" Various menus, quick service, delicious food, and friendly price. "
30 December 2019
Indriyani Ida
" Great place to have a great time with family or group. The atmosphere is pretty good and feels like home. Highly recommended! "
14 May 2019
Zhoewy Zhi
" Serves too long, bad service, annoying "
19 June 2018
Almaas Yumnaa
" This place is suitable for family or group. The food is delicious and affordable. But you might need to make reservation long before you eat here because usually it is fully booked. "
03 June 2018
Epunk Punk
" Tambah bagus tempatnya.... Semangat... "
20 May 2018
Tanpa Nama
" Nice "
13 April 2018
Cipto Nugroho
" Lokasi yg enak utk makan bersama keluarga "
02 April 2018
Ave Rahman
" Nice place for dinner and lunch
Recomended for reunioun with friends, meeting, or beautiful dinner with family
The food is delicious and the service is good "
25 December 2017
Rosi Man
" Mantap abis "
01 November 2017
Budi Nani
" Good place "
23 October 2017
Anugrah Saifuri Rohman
" Good places and services "
07 September 2017
Dandi Saputra
" Nicee "
19 April 2017
Igun Pvjo
" perfect "
01 April 2017
Fuad Akbar
" Cozy place for lunch.. "
20 March 2017
Cahyo Hadi M
" Rumah makan dengan menu makanan dan minuman yg beragam dan suasana rumah pondok/gubuk pedesaan yg khas "
03 February 2017
Zilan Ndut
" Wah enak!!!! ayo nyobain ayam penyetnya pasti getagihan hehehe...beruan ke Saung Bu Mansur sebelum,kehabisan!!!! "
03 February 2017
Cupu Alaska
" Best food "
15 December 2016
Herlambang Cahyadi
" enak ini bebek nya "
26 February 2016
Yos Bajille
" Good "
03 November 2015
Prasetya Hendra Gunawan
" Good but the serve took soo long sometimes "
20 August 2013
Mas Arif
" asyik bisa ktemu ama indro dan indri "
29 July 2013
RS PasarManis Punggelan
" yuuuk makan "
29 June 2013
Walida Kurni
" Kayaknya kurangdeh buat nyolok carger gitu.ada hotspot kok ga ada colokane "
Humas P3ejawa
" Mmmmm... So so lah "
14 September 2020Hery Gunawan
" Nice chicken & sambal! "
25 August 2020Albazars Id
" Good taste and good place "
03 January 2020Lanjar A.D.
" Various menus, quick service, delicious food, and friendly price. "
30 December 2019Indriyani Ida
" Great place to have a great time with family or group. The atmosphere is pretty good and feels like home. Highly recommended! "
14 May 2019Zhoewy Zhi
" Serves too long, bad service, annoying "
19 June 2018Almaas Yumnaa
" This place is suitable for family or group. The food is delicious and affordable. But you might need to make reservation long before you eat here because usually it is fully booked. "
03 June 2018Epunk Punk
" Tambah bagus tempatnya.... Semangat... "
20 May 2018Tanpa Nama
" Nice "
13 April 2018Cipto Nugroho
" Lokasi yg enak utk makan bersama keluarga "
02 April 2018Ave Rahman
" Nice place for dinner and lunch
25 December 2017Recomended for reunioun with friends, meeting, or beautiful dinner with family
The food is delicious and the service is good "
Rosi Man
" Mantap abis "
01 November 2017Budi Nani
" Good place "
23 October 2017Anugrah Saifuri Rohman
" Good places and services "
07 September 2017Dandi Saputra
" Nicee "
19 April 2017Igun Pvjo
" perfect "
01 April 2017Fuad Akbar
" Cozy place for lunch.. "
20 March 2017Cahyo Hadi M
" Rumah makan dengan menu makanan dan minuman yg beragam dan suasana rumah pondok/gubuk pedesaan yg khas "
03 February 2017Zilan Ndut
" Wah enak!!!! ayo nyobain ayam penyetnya pasti getagihan hehehe...beruan ke Saung Bu Mansur sebelum,kehabisan!!!! "
03 February 2017Cupu Alaska
" Best food "
15 December 2016Herlambang Cahyadi
" enak ini bebek nya "
26 February 2016Yos Bajille
" Good "
03 November 2015Prasetya Hendra Gunawan
" Good but the serve took soo long sometimes "
20 August 2013Mas Arif
" asyik bisa ktemu ama indro dan indri "
29 July 2013RS PasarManis Punggelan
" yuuuk makan "
29 June 2013Walida Kurni
" Kayaknya kurangdeh buat nyolok carger gitu.ada hotspot kok ga ada colokane "
26 January 2013