffel atas mati, cuci tangan harus turun lagi "

04 December 2016

Eko Agus Rino

" Layah 2 "

24 August 2016

Gu S

" Enak..murah "

11 August 2016

Bocah Ngapak

" mari makan rame rame "

27 July 2016

Bayu Ferdianto

" Selalu ramai, jad pilihan kalau mau makan murah meriah, oh ya es tehnya pakai gelas super besar "

29 January 2016


" murah polll "

14 January 2016

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Working Hours :

  • Monday 9:00 AM – 9:30 PM
  • Tuesday 9:00 AM – 9:30 PM
  • Wednesday 9:00 AM – 9:30 PM
  • Thursday 9:00 AM – 9:30 PM
  • Friday 9:00 AM – 9:30 PM
  • Saturday 9:00 AM – 10:00 PM
  • Sunday 9:00 AM – 10:00 PM