" Tempat pemukiman masyarakat yg asri dan nyaman juga sejuk, warganya juga ramah dan bersahabat... "
16 July 2017
Herry Pranoto
" A cluster type residential complex of around 50 houses. The air is very cool and relatively cleaner than in the adjacent town center. The complex is guarded by security officers and the people are friendly. "
22 June 2017
Budimoeljono Reksosoesilo
" good "
05 June 2017
Andika Novianto
" Hunian kelas menengah ke atas yg ramah dan sejuk.. terletak di daerah dingin salatiga, membuat anda lebih betah untuk beristirahat di rumah. "
Maryanto Eko Saputro
" Nice "
19 May 2018Nur Fitria Candrasari
" Home sweet home "
30 March 2018Sabilar Rosyad
" Good "
01 March 2018Pengky Kurniawan
" I love it "
05 February 2018Nanang Suwono
" Wonderfull "
26 December 2017Raden Swatindra
" Melayat pak luki "
29 November 2017Firmansus Prasetyo
" Tempat pemukiman masyarakat yg asri dan nyaman juga sejuk, warganya juga ramah dan bersahabat... "
16 July 2017Herry Pranoto
" A cluster type residential complex of around 50 houses. The air is very cool and relatively cleaner than in the adjacent town center. The complex is guarded by security officers and the people are friendly. "
22 June 2017Budimoeljono Reksosoesilo
" good "
05 June 2017Andika Novianto
" Hunian kelas menengah ke atas yg ramah dan sejuk.. terletak di daerah dingin salatiga, membuat anda lebih betah untuk beristirahat di rumah. "
01 May 2017Taufiqi Galih
" Good place. "
27 January 2017Afrilian Budi Pacsindra
" Perumahan "
05 January 2017R. Wahyubowo
" Ramah nyaman "
06 December 2016Dith Tio
" Home sweet home "
24 November 2016Tripersumber
" Hunian yg nyaman "
03 June 2016