" It is a long road here, matic cars would be hard navigating to reach this place because of the uphill road, while big cars will also hard because the road only fit 2 small cars, so if they meet another car on the opposite direction, it will be hard to pass.
The place used to have had plenty of jati wood, but because of plundering, we will hardly seen one.
Same also with the primate, when the place full of people they stay on the trees, when people gone, they will ransack the trash bin for leftover food.
As for bird, i was lucky to be able to see the java eagle gliding in the sky.
For vegetation, halfway the road to the hot spring, there are hot house, for plant museum.
As for the final destination, the highligh are:
- cheap food, compared to other tourist spots, the price is not much different with when you buy in the city.
- sulfur full body massage, 50 thousand IDR.
- hot water rainfall at the top.
- and freezing cold water river at the bottom.
- bonsai plants and orchid being sold about 50 thou.
- some holy man final resting place, at certain night, people come for pilgrimage.
To reach the final place it is adviced that driving a motor cycle or manual transmission small car. "
10 April 2018
Deny Zaniar Noor
" Air terjun indah, membutuhkan perjalanan yang lama dari tempat parkir dengan jalan kaki "
05 April 2018
Ahmad Sudrajat
" nice place,,the rodd need to maintain "
07 February 2018
Rachmat Januar
" the distance from the botanical gate to the waterfall location is about 4kms. the place is pretty far from the parking. vehicle parking lot surrounded by pine forest and cool. along the walk will be treated to beautiful scenery and also can break the place of food vendors while enjoying the view. when you get to the location at morning, the fog will be quite thick. when you reach the waterfall location you can take a hot bath or massage with sulfur. waterfall location also provided a place to sit to relax. up and down stairs makes you tired but it all pays off with the coolness and beauty of the landscape. "
30 December 2017
Yopie Wijayanto
" A good place for family getaway & for relaxing with sulfur water massage "
10 September 2017
Asih Restu Utami
" Nice waterfall.. But it take more energy to get it.. "
07 June 2017
Muhtar Amri
" Taking a bath in hot and icy water "
02 May 2017
Ryzky Staftyan
" its best place for you if you want some hot water spring.its just natural as it finest.coba kesini jalan kaki dari jalur desa kalipagu kalo km menyukai petualangan.you will not regret it "
04 March 2017
Ari Mia
" I have a good massages here "
15 November 2016
Andi Mulyawan Susanto
" Niceee... "
25 October 2016
Amirullah Ibnu Madi
" You're gonna love this place! It is accessible via public transport. To get there, take an 'angkot' from Purwokerto Station to Kebondalem intersection then change to another 'angkot' heading to Baturraden Lokawisata.
The ticket price is Rp14k to enter the Lokawisata. Look for and follow signs to Pancuran 7, there will be two other tickets to pay at Rp10k each. One to enter Pancuran 3 and the other to enter Pancuran 7.
You'll take a small hike and have a chance to enjoy the rainforest. If you were tired when arriving at the Pancuran, massagers will be ready to massage your feet with a small fee.
In addition, you can climb down to the Lokawisata entrance by 'angkot' or 'ojek'.
If you are taking public transport, make sure you leave the site before 5pm because there are no angkots after sunset, and boy, it's a long walk to get back to the city! "
21 September 2016
Fiqki Azizah
" Not as good as i expected. But it was a pleasant visit. I tried the so famous sulphur massage. "
13 September 2016
" This place is awesome! You can take a healthy walk while enjoying the amazing view along the road to the spring. There you can bath or get a massage while being poured with sulfur. It was amazing relaxation + you can enjoy local hospitality. Just be prepared for a little hike 😁 "
10 September 2016
Robi Tejo Surasko
" Nice places.... "
11 August 2016
Martin Adrian
" Akses menuju lokasi jauh, jalan jelek "
23 June 2016
Helmi Taufiqurrahman
" Awalnya sedikit kecewa krn sumbernya kecil tapi setelah turun kebawah sudah terobati rasa kecewanya "
06 May 2016
Na Fi
" Tidak ada dua nya "
24 February 2016
Julian Arif
" Tempatnya masih alami dan masih sepi, lumayan luas. Level panas nya ada yang sangat panas, sedang dan hangat. sumber air dingin dan air panas berdekatan membuat airnya bercampur di bagian bawah, sehingga menjadi hangat. untuk berjalan kaki harus menempuh jarak 3 Km dari pintu gerbang Taman Wisata Baturraden, tapi bisa juga naik angkot selam 15 menit sampai lokasi. "
01 February 2016
Sri Bimo Adhi Yudhono
" Unik memang .. tapi sayang jorok dan tidak terawat. Kami akhirnya hanya dapat capek saja krn hrs jalan kaki naik turun gunung terjal sepanjang 300 m. "
Ridwan Adisurya
" It is a long road here, matic cars would be hard navigating to reach this place because of the uphill road, while big cars will also hard because the road only fit 2 small cars, so if they meet another car on the opposite direction, it will be hard to pass.
10 April 2018The place used to have had plenty of jati wood, but because of plundering, we will hardly seen one.
Same also with the primate, when the place full of people they stay on the trees, when people gone, they will ransack the trash bin for leftover food.
As for bird, i was lucky to be able to see the java eagle gliding in the sky.
For vegetation, halfway the road to the hot spring, there are hot house, for plant museum.
As for the final destination, the highligh are:
- cheap food, compared to other tourist spots, the price is not much different with when you buy in the city.
- sulfur full body massage, 50 thousand IDR.
- hot water rainfall at the top.
- and freezing cold water river at the bottom.
- bonsai plants and orchid being sold about 50 thou.
- some holy man final resting place, at certain night, people come for pilgrimage.
To reach the final place it is adviced that driving a motor cycle or manual transmission small car. "
Deny Zaniar Noor
" Air terjun indah, membutuhkan perjalanan yang lama dari tempat parkir dengan jalan kaki "
05 April 2018Ahmad Sudrajat
" nice place,,the rodd need to maintain "
07 February 2018Rachmat Januar
" the distance from the botanical gate to the waterfall location is about 4kms. the place is pretty far from the parking. vehicle parking lot surrounded by pine forest and cool. along the walk will be treated to beautiful scenery and also can break the place of food vendors while enjoying the view. when you get to the location at morning, the fog will be quite thick. when you reach the waterfall location you can take a hot bath or massage with sulfur. waterfall location also provided a place to sit to relax. up and down stairs makes you tired but it all pays off with the coolness and beauty of the landscape. "
30 December 2017Yopie Wijayanto
" A good place for family getaway & for relaxing with sulfur water massage "
10 September 2017Asih Restu Utami
" Nice waterfall.. But it take more energy to get it.. "
07 June 2017Muhtar Amri
" Taking a bath in hot and icy water "
02 May 2017Ryzky Staftyan
" its best place for you if you want some hot water spring.its just natural as it finest.coba kesini jalan kaki dari jalur desa kalipagu kalo km menyukai petualangan.you will not regret it "
04 March 2017Ari Mia
" I have a good massages here "
15 November 2016Andi Mulyawan Susanto
" Niceee... "
25 October 2016Amirullah Ibnu Madi
" You're gonna love this place! It is accessible via public transport. To get there, take an 'angkot' from Purwokerto Station to Kebondalem intersection then change to another 'angkot' heading to Baturraden Lokawisata.
21 September 2016The ticket price is Rp14k to enter the Lokawisata. Look for and follow signs to Pancuran 7, there will be two other tickets to pay at Rp10k each. One to enter Pancuran 3 and the other to enter Pancuran 7.
You'll take a small hike and have a chance to enjoy the rainforest. If you were tired when arriving at the Pancuran, massagers will be ready to massage your feet with a small fee.
In addition, you can climb down to the Lokawisata entrance by 'angkot' or 'ojek'.
If you are taking public transport, make sure you leave the site before 5pm because there are no angkots after sunset, and boy, it's a long walk to get back to the city! "
Fiqki Azizah
" Not as good as i expected. But it was a pleasant visit. I tried the so famous sulphur massage. "
13 September 2016Ocyid
" This place is awesome! You can take a healthy walk while enjoying the amazing view along the road to the spring. There you can bath or get a massage while being poured with sulfur. It was amazing relaxation + you can enjoy local hospitality. Just be prepared for a little hike 😁 "
10 September 2016Robi Tejo Surasko
" Nice places.... "
11 August 2016Martin Adrian
" Akses menuju lokasi jauh, jalan jelek "
23 June 2016Helmi Taufiqurrahman
" Awalnya sedikit kecewa krn sumbernya kecil tapi setelah turun kebawah sudah terobati rasa kecewanya "
06 May 2016Na Fi
" Tidak ada dua nya "
24 February 2016Julian Arif
" Tempatnya masih alami dan masih sepi, lumayan luas. Level panas nya ada yang sangat panas, sedang dan hangat. sumber air dingin dan air panas berdekatan membuat airnya bercampur di bagian bawah, sehingga menjadi hangat. untuk berjalan kaki harus menempuh jarak 3 Km dari pintu gerbang Taman Wisata Baturraden, tapi bisa juga naik angkot selam 15 menit sampai lokasi. "
01 February 2016Sri Bimo Adhi Yudhono
" Unik memang .. tapi sayang jorok dan tidak terawat. Kami akhirnya hanya dapat capek saja krn hrs jalan kaki naik turun gunung terjal sepanjang 300 m. "
01 January 2016