SPBU Pertamina 44 575 02 Palur
About SPBU Pertamina 44 575 02 Palur
SPBU Pertamina 44 575 02 Palur is a gas station, located at Jl. Maospati - Solo, Palur, Mojolaban, Kabupaten Karanganyar, Jawa Tengah 57554, Indonesia. Visit their website www.pertamina.com for more detailed information.
Prasetyo Budi Widagdo
" Just a normal petrol station... lokasi agak sulit dijangkau karena di bawah fly over palur "
01 May 2018Rudye Ban Motor
" Ok "
04 January 2018Dimas Priambodo
" Kalau kehabisan bensin pasti pasnya disini....heheheh...cuma atm xentrenya g nyaman nih....mungkin saran saja untuk kebersihannya...ditingkatkan y.. "
02 December 2017Farhan Muntaqo
" It's kinda little difficult to reach cause you have to go to roundabout under the bridge before you can get in this station. "
14 October 2017Agus Mubarok
" Nice pom "
30 May 2017RENTAL MOTOR SOLO HUB.: 085 642 679 109
" https://rentalmotorsurakarta.blogspot.co.id/ "
17 February 2017Patio MKom
" Stasiun pompa bensin (SPBU) tempat pembelian bahan bakar minyak "
22 October 2016