About PO Rosalia Indah Center
PO Rosalia Indah Center is a travel agency, located at JL. Raya Solo-Sragen KM.7,5, Palur, Jaten, Ngringo, Jaten, Kabupaten Karanganyar, Jawa Tengah 57731, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 271 825173, visit their website www.rosalia-indah.co.id for more detailed information.
Dita Putri
" A small bus station, quite cozy, there's a restaurant, minimarket, small batik shop, musholla "
15 April 2018Pitaxjoeli
" Head office of one biggest and the best transportation company.
10 March 2018It was the company’s bus garage, until the company grown bigger.
Currently it’s utilized as a central hospitality and departure station.
The place has its own departure bus line.
They’ll paging us to remind for getting into the bus, when the bus arrived on its departure line.
Equipped with airport like waiting room,VIP lounge, restaurant, clean and plenty toilet.
Its the best place to start a journey with a bus. "
Buddy Antara
" Visited just for breakfast and coffee. Delicious traditional food "
08 March 2018Andi Sasmita
" my fave bus, good service & the bus are well maintained "
24 February 2018Om Gunadi
" Very well organized "
17 February 2018Louis Putri
" The place is organized and clean. The service is good "
12 February 20183 Murti
" Good service "
16 November 2017Kiky Kiko
" Nice buses "
08 November 2017Adi Saputra
" Tempat berkumpulnya bus Rosin dr semua jurusan, fasilitas komplit "
12 September 2017Teguh Supriyono
" It was Very good service "
24 July 2017Gilang Romadhon
" great view for watching bus "
24 July 2017Darwis Penukal
" Ok "
28 June 2017Chris Hemasurya
" One of the largest bus operator in Central Java "
01 May 2017Ariesetiawan HCS
" Nice place,, nice people "
04 April 2017Eddy Blitar
" Good job traveling.. "
02 March 2017Alfan Rojab Al Fauzi
" Nice rest area. Foods is extremely spicy, though. "
26 January 2017Adri Wiratno
" Good "
12 January 2017Hafidz Wahyu Nur Cholis
" Good place for waiting. There's canteen and gift shop. The restroom and musholla are clean. "
12 December 2016Joe Hida
" Pretty nice place. "
22 October 2016Triyanto Pandawa
" No tlp kantor nya gak bisa di hubungi "
04 September 2016Kunadi Tanggono
" Good Bus Transport "
27 August 2016Heru Sularto
" restroom tidak bebas rokok "
08 August 2016Sarono Utin
" Bersih nyaman and cool "
20 July 2016Remukan Astor
" Okesip, langganan bus kalo pas mudik "
11 July 2016Si Entong
" Busnya Mantab "
07 July 2016Bimo Yuwono25
" Salah satu biro perjalanan yang baik dan nyaman 👍 patut untuk di coba "
23 June 2016Ardi Gunawan
" Salah satu bis langganan selama 5 tahun PP Sumsel-Gunungkidul.. mungkin sudah 30X naik bis RI "
24 May 2016Muhammad Rafliansyah
" Mau balik ke jakarta dengan po rosalia, tidak begitu direkomendasi dari jadwal bus terlambat seharusnya berangkat jam 10 jd berangkat jam 1 siang, service makan yg kemalaman masa makan jam 11 malam, trus perjalanan 1 hari lebih paraahhh "
18 December 2015Rusdi Nur
" naik bus Rosalia Indah rasanya puas. karena di dukung dengan bus yg nyaman dan crew yg ramah.. "
07 August 2015Barayev Ahmad
" Ada bis rosalia solo cilacap? Waktu berngkt jam berp saja? Maksh "
22 March 2014