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About RM. Soto Sedeep

RM. Soto Sedeep is a restaurant, located at Jalan Raya Ambarawa-Magelang Km.5, Jambu, Semarang, Jawa Tengah 50663, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 298 5994101, visit their website for more detailed information.



Item Reviews - 54


" Tempatnya nyaman, bersih, temoat parkir luuuaas banget. Ada masjid yang bersih. Juga disediakan musholla khusus wanita. Terdapat tempat belanja oleh-oleh juga koleksi kerudung dan baju.

Sotonya juga sedeep.... Siip buat ampiran. "

16 May 2018

A. Anugrahni

" Sotonya enak, kuahnya segar. Ada pilihan soto ayam dan soto sapi. Tersedia aneka gorengan, tapi yang paling enak mendoannya. Harga cukup murah. Selain soto ada menu lain seperti ayam goreng. Pilihan minuman banyak, ada susu segar. Di sini juga tersedia beberapa makanan / minuman yg bisa dijadikan oleh-oleh. Ada toilet dan musholla untuk pengunjung. Parkir kurang luas untuk mobil. Pelayanan ramah tapi pesanan agak lama dihidangkannya. "

03 May 2018

Michella Helen Cleo

" Sotonya yummy "

01 May 2018

Elsa Maulina S

" Good place for take a rest in the middle of traveling with a whole family. Good food, good price ๐Ÿ˜ "

29 April 2018

Devi P

" Cocok bagi wisatawan menuju ke Jogja dari Semarang, karena letaknya kiri jalan. Tempat makan ini luas. Rasa sotonya menurut saya biasa saja. Camilannya banyak dan harganya relatif terjangkau. Tempat ini tidak hanya menjual soto saja, tetapi juga jual bakmi maupun nasi goreng. "

28 April 2018

Maulia Hikmah

" Nicr place to rest and shalat. Middle-high price food and there are fashion products that also available here "

26 April 2018

Goes Tomo

" Good place for take rest view minuts and orders some food, coffee "

21 April 2018

Aditya Purnama

" Rest area yang nyaman, bersih, parkir luas dan cocok untuk anak anak. Tersedia rumah makan dan toko oleh oleh untuk anda yang sedang melakukan perjalanan jauh ataupun perjalanan pulang kampung halaman. Harus mampir ketika anda merasa lelah dalam perjalanan. Makanan dijamin halal dengan pelayanan yang ramah. "

21 April 2018

Akhmad Syafi I

" Good place. Recommended "

16 April 2018

Sefty Hanida Fitriyani

" Very nice and lovely place.... "

12 March 2018

Aris Arifin

" Enak murah komplit "

01 March 2018

Julio Andro

" Bagus dan enak "

19 February 2018

William Hendradjaja

" Surprise surprise! This is a good soto!!! "

17 February 2018

Hanik Maria

" Rest area yang luas dengan tempat makan dan masjid,, juga toilet yang bersih. Menu makan yang ditawarkan bermacam macam,, yang utama adalah soto dengan bermacam lauk. Disitu dijual juga berbagai busana muslim yang fashionable. "

16 February 2018

Dwi Joko Pramudito WA

" Large place, comfortable for resting, mosque available, cheap price for food and drinks "

26 January 2018


" Nice food, nice place and nice vibes "

30 December 2017

Ikhsan Gama

" Quiet good. But the toilet smells bad "

27 December 2017

Galuh Purnama

" Great taste of Soto... "

26 December 2017

Setyo Utomo

" Banyak kuliner "

01 November 2017

Bagus Sugito

" Sarapan pagi di soto sedeep, semangkuk soto ayam, dan teh manis, tersedia juga soto daging, susu segar, juice dan cemilan lainnya, pelayanan ramah & pro, dapur bersih, tempat nyaman, harga terjangkau. Recommended "

09 October 2017

Aloysius Andreanto Rahardjo

" Sotonya enak "

23 September 2017

Azra Laila

" Tempatnya cocok untuk acara besar, seperti kumpul keluarga, reunian maupun bukber. Rasa soto nya enak "

23 September 2017

Benny Soeharto

" Limbah mengganggu lingkungan.... "

15 September 2017

Dhias C. Hakika

" 24-hour restaurant and rest area. Great location, good food. "

02 September 2017

Kurniawan Aji Wicaksono

" still being my favorite rest area if i through ambarawa street. the price is good enough, not too expensive. also has a mosque near the restaurant "

11 July 2017

Rini Nurhayati

" Ada porsi dieeettt... ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ "

06 July 2017

Choyrum Novianti

" The special menu is Soto Ayam Kampung. Its taste delicious. There are also other menu likes tempe mendoan, tahu bakso, sate kerang, etc. Fast service, good & clean facilities. "

29 June 2017

Mugi Prayogi Wibowo

" Nothing special. I thought it is as good as soto Pak No in Banyumanik Semarang, it is plain. No side
dishes likes sate kerang , sate ayam etc. "

28 June 2017

Aldi Thalia

" Loved this place! Very very cheap but it tastes good ! The main menu in this restaurant is "Soto Sapi" I recommend that menu! "

27 June 2017

Alex Forester

" I think here is a comfortable restoran, there is a mosque and mushola special for ladies, nice for resting area, and many other. "

27 May 2017

Aditia Yoga

" Lokasinya pas banget buat istirahat,sotonya suegeerr.... "

12 May 2017

Hami Farchati

" My first time, the soto is good. They have beef and chicken soto but they also serve other javanese dish and snacks. The place looks unique and exclusive with moslem and javanese vibe, spacy and bright. The price is quite modest, not like other kind restaurant with over high priced food. "

05 April 2017

Galuh Purnama

" It used to be a great place to eat, but now the foods is not that good "

02 April 2017

Adam Ali

" Murah,mewah,lengkap dan murah kata yang pas untuk menggambarkan tempat ini "

30 March 2017


" Kebersihan 9.5 Rasa 8 ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿผ "

28 March 2017

Dhenny Arifianto

" A good dining place for your family, relatively cheap but delicious, various menu, and spacy parking lot "

26 February 2017

Hadi Sidharta

" OK, since it open 24 hours. have tried soto ayam and mie godog with standard taste. black coffee is good "

13 February 2017

Hazim Ahmadi

" The restaurant is located at a road side between Semarang city and Magelang city. I love the way they put the food so the buyer can choose what they like. The tastes of the cuisine are above the average. "

07 February 2017

Hanun Nabila Putri

" Great place for scholar cost :D "

03 February 2017

Sofia Yunipuspita

" Enak. Banyak varian pelengkap soto "

01 February 2017

Ellyzabeth Sugiharto

" Delicious "

28 January 2017

Guntur Sarwohadi

" Excellent place to stop and rest on your trip to Semarang. Good traditional food. Soto is definitely the signature dish here. "

14 January 2017

Heri Eko

" Nice location and they have a huge parking lot. Main dishes are soto, but they also serve fried chicken, fried rice, etc. "

13 January 2017

รƒlief F

" Lumayan.. "

25 December 2016

Ali Sofi

" ๐Ÿ‘Œ "

04 October 2016

Heru Setiawan

" Soto sapinya enak, ada banyak pilihan lauk. Menyediakan berbagai oleh-oleh. "

25 August 2016

Nur Akbari Hidayat

" Parkir luas...cocok untuk istirahat sebentar "

16 August 2016

Muhammad Subhan Tsalits P

" Joss enak "

11 August 2016

Mila Ardja

" Can be a bit crowded at times, just make sure the waiter got your order right. Also, expect a queue in a cashier's line. "

30 July 2016

Sidiq Permana

" Good place to rest and refresh yourself during journey. "

22 July 2016

Irham Hardiyanto

" Soto sapinya mantep,
Susu anggurnya seger...
Mantap deh pokoke. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
Tapi sayangnya wifinya susah konek "

09 April 2016

Arina Al Arizi

" Tempat,harga,dan rasa sangat memuaskan.namun detik ini saya sangat membutuhkan no.telp rumah makan ini.mohon d sertakan no.telp yg bs d hubungi.trimakasih.๐Ÿ˜Š "

27 March 2016

Habib Ibnu Alwan

" Ueenaaak tenaaan "

05 August 2014

Husni Yahya

" enak n murah.....puas "

05 August 2014

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