44.531.22 gas stations Banyumas
About 44.531.22 gas stations Banyumas
44.531.22 gas stations Banyumas is a gas station, located at Kedunguter, Banyumas Sub-District, Banyumas Regency, Central Java 53192, Indonesia. Visit their website www.pertamina.com for more detailed information.
Andy Hafiz
" takaran baik..semoga memang tepat..hehee "
20 May 2018Daru Cahyono
" Toilet kotor "
09 January 2018Maghfirron Arif Kuswiyono
" Ok "
30 December 2017Fairuzaimi Zakaria
" Dirty toilets. Lack of facilities. "
10 July 2017El Micha
" They've good toilets, atm and also alfamart "
30 June 2017Eko Anjar
" Makin ok "
18 March 2017