PT. TBBM Pertamina Cilacap
About PT. TBBM Pertamina Cilacap
PT. TBBM Pertamina Cilacap is a gas station, located at Jl. Yos Sudarso No.7, Tambakreja, Cilacap Sel., Kabupaten Cilacap, Jawa Tengah 53213, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 282 533034 for more detailed information.
Laily Maudy
" Tempatnya nyaman, orang orang disana juga ramah ramah "
03 June 2018Hariady Hariady
" Bagus "
10 April 2018Dwi Yuniati
" Biasa sy mengisi pertalite disni "
01 April 2018Nely 04
" Bagus "
29 March 2018Sugeng Haryanto
" Good "
29 March 2018Gopal Ngadiman
" Adeeem "
22 March 2018Harris Cahyono
" gas "
03 March 2018Junitarung Paembonan
" My ship discharge MDO here 😆😆😆 "
27 February 2018Erlangga Elang
" Oh Yes "
14 January 2018Subit Moch
" Ini tmpt sy bekerja sejak thn 92smp skrng. "
27 December 2017Mulyadi Ardiansyah
" Tempat yg sangat vital "
19 August 2017Iqbal Syamsu
" Had been here several times, but actually this place not intended for public. However, it looks like a cozy place for work. "
02 May 2017Endy Sagita
" A place for reunion with old skools "
11 April 2017Yoyok Sudarman
" Jaya mahe Pertamina. "
26 March 2017