Hospital Dr. Moewardi Surakarta
About Hospital Dr. Moewardi Surakarta
Hospital Dr. Moewardi Surakarta is a hospital, located at Jl. Kolonel Sutarto No.132, Jebres, Kota Surakarta, Jawa Tengah 57126, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 271 634634, visit their website for more detailed information.
Setyo Utomo
" Good service "
25 January 2018Anggita Pratami
" The best hospital in Cetral Java. Best services, best facilities, best performance... "
02 October 2017Merah Putih
" Terimakasih RS dr Moewardi sdh memberikan pelayanan yg terbaik, semoga cita2 menjadi RS terkemuka berkelas dunia dapat terwujud "
18 September 2017Bidang Keperawatan
" Rumah sakit tempat ladang ibadahku "
16 September 2017ABDUL MUHAIMIN
12 September 2017Rudye Ban Motor
" Helpful "
22 August 2017Kasiyanta Deka
" Jam besuk ketat. "
15 August 2017Dita Ditol
" Rumah sakit tipe A dg akreditasi JCI👍 "
30 May 2017Clara Azelia
" BPJS √
11 May 2017Healty insurance √
24 hours service √
Ambulance service √
VIP rooms √
Lift √
Credit card √
Cash payment √
Home service √
Easy access √
Mosque √
Multiple parking lot (include basement) √
Parking service √
Unfortunately, children who aren't a patient was not allowed to enter the hospital room. "
" This hospital has complete facilities, adequate and comfortable for patients or visitors. But unfortunately the cafeteria in hospital is not 24 hours. But do not worry, in front of this hospital a lot of selling for 24 hours "
11 May 2017Clara Azelia
" Health insurance √
11 May 2017BPJS √
24 hours service √
Ambulance service √
VIP room √
Cafetaria √
Easy access √
Children (who aren't patient) were not able to enter patient room "
Sena Channel
" Hospital type A in Surakarta with complete equipment, but needs to be improved again its service "
09 May 2017Bayu Kristiawan
" petugas nya kaya tai masa kalah sama rs kustati "
10 April 2017Jason Gautama
" The best hospital in town "
19 January 2017Sasono Sastro
" Rumah sakit rujukan wilayah jateng "
05 January 2017Didik Subowo
" Let star speak up..!! "
14 December 2016Nabilla Khudori
" Saya pernah berobat karena jatuh, tapi justru dikasi obat untuk maag dan dibawa ke ruang melahirkan. Sounds absurd, but that really happen! "
10 October 2016Iwan J Prasetyo
" Lumayan ini rumah sakit mbangun terusss.... Tambah gedhe ajaa. Selalu berbenah manajemennya. "
27 August 2016Kasiyanta Deka
" Rumah Sakit Daerah, tipe A. Pada saat jam besok tempat parkir sangat padat. "
30 May 2016Aloysius Anangga
" Sopo ndes mbak ning? Wong jenenge "RSUD Dr . Moewardi" tok "
22 May 2016Adhe Marlin Sanyoto
" Salah satu Rumah Sakit terbesar di wilayah Jawa Tengah dan menjadi pusat rujukan di wilayah Jawa Tengah dan juga Jawa Timur "
19 May 2016Habibie Arifianto
" The best cardiology services in town, guaranted! "
17 May 2016Zigma RazZ
" I like this "
29 March 2016Erick Wijaya
" Pelayanan bagus "
29 February 2016Budi Wijayanto
" Ok "
18 July 2015Saofa Ichwan
" Semangat buat istriku yg lagi ners di rs dr. moewardi..!! Semoga dimudahkan "
03 January 2015Sihwidhi Dimas
" Tmptku mnimba ilmu "
05 February 2014Indri Ndari
" Nunggu ibu sendiri "
04 February 2013