" Love this traditional market.. you can get cheap prices for the vegetables... "
30 May 2018
Ganang Ardiy Tama
" the most complete traditional market in purwokerto. There is plenty of spices, vegetables, fresh meat and fresh fish at low prices. if you bring a car please park side on the west, avoid passing in front of the market when the morning until noon because many street vendors. "
01 May 2018
Sat. Wiraningyudha
" Place is not clean, smells funky. but it's cheaper here. "
30 April 2018
Nazil Huda
" Not the super clean market. But still biggest one in town. "
10 March 2018
Sigit Hk
" Easy to find and quite complete. Price? Not expensive. "
20 January 2018
Bleu Mojito
" Such a great traditional market. U can find all ur groceries need with cheap and affordable prices. "
08 December 2017
Amalia Hafsari
" The best fresh market at My home town "
18 November 2017
Ainun Najah
" Theres a nice dish here, "soto sokaraja" on the corner of market "
06 October 2017
Fathan Rifardi
" The biggest traditional market in town. You can find any human needs here with cheap price. "
16 August 2017
Haris S Hartanto
" Good wet market in purwokerto, very interesting to see local produce being sold "
09 July 2017
Faisal Amrulloh
" Komplit....jadi kangen sama si Kang Yayan juragan cabé lantai dua 😁 "
05 March 2017
Ratna Apriliana
" Pokoknya beli apapun kebutuhan dapur dan rumah tangga insyaallah ada disini "
Susan Nofita
" Love this traditional market.. you can get cheap prices for the vegetables... "
30 May 2018Ganang Ardiy Tama
" the most complete traditional market in purwokerto. There is plenty of spices, vegetables, fresh meat and fresh fish at low prices. if you bring a car please park side on the west, avoid passing in front of the market when the morning until noon because many street vendors. "
01 May 2018Sat. Wiraningyudha
" Place is not clean, smells funky. but it's cheaper here. "
30 April 2018Nazil Huda
" Not the super clean market. But still biggest one in town. "
10 March 2018Sigit Hk
" Easy to find and quite complete. Price? Not expensive. "
20 January 2018Bleu Mojito
" Such a great traditional market. U can find all ur groceries need with cheap and affordable prices. "
08 December 2017Amalia Hafsari
" The best fresh market at My home town "
18 November 2017Ainun Najah
" Theres a nice dish here, "soto sokaraja" on the corner of market "
06 October 2017Fathan Rifardi
" The biggest traditional market in town. You can find any human needs here with cheap price. "
16 August 2017Haris S Hartanto
" Good wet market in purwokerto, very interesting to see local produce being sold "
09 July 2017Faisal Amrulloh
" Komplit....jadi kangen sama si Kang Yayan juragan cabé lantai dua 😁 "
05 March 2017Ratna Apriliana
" Pokoknya beli apapun kebutuhan dapur dan rumah tangga insyaallah ada disini "
13 December 2016Melvin Bakery
" Tempat Ibadah "
01 December 2016Mick Rodin
" Butuh suplier... Just call me.... "
06 October 2016Haryanto Sujadi
" Tempat aku kulakan. "
20 August 2016Yudi Setiawan
" Becer "
19 August 2016