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RM Gerbang Elok, Gringsing - Batang


About RM Gerbang Elok, Gringsing - Batang

RM Gerbang Elok, Gringsing - Batang is located at Semarang, Indonesia 51281



Item Reviews - 26

Bianca Taylor

" Decent food, a lot of choice for eating though, mushola, spacious parking space but is mainly visited by buses. "

10 March 2020

Sofiandi Effendi

" Good place to eat and rest. They have just renovated the musholla. Wide area for eating. Wide parking area.
Nice food and tasty.
The toilet is not too clean, it needs more maintenance.
The service was great, they all look friendly. "

11 February 2020

Ferdynand Zaron

" Not really good for taste of food and place
Toilet facilities "

07 January 2020

Denny Krisnawan

" Restaurant for the bus to rest time. One of local restaurant in Batang city. This restaurant is used by bus to take a rest and give opportunity to passenger to get a dinner. The food taste is ordinary and not special. The location is strategic, near the toll gate, plus a large parking area of vehicles. There are many toilets, but not free and a small place to pray. The price is expensive, compared to another competitor. "

17 November 2019

Eka Bonivas

" Ramayana's Bus stop... Cheap foods... Good taste... "

17 November 2019

Wiwien Wintarto

" Surprisingly, the foods from Ramayama night bus' meal service is not bad at all. But you guys need more work to keep the restroom a little bit nicer and cleaner. "

27 June 2019

Didik Prasojo Photography

" Rest area para penguna Po bus ramayana "

16 May 2018

Bayu Baylies

" Good food but low variation. Clean enough "

30 March 2018

Bambang Kurniawan

" Ok "

22 March 2018

Ethes 99

" Still a good place rest area "

31 January 2018

Saiba 43

" Just transit for a while, you can grab some food or snack or just go to the toilet.
This place is transit restaurant for passanger who are using Ramayana Bus, usually to take free dinner with coupon.
Do not expect the places are clean enough or food are good. There must be a lot of peoples comes around.. "

11 December 2017

Taufan Hermawan

" Just for transit. No good food, bad services "

07 November 2017

Jordan Fernaldy

" best restaurant in Kendal "

30 August 2017

Irena Jansen

" Lovely "

04 July 2017

Hamid Mukhlis

" Tempat istirahat makan yang cukup lumayan. Bus Ramayana yang akan Jakarta dari jogja lewat jalur utara selalu berhenti disini. "

02 July 2017

Antonius Irianto

" Restaurant for passenger of ramayana bus "

27 June 2017

Sigit Daryanto

" Menu makan bis ramayana kelas executive yang sangat sesuai dengan kelas nya. "

12 March 2017

Dian Haryono

" Tempat yg cocok dan pas buat istirahat sejenak sebelum perjalanan panjang menuju Jakarta, yg paling penting tempatnya bersih dan harga makanan pasti bukan asal mathok "

22 February 2017

Martinus Doni

" Masakan nya enak "

29 January 2017

Vivo Smart

" Bagus banget, enak kemaren senin naik bis ramayana eksekutif class ke situ "

29 December 2016

Agung Setiaji Utomo

" A restaurant for tourist or passenger from Ramayana bus from/to Yogyakarta to/form Jakarta/bogor/Palembang. The food aren't special, but if you feel hungry/need some bites in late night you can go there, in kendal division. "

12 October 2016

Leon L

" passed by here "

01 August 2016

Setiyawan Agus

" Enak "

16 July 2016

Monthy Nazar

" Harga makanan lebih mahal serta rasa yg seadanya.
Sepertinya hanya diperuntukkan utk para penumpang bus RAMAYANA. "

26 June 2016

Allan Onyon

" gudegnya enak juga "

19 September 2015

Aji Setiabudi

" Rumah makan + banyak toilet + musholla + oleh - oleh + parkir luas. Tempat istirahat penumpang Bus malam Ramayana. MUNGKIN seperti tipikalnya: pilihan makanan sedikit dan seadanya dengan harga yg mahal. Tapi oleh - oleh yg dijual punya harga normal. "

27 August 2015

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